.A clever team member realized this and took the initiative to say :

.” Brother Han , do you want me to invite them together ?”

.Wang Linhan’s heart moved , and then he shook his head .

.” Today is our dinner , no one else . ”

.The team members hurriedly nodded , thinking about how to curry favor with Wang Linhan .


.And TV .

.The director team and post-production are still busy .

.” Director , what should Qin Ye and Teacher Changfeng do ? Do they need to be cut ?”

.one person asked .

.The director had the heart to fire him on the spot , and patted him on the shoulder :

.” Xiao Liu , do you know why you are still a little assistant after working in the TV station for so many years ?”

.The man was a little confused .

.” Not only don’t cut it for me , but also cut out the respective clips of the video for me , put it on the Internet , and buy it for me , you know ?”

.The director was excited .

.Not to blame the employee , but happy .

.From the moment Qin Ye and Shen Changfeng started facing each other , he was excited off the court .

.This is such a gimmick , and there is no need for a screenwriter !

.” Director , I understand . ” The assistant’s eyes lit up .

.In this way , that night , various videos about ” Musicians for All ” appeared on the Internet .

.Especially the part of Qin Ye and Shen Changfeng , but it’s not the complete video , but the clips from the beginning to the end .

.The news also hit the Internet !

.#Qin Ye and Shen Changfeng exchange fire against Eastern and Western civilizations #

.#Qin Ye Hard Gang Famous Music Producer #

.#The most awesome student #

.” Damn it ! The student and the producer got into a fight ? This is the first time on this show !”

.” Does my teacher Qin still have such a stubborn side? I really don’t see it . ”

.” What’s the matter , isn’t this the director of the show team ?”

.” Haha , is this coming without looking at it ?”

.” I originally wanted to see who won Teacher Qin and Goddess Su . Is it still important now ? How can there be a good quarrel ? Talents from the new and old generation PK!”

.For a time , the show that originally collapsed for two episodes became infinitely popular .

Chapter 37 _ Fighting again ! ? First Update ?

.In anticipation .

.The new episode is finally online .

.Although , the people in Oita felt that the part where Qin Ye and Shen Changfeng were fighting was specially arranged by the director team .

.The purpose is to attract traffic , but it still can’t stop the mood of watching the excitement .

.For a time , countless people poured into the platform .

.And the synchronous live broadcast of Magic Capital TV is the ratings bodyguard .

.” Brother Liu , our ratings have reached 4 points now , damn it !”

.A staff member couldn’t help but swear .

.It’s really that the ratings are too shocking . Generally, if there is one point, it belongs to the explosive variety show .

.Two percentage points is the most popular of the explosions .

.The ones that can reach four percentage points are almost all the finals of such popular variety shows , just one or two episodes .

.Enough to see the high ratings .

.The show begins .

.Many audience members showed no interest at all in the previous performance .

.One by one complained on the Internet that one session is not as good as one session .

.But when it was Qin Ye and Su Lingyun’s turn to play , the style of painting changed abruptly .

.” Fuck , it’s finally here , cool ?”

.” It ‘s so ruthless , it’s an original song again , just the name , to be honest, it’s a bit lowering Teacher Qin’s level . ”

.” Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms ? I’ve read this novel . Although Xianxia romance novels belong to a small category , they are really well written . I didn’t expect a talented person to start with this novel . ”

.” Is it really that beautiful ?”

.The barrage became lively , and even the popularity of this novel soared .

.Subsequently .

.It was Su Lingyun and Qin Ye’s high-level performances that conquered the audience .

.Listening to the beautiful singing and looking at the familiar and unfamiliar lyrics , everyone was shocked !

.an apartment .

.Tang Qi stared blankly at the screen .

.” Could it be that Teacher Qin is my book fan ?”

.She was a little surprised .

.Although he is older than Qin Ye , he is used to calling Qin Ye Teacher Qin like netizens .

” Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms ” is her Virgo fairy romance novel .

.When it was first published , it caused quite a stir .

.It’s just that after so many years , the heat is long gone .

.Now .

.I found out that my favorite singer is also my book fan , and I was instantly surrounded by a sense of happiness .

.” This word is also written so well , as expected of a great talent . ”

.The original author of this novel has given Qin Ye full marks for this song .

.the other side .

.Lin Yuyan listened to this song and looked at the two of them in love. For some reason , a feeling of irritability surged in her heart .

.She doesn’t know why , maybe a girl whose talent and beauty are not inferior to her , or even slightly better than her , is about to appear in the entertainment industry .


.And the show continues .

.When the two finished singing , it was the producer’s turn to comment .

.When Shen Changfeng arrived , everyone was shocked .

.” Come on , come on . ”

.”A good show is coming , high energy ahead . ”

.” Let me comment on your acting skills . ”

.Now , it is well known that variety shows like to play this set .

.But it still can’t stop the audience from watching this kind of bridge .

.Sure enough .

.When Qin Ye angered the public , his impassioned remarks made all the audience applaud .

.And when Shen Changfeng was still talking about the most conflicting dispute between Chinese and Western medicine this year , to prove that the West is stronger than the Chinese , the passionate netizens were angry .

.” Shen Changfeng , get out of China !”

.” Go and lick your foreign father , while making money in Huaxia , kneeling and licking Midi , do you want a face ?”

