.” Really ? You must have read it wrong . ”

.Su Lingyun is embarrassed , a little embarrassed

.The best friend sighed , how could she not know that this goddess who is not close to men has broken her precepts !

.” Is it with that Qin Ye again ?”

.” Hmm . ”

.” How far have you come ? Tell me about it . ”

.The fire of gossip of girlfriends is burning .

.Looking at Su Lingyun , who was a little dazed , of course she knew that the other party had no experience in falling in love for the first time .

.She hurriedly asked , ” Have you rolled the sheets yet ?”

.! ! ! !

.” What did you say ? How is that possible ?”

.Su Lingyun’s pretty face became hot , and she glared at her girlfriend .

.” Uh , yes , you’ve only known each other for a while . ”

.She induced again, “Where’s the kiss ? ”

.Su Lingyun’s beautiful eyes widened again .

.” Huh ? What about hugs ?”

.” How about holding hands ?”

.Seeing that Su Lingyun didn’t answer , her best friend raised her head and sighed .

.” Fuck ! Then let me ask you one more question , are you sure you are together ? Has he confessed to you ?”

.There is nothing , and you are so close to each other ?

.” Confession ?”

.” This scumbag does n’t even have a confession, right ? He often asks you out !”

.The girlfriend said angrily .

.” No. ” _

.Su Lingyun instinctively wanted to defend Qin Ye , but it didn’t mean that Qin Ye had confessed .

.” I said, sister , you don’t know how you were sold when you were sold . ”

.The girlfriend looks like she hates iron .

.” No. ” _

.Su Lingyun thought about it and said , ” he sang a song to me that day , saying it was a song from their hometown, and sang it to my daughter- in-law … my girlfriend listened to it . ”

.She told her best friend what happened that day .

.Recall the song called ” Qilixiang ” !

.” I don’t know if that counts as a confession . ”

.Su Lingyun said honestly .

.I don’t know .

.The best friend’s eyes were bright , and she said excitedly :

.” I’ll go , is this how a genius confesses ? It ‘s too romantic ? What happened later? Did you let her finish singing ?”

.Su Lingyun shook her head .

.The girlfriend sighed and patted Su Lingyun’s shoulder :

.” You , I don’t like this, I don’t like that , I finally met Qin Ye , and I don’t cherish such a romantic way of confession . ”

.” If I were you , I would let him sing all night without stopping . My sister is very worried about your life-long event !”

.Su Lingyun was a little speechless .

.” Okay , let’s talk about business first ? I’ve left the theater and I’m going back to postgraduate studies . ”

.Su Lingyun was stunned for a moment , but she didn’t expect her best friend to suddenly take the postgraduate entrance examination .

.” Don’t look at me , I also wanted to take the postgraduate entrance examination after being severely beaten by the society . I don’t have the talent like you . ”

.Girlfriend is a little helpless .

.She was in the theater during this period of time , and she didn’t even have a chance to appear on the stage. She was indeed a little injured .

.” So , Xiao Yunyun , what are you going to do after I leave , my sister is very worried about you . ”

.” I’ll just live here ? What else ?”

.Facing the sudden decision of her best friend , she was also a little caught off guard .

.” Do you have enough money ? There is more than 4 months of rent here . You have to live for at least three months . I can still share it . ”

.” Don’t worry about me , go back to the postgraduate entrance exam with peace of mind !” Su Lingyun shook her head .

.The best friend also had a headache looking at the stubborn Su Lingyun , and said :

.” Actually , you now have three options . ”

.” Which three ?” Su Lingyun asked .

.Her money really can’t last that long !

.” First , you go home and live , at least you don’t need to spend money on food and drink . ”

.Su Lingyun shook her head and said , ” I’m going back , I’m afraid my dad will drive him back to school and watch him strictly . ”

.” Second , I said Xiao Yunyun , you are a public figure now , go to Douyin and start a live broadcast ! Receive an advertisement ! It’s enough for you to use it for a long time . There are too many ways to make money . As for worrying about life ?”

.” Look at Qin Ye , a song achieves financial freedom , look at you again !”

.” What about the third ?”

.Su Lingyun didn’t answer and asked the third question directly .

.Your best friend looks like she has lost to you . When others become famous, they can’t wait to take the whole family to make money together .

.You are good !

.So why did you go to that draft ?

.”The third is very simple . Go to Qin Ye’s place to live . Didn’t you say that he has two rooms in his house ? Live with him !”

.” He is so rich , and he eats and lodging for free . Don’t say that you are a little interested in him , it doesn’t matter if you are boring . They are both men and women in the new era. They are very open , so it ‘s not a problem !”

.Listen to the bold words of my girlfriend .

.Su Lingyun’s heart rammed .

.Living with Qin Ye ?

.If it was another man , it would be absolutely impossible for her to sleep on the street !

.But Qin Ye …

.Apart from being a little nervous , she was not disgusted !

Chapter 2 _ Invitation from the King of Kung Fu ! ? Second Update ?

.Qin Ye came to a commercial building .

.Feng Rong’s studio is here .

.Arrived at the company , it was late and there were still many employees working .

.” Haha , our genius Qin is here . ”

.The staff were a little excited .

.” Qin Ye , Sister Feng Rong is waiting for you in the office . ”

.A leader laughed .

