.” Hee hee , my sister didn’t come to visit the class , I’m an actor in this play . ”

.Lin Yuyan smiled tenderly .

.Qin Ye couldn’t stand this passionate beauty .

.Since the first time I saw my partner, I have been so enthusiastic , and I don’t know if this is the case with others .

.Change the subject and say :

.” Where’s Mr. Ye ? Find me to write a song . I want to understand the script first . ”

.Lin Yuyan glanced at this incomprehensible guy , and said :

.” Come with me , let me tell you about the situation first …”

.The two of them walked all the way towards the house .

.Qin Ye also finally knew why Feng Rong said it in a hurry .

.It turned out .

.The play has been completed , just waiting for the release , the theme song is already available .

.But Lin Yuyan recommended her to Ye Wenjie , so she let herself try it .

.He glanced at Lin Yuyan in surprise , what is the relationship between this beautiful woman who is like a fox spirit and Ye Wenjie ?

.One sentence can make you try it yourself?

.Finally .

.Qin Ye met the King of Kung Fu for the first time in reality .

.The Chinese character face is not very handsome , but it has the charm of a mature man and the atmosphere of a superior , and he has a righteousness .

.” Hello, Mr. Ye . ”

.” Haha , little friend Qin Ye , hello , please take a seat . ”

.Ye Wenjie said enthusiastically .

.Qin Ye nodded , sat down , and saw a hostile look .

.I turned my head and looked at it, not paying attention .

.” This should be the master of national style in Lin Yuyan’s mouth . Listening to Lin Yuyan’s tone , the relationship between the two is not very good . ”

.Qin Ye thought secretly .

.” Xiao Qin , this time it was also highly recommended by Yuyan , so I wanted to invite you to try it out . If I’m not satisfied , I might let you go for nothing . ”

.Ye Wenjie laughed .

.” Of course . ”

.Qin Ye didn’t care either .

.” Well , I’ll show you the sample first , and then you can see if you can write it, but I’ll give you three days at most . ”

.” Because there will be a press conference in a few days , it must be confirmed beforehand . ”

.Ye Wenjie laughed .

.Qin Ye nodded : ” Three days is enough !”

.Master Liu snorted , obviously dissatisfied with Qin Ye’s arrogance .

.You know , he originally created the theme song with his team for a full month .

.Qin Ye ignored him , the dog still knew how to protect food , he looked at Marven Ye and said :

.” Mr. Ye , you don’t need to watch the demo . It ‘s very troublesome . Do you have a script ? I’ll just look at the general structure . ”

.hmm ?

.Marven Ye glanced at Qin Ye with great interest , this young man is so confident !

.” Yuyan , go get a script . ”

.Lin Yuyan took an old document from a cabinet and handed it to Qin Ye .

.” Brother Qin Ye , my elder sister recommended you to come here , don’t be so arrogant !”

.She gritted her teeth softly .

.Obviously .

.She was also a little dissatisfied with Qin Ye ‘s ” irresponsible ” performance .

.” I try my best . ” Qin Ye smiled .

.I ignored her and read the script on my own .

.The others looked at this talented genius who was on fire recently with curiosity .

.” I think I can try . ”

.Qin Ye laughed after reading the script .

.The story about ” Huo Yuanjia ” is actually just that little bit .

.There are undoubtedly only two ways of expression .

.Or the violent aesthetics of kung fu .

.Or it is to show the martial virtue of ” Huo Yuanjia ” !

.Obviously .

.Ye Wenjie chose the latter .

.” Oh ? Is three days enough ? If you’re confident , it’s okay to give you two more days . ”

.he laughed .

.” Three days is too long . In this way , I’ll show you the style first . If you think it’s okay to do it , you can save your time . ”

.Qin Ye said indifferently .

.Everyone was startled .

.That’s it ?

.The song that came up after reading the script , can it be good ?

.Ye Wenjie was very amused , and said , ” What do you think of the style ?”

.” I saw a lot of Huaxia drums in front of me just now . I’ll show you the prelude. If it works , I ‘ll do it again . ”

.Before coming , he had already made a plan in his mind .

.The plot of this play is different from the previous life ” Huo Yuanjia ” , but it is not too big .

.All , he has already determined the song .

.Not so with others .

.Are you about to start practicing ?

.Is there such a talented person in the world ?