.” You’re also a talented person , why is there such a big gap between you and Qin Ye !”

.” Isn’t what others say the truth ? What’s wrong with this society ? To be honest, people are scolded , aren’t Chinese medicine hospitals mainly Western medicine ?”

.” Poke into someone’s weak heart ? Be realistic !”

.” How much are you meters , how much is it , and you can earn it together . ”

.this moment .

.Everyone forgot that they thought this was a script at first , and instantly brought it into the position of both sides .

.The barrage exploded , and the two main battalions began to spray each other .

.However .

.Obviously, there are still many more people who stand in traditional Chinese medicine. After all, the people watching this show are all Chinese .

.And when Shen Changfeng used rap as an example to prove that English is more advanced than Chinese , he was even more angry .

.This time .

.It is difficult for those who occupy Shen Changfeng’s side to think , and the form is not one-sided .

.Many melon eaters who were watching the fun also joined the battle .

.Especially there are some Chinese rappers .

.In a chat , a Chinese rapper gathered .

.These people , who are not well-known in the industry , belong to the bottom of the music scene .

.But the character is very violent .

.” This big mouth really deserves to be sprayed . ”

.” But what others say is also true . Chinese is really not suitable for playing rap . Hey , it ‘s a pity that I know English differently . ”

.” What’s so great about facts ? We just need to be happy . If we go with the flow , we deserve to be called rappers ?”

.Wang Jiangang is also here .

.Looking at the chat in Li , he sighed secretly .

.Even if Shen Changfeng is not likable , some of his views are indeed professional .

.The four tones in Chinese are fine in other songs .

.But in rap , because you need to sing extremely fast .

.So. _

.Playing rap in Chinese is not easy to say , and it is not as exciting as English , which is a fatal flaw .

.” Qin Ye , in some respects, why aren’t you talking about poetry and distant places ?”

.He thought helplessly .

.At the end, Qin Ye only said that he should improve , but did not say how to improve .

.In this respect , he is no different from Shen Changfeng !

Chapter 3 _ a poem ! The most extravagant song in the Chinese music scene ! ? Second Update ?

.This episode, coupled with the hype of the director group , has received unprecedented attention .

.the same day .

.It has more than 200 million views on the Internet .

.It directly created the record of the program reaching 200 million the fastest in the past .

.The popularity of the show continues .

” Liang Liang ” also exploded on the Internet .

.At the same time, it exploded , and there was a news about ” Liang Liang ” .

.# Binda talented new song ” Liang Liang ” lyrics analysis , this song is far less simple than you think #

.This news was published at the same time as the variety show .

.With the release of the song ” Liang Liang ” , the news of this [ Unpredictable Prophet ] became popular all over the Internet .

.” The Book of Songs has a cloud [ Peach ‘s Yaoyao , scorching its flowers ] , this should be the source of [ Yaoyao Peach Blossom Liang ] and [ Brightening Peach Blossom Liang ] in “Liang Liang”, Yaoyao : …”

.” [ On the side of the water ] [ The so – called Yiren , on the side of the water ] from ” Book of Songs Jianjia ” , described as :…”

.” Turn into spring mud to take care of me , from Gong Zizhen ‘s ” Yihai Miscellaneous Poems ” [ Luohong is not a ruthless thing , but turned into spring mud to protect flowers ] ”

.” It is unforgettable without thinking , from the poem ” Jiangchengzi : Dreams on the 20th day of the first month of the first month of Yimao” written by Su Shi, a poet in the Northern Song Dynasty . ”

.” Luohua is intentional and ruthless . It first appeared in Feng Menglong’s ” Yu Shimingyan , Volume 13, Zhang Daoling’s Seven Tests of Zhao Sheng ” in the Ming Dynasty. ”

.” [ The cool night is thinking of you as a river ] From Du Mu’s poem ” Habitat ” :…”

.” In Du Mu’s “The Farewell ” … ”

.” Shiny comes from …”


.Unprecedented shock !

.No one can imagine the shock when they first saw this article .

Eighty percent of the lyrics of ” Liang Liang ” can be found in the corresponding ancient poems .

.Moreover , from different poems , each poem only has a share of one or two lines .

.A true poem .

.When did such a cool song appear in the Chinese music scene ?

.The network blew up .

.” Fuck , my scalp is numb , how many books does it take to write such a song ?”

.” I said that when I fucking read the lyrics , I didn’t feel right . I seemed to have seen it somewhere, but I have n’t seen it before . Now I finally know the reason . ”

.” What’s the matter , I’m gone . Is this a song that people can write ? What kind of talent can support Qin Ye to write this song ?”

.” If you don’t say, I don’t even know that the content in this song comes from so many poems , but there is no sense of disobedience . If you say it is a poem, I believe it , it ‘s so scary !”

.” It’s too extravagant , every sentence only takes the most essential points , it ‘s unbelievable !”

.Everyone is dumbfounded !

.this moment .

.Everyone has only one feeling , that is, Qin Ye’s songs are too extravagant .

.No one in the music world has ever written songs like this .

.Netizens scrambled to turn around as if they had seen some kind of monster .

.This article is also getting more and more popular .

.It directly overwhelmed all the popularity related to the show and reached the top of the micro-neck hot search list .

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