.Qin Ye nodded and came to Feng Rong’s office .

.But he found several men in formal clothes inside , which made him stunned for a moment .

.Isn’t this what you were looking for ?

.” Teacher . ”

.Qin Ye said hello .

.” Haha , Qin Ye, you are finally here . Let me introduce to you . This gentleman is surnamed Luo . He is the vice president of Jinling Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. , and is also the head of research . He is also …”

.Feng Rong told Qin Ye the title of this person .

.It’s not a research institute or a university , and executives of pharmaceutical companies are also from the magic capital .

.And they have one characteristic in common .

.He is a member of the Chinese Medicine Association of China , and Mr. Luo, who is the leader, is also the chairman .

.It is the highest level under the leadership of some national research institutes .

.” Hello, Mr. Luo , what’s the matter with the boy ?”

.Qin Ye said politely .

.” Haha . ”

.Mr. Luo smiled and said , ” Young man , it’s great , the song ” Compendium of Materia Medica ” makes us very relieved !”

.Hahaha !

.Several people laughed with joy .

.Qin Ye was dumbfounded . Could it be that he sang this song by himself to sing these guys so well ?

.” To be honest , Chinese medicine has indeed been going backwards in recent years , and fewer and fewer people are studying Chinese medicine . We are indignant . ”

.”I didn’t expect that a genius who studied literature would write a song and sing the spirit of traditional Chinese medicine , and said everything we wanted to say. It ‘s really amazing . ”

.” So , we came this time to buy your song , as the anthem of our association , and also to promote traditional Chinese medicine , and hope that more people will devote themselves to the cause . ”

.Hearing a few people express their intentions , Qin Ye was a little stunned .

.Are they sure they’ve heard the song ?

.” Mr. Luo , although I wrote the ” Compendium of Materia Medica ” through the elements of traditional Chinese medicine , you should also know that I am using traditional Chinese medicine to satirize … Some things are not suitable for your singing, right ?”

.Qin Ye said carefully .

.Who knows , Mr. Luo waved his hand and said :

.” Of course I know that this is all right . What matters is the spirit of the song and whether it can make more people believe in Chinese medicine and promote Chinese medicine . ”

.”The teacher said that our association has never been able to sing . After all, no one in the Chinese music world has written such a song before . You really opened our eyes !”

.Seeing what the other party said , Qin Ye had nothing to say .

.” In this case , you can use it . Of course, I won’t sell the song . It’s no problem to authorize it to you . ”

.uh …

.” What’s so embarrassing about it ? Use your song for nothing . ”

.Qin Ye didn’t care , he said :

.” I am also a Chinese. It is right to make some contributions to Chinese traditional culture. It is not for nothing . ”

.His words also made several people awe .

.” That’s right , I thank you again on behalf of the Huaxia Traditional Chinese Medicine Association . After I go back, I will draw up the authorization agreement , but you must accept the honorary certificate and bonus prepared by the association . ”

.Mr. Luo said seriously .

.” No problem . ”

.” Then I won’t bother you . I heard that your teacher has important things to look for you . ”

.At this time, Feng Rong got up and sent several people out of the office .

.When she came back again, she looked at Qin Ye , and the more she looked, the more satisfied she became .

.In such a short time since his debut , a song has become the theme song of the West Lake Scenic Area .

.A song has become the anthem of a giant organization like the Chinese Medicine Association , and I heard that it will also be used to promote traditional Chinese medicine .

.This achievement has surpassed % of the people in the entertainment industry .

.” Teacher , is there anything else ?”

.Qin Ye was a little unnatural .

.Feng Rong smiled heartily , and then said curiously :

.” By the way , how far have you and Su girl show ? When can we have wedding wine ?”



.Sweaty !

.It seems that gossip is the same for all women .

.” Let’s get down to business , haven’t she and I graduated yet ?”

.” Yeah , they’re still young , don’t worry . ”

.Feng Rong looked like someone came over , and said sternly :

.” I asked you to come here this time because of another matter . Teacher Ye wants you to write a song . ”

.” Which teacher Ye ?”

.Qin Ye was a little puzzled .

.” It ‘s the king of kung fu , Mr. Ye Wenjie !”

.Qin Ye recalled the name in his mind .

.A former national martial arts champion , now a Kung Fu superstar .

.Movie giants , worth tens of billions !

.Just like many years ago , the salary of first-tier film actors in China is generally only 10 to 20 million hours .

.Other people’s remuneration for a movie is as high as 70 to 80 million .

.Now that Xiao Xianrou gets so much salary, he will be sprayed to death , but that is the salary of others many years ago, and the appearance fee of one person accounts for more than 70% of the cost of the whole drama .

.Aloof status .

.Of course , now others have their own companies , and they rarely take on outside dramas .

.Compared with Marven Ye , Shen Changfeng is a younger brother !

.I didn’t expect such a person to find himself and write songs ?

.” When ?”

.Qin Ye asked .

.”The sooner the better . I heard that there is a lot of urgency over there . I want to ask you to discuss it . ”

.” Of course , they also told me that they already have the theme song , and they can’t guarantee that they will use the song you wrote . How about it ? Are you interested ?”

.Feng Rong explained .

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