oh oh oh oh !

A startled voice .

” I believe it must be a very good movie . Since our talented Qin is here , would you like to listen to the theme song of this movie in advance ?”

ah ?

Good guy , they know why the two of them are still on stage after the awards !

” Think !”

Great response from the scene !

” Then we have asked Qin Caizi to bring us the theme song of this new movie , ” Men Be Self-improvement ” !”

Ahhh !

The screams are deafening !

” Fuck , it’s a new song , or the theme song . ”

” It’s awesome , my genius . ”

” Excuse me , is this the real opening ?”

” Men should be self-improvement , and when I heard this name , I felt shocked !”

Countless spectators cheered .

At this time .

The dark stage lights on the other side came on , and the curtain opened , once again shocking the audience !

I saw that there were already full of people holding various musical instruments , including drummers , guzheng , violin , pipa and other ancient and modern instruments !

There is also a man with a baton in the center .

” Damn it , isn’t this the scene where Teacher Qin was at the ” Grandmaster Huo Yuanjia ” ? It was a Chinese-style feast !”

Some people showed their memories !

The music sounded , and Qin Ye, who was dressed in Zhongshan, took the microphone and walked towards the side stage !

Many people saw this scene and felt that their heartbeat suddenly accelerated !

When Qin Ye was about to step into that stage , the screen behind him lit up .

It was at the seaside , and Ye Wenjie led a topless man to appear on the screen !

suddenly .

A deafening drum sounded , the drummer moved , and his movements were getting faster and faster !

sound of the drums is even more deafening , and everyone feels their hearts are beating with the sound of the drums !

At this time .

An impassioned guzheng sound is inserted , accompanied by this deafening drum sound !

The audience at the scene and on the Internet only felt that their pupils were dilated , their hairs stood on end , their mouths grew up , and their hearts seemed to jump out in half !

Completely burst !

The audience went crazy !

( Prelude General Order )

” Damn it ! What kind of song is this , it’s too special !”

” Bunk , I’m sweating when I hear this !”

” What should I do when my blood is boiling ? It ‘s so awesome , I ca n’t control my excitement . ”

” Invincible , this song , although not as complicated as ” Huo Yuanjia ” , is more shocking than ” Huo Yuanjia ” !”

” God ! My prelude , I’m about to crack , I swear , I’ve never heard such a shocking prelude !”

Countless bigwigs at the scene also widened their eyes .

Watching Qin Ye officially step into that stage !

” It has already exploded before it even started . As expected of a talented Qin . ”

Du Dao muttered .

On the screen , the information of this song finally appeared !

” Song : A man should be self-improvement Lyrics : Qin Ye Composer : Qin Ye With the information of the song , a masculine warrior started to practice martial arts under the leadership of Huang Feihong ( Ye Wenjie ) !

The action is neat and tidy !

Coupled with the yellowish morning sun and the pounding waves .

A desolate picture was opened , which seemed to symbolize the unyielding fate of the people under the turbulent era !

” There are many Huang Feihong movies , but the opening of this promotional film , coupled with this music , has already killed all of them . ”

A well-known director said sternly .

He felt a kind of passion. He thought it was a bad movie , but now it seems that it was indeed made by (acbg) many filmmakers [ bad ]

! _

At least , this Huang Feihong , just the beginning , amazed everyone .

However .

Without waiting for them to think about it, Qin Ye’s high-pitched and resounding singing sounded !

” Pride and arrogance . ”

” Hot blood beats red sun . ”

It turned out to be … Cantonese !

The place is totally boiling !

Everyone did not expect that it was a Cantonese song !

“The bedding , I blew it up , Qin Caizi is doing as the locals do !”

” It ‘s so awesome , Teacher Qin sings the song in Cantonese !”

” It’s on fire , what should I do , damn it , Luo Xuanxuan’s Cantonese song was tenderness , Teacher Qin is a blast !”

” I’m so stupid , Mr. Qin started with G4 , BB4 , C , and C#. How do you continue this ? It ‘s so awesome !”

” Upstairs , what do you mean ?”

Countless people have seen rather eye-catching comments , and although they have no idea what they mean , they feel like a bunker !

At the scene , some of Xiangjiang’s all-round entertainers were shocked .

” It’s so high , it’s so high at the beginning , what will happen later ? Is it going to be so high all the time ?”