.One by one, they looked at Qin Ye in shock !

.” You still play Chinese drums ?”

.Lin Yuyan’s eyes widened .

.” Of course . ”

.Qin Ye said to himself, ” Is it okay ?”

.” When . . . of course . ”

.Marven Ye came back to his senses .

.” Boy , I hope you don’t play with us . ” Master Liu sneered .

.Just look at the script and there is a song , who will believe it if you say it ?

.Anyway, since he has been in the film and television industry for decades , he has never seen such a dazzling existence .

.It’s okay to ask him to do this , but can the creations be heard ?

.Qin Ye raised his eyebrows , glanced at Master Liu and said :

.” Master Liu , why don’t we make a bet ?”

.! ! !

.Some people looked at Qin Ye in shock .

.again ?

.This Qin Ye likes to bet so much ?

.The last time I sent Shen Changfeng off on the show , it was a well-known thing .

.Now you want to send Lao Liu away ?

.” Xiao Qin , don’t mind , Lao Liu is a person with this temperament . You should be familiar with him . ”

.Ye Wenjie rounded up .

.” Hmm . ”

.Qin Ye nodded .

.Master Liu just looked at Qin Ye hatefully . To be honest , Qin Ye just said that he would bet with him , and for some reason, he was flustered .

.Although he felt that Qin Ye couldn’t create any good music in such a short time , he was really afraid that he would not be able to come down on stage like Shen Changfeng .

.That’s it .

.A group of people came outside .

.” Master . ”

.” Master . ”

.Several practitioners stopped their work .

.I don’t know what they came out for.

.Only Qin Ye walked in front of a Xia Guo drum .

.Under various eyes , he picked up the drumstick and held it up high .

.” Dong ~ dongdong ~ dong ~~~”

.” dong dong dong dong ~~”

.” Dong ~ dongdong ~ dong ~~~”

.Master Liu looked disdainful .

.” That’s it …”

.Before he could finish speaking , the drumming became more and more intense .

.The drumstick flickered with an afterimage .

.The whole melody is getting more and more compact and moving .

.” dong dong dong dong ~~”

.” dong dong dong dong ~~”


.Everyone’s eyes widened with disbelief .

.” Qin Ye has already received it. I’m a little excited when I hear it . ”

.Ye Wenjie whispered .

.” Too imposing ! One person knocked out the feeling of a thousand troops !”

.Lin Yuyan’s red lips parted slightly .

.And this time .

.A man practicing the exercises beside the wooden stump , listened to the sound of the drum , and looked at the hairs standing up on his arms .

.A punch hit the wooden stake .

.He found that listening to such drumbeats , he could not control his emotions at all .

.So inspiring !

.Nearly a minute of thunderous drums , everyone’s heart seemed to be knocked out by Qin Ye .

.” So handsome , so domineering . ”

.Lin Yuyan said in shock .

.Finally .

.Qin Ye stopped the drumming and said :

.” How about Mr. Ye ? This is the approximate prelude , and the main melody behind is similar . ”

.” What ? You said this was just a prelude ?”

.Lin Yuyan felt that her head was not enough .

.It’s been a minute , just a prelude ?

.Qin Ye nodded seriously and said :

.” And this prelude is really made , it ‘s probably five times the effect just now , I just made a sample for Mr. Ye first . ”

.” Because this prelude is quite complicated , it’s more troublesome to do . ”

.All petrified instantly ?

.Such a shocking drum sound is only a prelude , but the finished product is five times better ?

.Are you sure you’re not bragging ?

.Whether it’s bragging or not , everyone’s hearts have been hooked up anyway .

.” Do it . ”

.Ye Wenjie was also a little excited and said :

.” You can do it with confidence , even if I don’t need your song in the end , I will give you 100,000 hard work !”

.He had fallen in love with that drum beat and couldn’t let it go !

.” How long will it take you to get the finished product ?”

.Qin Ye thought about it and said , ” It’s a bit complicated . It ‘s more than a day. Anyway, it’s not more than two days . ”

.The crowd is stunned again !

.They seriously doubted whether they had heard it wrong .

.It’s a bit complicated , and it’s not more than two days to get it out ?

.If you don’t know, you think that a month is not more than two months ?

.Do you have any misunderstandings about songwriting ?

Chapter Master Guofeng also knelt down ! ? Fifth more ?

.Film base .

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