two people’s negotiation was completed , they began to search for the words ” Huo Yuanjia ” with Douyin and soon entered the live broadcast room !

At this time, in the live broadcast room , the music equipment on the stage has been replaced, and it has become a long table .

The King of Kung Fu , Lin Yuyan , and Qin Ye were present at Lieshen .

people in the live broadcast room has skyrocketed to 30,000 !

He Zengyi movie release will have such attention ?

Not even the king of kung fu !

There is only one truth !

Qin Ye !

Chapter Opera , Huaxia style is famous ! (( Live .

Some media asked Ye Wenjie about movies .

can be obvious .

Many media people and audience wanted to ask Qin Ye about the amazing singing voice of the song just now . Is it really a drama ?

But after all, Ye Wenjie is the protagonist here and they can’t help but give face !

But .

Obviously some people in the media asked questions very quickly , and the topic was very sketchy. They seemed to want to end this press conference as soon as possible !

This made Marven Ye frown !

At this time .

A media person asked Mr. Ye , since you became famous in China , your royal music master is Master Liu .

What made you choose Mr. Qin Ye’s songs in this movie ?

Oh, when it came to music-related issues , the audience immediately became interested .

Only then did Ye Wenjie understand , these people all want to know about this aspect !

Actually , I didn’t know Qin Ye before . It was Yuyan who told me that there was a person who sang Guofeng songs on the music scene recently , so I paid attention . A few days ago , I invited me with the mentality of giving it a try. After meeting Qin Ye , the other party agreed to make this song a few days ago ?

That is to say, it took Mr. Qin Ye only a few days to write this song. The media asked key questions .

Ye Wenjie smiled and said , ” Yes , to be precise, it was less than two days. At that time , he started talking about Qin Ye’s time when he first came to the crew !

When they learned that the King of Kung Fu only gave Qin Ye three days , everyone was stunned !

What songs can you write in three days ? Too sloppy !

But when I heard that Qin Ye just read the script , there was this song !

And after recording this song in just one day , the audience was in an uproar !

” I’m going , such a classic song , even after reading the script, there will be 3,

” What kind of talent is this ? The prelude used so many instruments , but Qin Ye created it in one day ?”

” Invincible !”

The audience was shocked !

If it weren’t for the words from the King of Kung Fu , they wouldn’t believe it if they were killed !

” Can I ask Mr. Qin Ye a few questions ?”

” Please . ”

The media person instantly turned the question to Qin Liu !

Ye Wenjie must have realized that many media and audiences were very excited !

” Well , it seems that our protagonist today is Qin Ye !”

The king of kung fu never expected that Qin Ye, who had never played a supporting role, would have the lead role taken away by Qin Ye !

” Mr. Su Ye , we have also learned about your creative experience . I want to ask a question that everyone cares about the most !” Please say it ! ”

The song you just sang is similar to a opera , is it a opera? The voice just fell .

There were already whispering voices .

No !

Everyone was shocked !

” Qin Ozi , I read a lot , don’t lie to me ! ” What is not a drama ?

I bet a pack of spicy sticks , it’s definitely a drama ! Can’t go wrong !

Seeing everyone’s confused eyes , Qin Ye smiled. First of all , songs are songs , and operas are operas . We need to separate the two . This is a rap song , not a drama. As for the part you think is a drama , it’s just me . It’s the feeling of using the opera in the song to sing the opera with a more acceptable musical melody !

Ye Ran in the audience !

good guy !

Isn’t drama a drama ?

It turns out that Qin Ye said it was not a drama , just because ” Huo Yuanjia ” itself is a song !

, it sounds like a drama !

I finally know why I don’t feel disgusted when I listen to Teacher Qin’s singing , but I am enthusiastic , because the melody is actually music ! And the arrangement of ” Huo Yuanjia ” is very bloody !

Yes ! When he sings operas, he beats gongs and drums , which is very noisy , but when Qin Ye sings operas , it is the accompaniment of the songs !

Really satisfied , how did you come up with this ?

I finally know why Lin Yuyan said that she didn’t understand music at all in front of Qin Ye , this is a real genius who understood music !

Hearing Qin Ye’s answer , Su Wenchen nodded Lao Su secretly , it seems that this Qin Ye understands opera very well ! The points are very clear. Colleagues praised it .

Su Wenchen could only nod his head , but he wondered if there were people who sang opera in Qin Ye’s family ?

site .

Mr. Qin Ye , I think I get it . It ‘s really amazing to integrate the opera into the singing. Can you learn it like an ordinary singer ? ”

Qin Ye nodded and said : Of course , the national quintessence of opera has always been the pride of China. Although it is declining now , I believe that everyone has heard it and can hum a few words .

I also hope that more singers will try more and contribute to the spread of our national quintessence !

As for whether the singing is good or not , it depends on the level of the singer himself !

Thunderous applause sounded !

Su Wenchen was shocked !

Was Qin Ye’s words what his daughter said to him at the beginning ?

Use your own fame to let the opera pass on !

But Qin Ye is obviously much better than his daughter who is talking about soldiers on paper . He has really practiced it !

Just imagine , if Qin Ye’s singing style can really become a system , and it’s a big hit in China !

Is that a lot of singers imitating it ?

Will they choose to study opera ?

Will opera be more prosperous ?

less resistance to his daughter going to participate in that draft (acbg) !