A Xiangjiang singer has grown his mouth !

” It’s G4 at the beginning , and it probably won’t drop , but can a man really sing such a song ?”

Countless singers couldn’t help but hesitate .

” As they expected , Qin Ye didn’t choose to drop the KEY!

” Still Cantonese , still started with G4 , the singing directly blew through the audience !

“The guts are like iron , and the bones are like steel . ”

” Have a broad mind and a long vision . ”

” Swear to strive for self -improvement and be a good man . ”

Bloody lyrics !

Shocking treble !

Unbelievable standard Cantonese !

In addition, on the screen, there is a martial artist who is trying to be strong and practicing martial arts !

Deeply touched the hearts of every audience !

Everyone grew their mouths and did n’t make a sound !

Too arrogant !

Too much !

They feel like their scalps are about to open !

Shocking treble again !

be a good man , be self-improvement every day . ”

blooded man , hotter than the red sun ~~”

Finally , the shocking treble of Bb4 swept the audience !

Everyone just felt that their blood was burning at this moment !

However .

This was the beginning . On the stage , Qin Ye was full of aura .

The aura emanating from the whole body shocked everyone !

The soul-stirring song strikes again !

” Let Haitian gather energy for me . ”

” Go to open up the world , for my ideals . ”

“The blue waves are rising , and the blue sky is vast and majestic . ”

” As a man, be self-improvement . ”

Listening to this kind of singing , some of the audience’s faces were already distorted !

They grabbed their heads and widened their eyes , their pupils already condensed together !

It’s like my heart is about to explode !

‘s too awesome , G4 is just starting , who dares to write songs like this , who dare to sing like this ?

” What does the upstairs mean? I only know that I am going to die . Can you explain it ? ”

” Let me tell you this , go and sing it yourself . If you do n’t drop the KEY , this promise will kill you. Anyone who can sing is not human , especially men !”

” Yes , even if you can sing , you can’t sing so clearly , this is God !”

Although some netizens don’t understand , but they feel too awesome !

You can tell by looking at the eyes of the audience !

And .

The lyrics are so hot !

Luo Xuanxuan’s eyes widened , looking at Qin Ye , she was already stunned .

She is good at high pitch , and she has basically reached the highest pitch in a female voice , but she can’t stand it if she sings such a high pitch continuously like this !

Also , to the highest position , it may be slurred .

But Qin Ye was indeed so relaxed .

” It ‘s too strong to have any friends , we don’t have your pitch in our female voices . ”

she murmured .

And .

Even though this song can be sung by a female voice , it is definitely not as full of masculinity as Qin Ye’s male voice !

The mood has completely changed !

” Stay upright and everyone is a pillar and a good man . ”

” Use my hundred points of heat to shine a thousand points of light . ”

” Be a good man with warm blood and intestines . ”

” Heat beats red sun !!!”

Blast through !

audience , including some bigwigs, all stood up !

They have been unable to control the power of the prehistoric wilderness !

It felt like the whole person was activated by Qin Ye !

” It ‘s too awesome , this is the song a man should listen to , cry !”

” Look at those little fresh meat , what is a man !”

” Men should be self-improvement . It’s a domineering name . Teacher Qin is a genius ! It’s still a Cantonese song ! It ‘s so explosive !”

site .

Some kung fu superstars all looked at Ye Wenjie .

They finally knew why Marven Ye said that !

Just watching the promo and listening to the theme song , this movie is already a god !

Maybe .

It’s really about to open a heart era of kung fu movies !

Qin Ye conquered the whole of China once again !

” Let Haitian gather energy for me . ”

” Go to open up the world , for my ideals . ”

“The blue waves are rising , and the blue sky is vast and majestic . ”

” Be a good man with warm blood and intestines . ”

” Heat beats red sun . ”

Sustained high pitch .

Continued blasting !

Many of the big guys on the scene are already numb !

Since Qin Ye ‘s G4 started , he never came down again .

Wave after wave , one wave is stronger than the other !

momentum has reached a peak , which is so shocking !

It’s like the heart is about to jump out !

” Even if I want to sing two G4s now, it’s not easy , but with you , it’s just starting , it’s really old !”

Liu Tianwang said with admiration .

He knew he couldn’t sing this song .

Unless he drops the KEY, he will be dead and won’t be able to get up !

And in front of the screen .

was also excited at the same time as his blood was surging .

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