Likewise .

Many people who like opera or engage in related work seem to have seen a beautiful vision. This is really a king of painting cakes ! ”

Wang Jiangang complained at home !

At the beginning, he was excited by Qin Ye’s words twice . He felt that rap was about to become more powerful , and he had to succeed until he returned to reality before he realized how cruel it was now .

The opera industry may be the same as it was back then !

site .

Another media person stood up .

Mr. Qin , I just heard your ” Huo Yuanjia ” really excited , but the arrangement is very complicated , and it doesn’t look like pure ancient music, can you explain it ?

This has aroused everyone’s interest again !

If you understand this , can you figure out why Qin Ye is so popular? Qin Ye glanced at him , he knew that the Chinese style of this world has not yet become a system !

Yes , my music is not purely archaic . ”

As you can see in my accompaniment just now , in addition to the traditional instruments of the Xia Kingdom such as Gu , Erhu , and Dizi .

There are also western instruments such as bass , electric guitar and so on . ”

My previous songs were similar , only you were always misled by the lyrics and the traditional instrument-led melody .

These songs are not completely equivalent to the ancient style , but it belongs to the ancient style . I named him Huaxia style !

of the three words “Hua Xia Feng” shocked everyone. I don’t know why . They all felt excited when they heard these three words. May I ask , what is the difference between the Chinese style and the ancient style in your mouth? As a listener , I feel almost the same. too many ! ”

The reporter couldn’t wait to ask .

The difference is as you can see , the traditional ancient style arrangement uses traditional musical instruments , but in addition to traditional musical instruments, Huaxia style may incorporate some modern musical instruments , such as piano , guitar, etc. !

As for the words , you can feel that although I quoted some ancient poems , I did not copy them completely , like .

This is also the reason why my music sounds like the ancient style , but it is more popular than the ancient style !

put it bluntly , it is to maintain the essence of the ancient style and make it more modern , just like integrating the opera into the song , you will be more receptive ! ”

Scalp numb !

At this moment , everyone is gone !

Why is the ancient style not popular , but Qin Ye’s songs are popular !

” Fuck , this really understands the music and the audience’s aesthetics !”

” I said why I don’t like the ancient style , but I have a soft spot for Teacher Qin’s songs . It turns out that the key point is here !”

” Teacher Su is still selfless , full of dry goods , and he is not afraid that other singers will learn to surpass him !”

” You’re thinking about eating shit , and you don’t have the talent to support ordinary people to play ? A prelude of ten instruments , who is so extravagant ?”

For some singers watching live .

At this moment , it was as if Su Ye had opened up the second vein of Ren and Du !

Home is happy !

They feel like they have a new direction in their lives !

” In the past, there was rap and the four tones were removed , and then there was the fusion of ancient style and pop, and the integration of opera into music . Even if you quit the music scene now , you will definitely be famous in the history of Chinese music !”

Some singers are not without envy !

At the scene , some media people were also interested when they heard Qin Ye’s unique insight !

One by one to ask questions , and the atmosphere is even more enthusiastic !

And Qin Ye didn’t make a sound , and answered them one by one like a teacher !

Many of his musical insights are eye -catching !

Lin Yujian listened attentively , looked at Qin Ye , who was teaching his career to solve his puzzles, and muttered :

” It’s really Teacher Qin !”

The second half of the conference has completely become the home of Qin Lia’s lectures !

Finally .

Driven by the host at the end , the topic was brought back to the movie itself !

Soon .

The whole meeting is over .

But related topics have spread widely on the Internet !

#Qin Ye’s successful experience talk #

#New music system , Chinese style #

#Genius design , the play is integrated into the song #

For a time, the whole country shook ! .

Chapter unprecedented ! Every fire !

Ding ! Congratulations to the host for completing the task !

Ding ! Reward the host Kraken-level chant ! ”

Ding ! Reward the host ancient martial arts , physical fitness +! “( You don’t have to worry about it ~ You can’t have it !)

, who received the system reward , felt a warm current running through his whole body !

Although my figure has not changed much , I obviously feel that my body is much lighter , and the strength in my muscles is even more explosive !

In addition , he keenly felt that his reaction speed and explosiveness were also much stronger !

Xiao Qin ! Wait a minute !

Qin Ye, who was about to leave the stage, stopped when he heard this voice .

It is the king of kung fu !

Qin Ye , who had just obtained the system, looked at the king of kung fu in front of him , like a prey , and had the urge to have two moves with the opponent, but this idea was quickly suppressed by him !

Uncle Ye , what’s the matter ?

Are you going now ?

Marven Ye asked .

of practicing martial arts for many years gave him a momentary sense of crisis !

Fortunately, this sense of crisis will soon disappear !

Qin Ye was a little embarrassed . Why didn’t he leave after finishing his work ?

Haha , I have been working hard these days . I am busy writing songs and rehearsing . My host has not given you a good reception .

Ye Wenjie said cheerfully .

Uncle Ye , you are also a busy person , so you don’t need to be so troublesome .

you want it , I will be anxious for some employees tomorrow . I will book a table and treat you well . How about I take you to visit our company in the past two days ? ”

Ye Wenjie laughed .

Qin Ye was stunned for a moment , and then reacted immediately .

Maybe the other party keeps him not just for the sake of eating , but it is estimated to have a good relationship with himself and to facilitate cooperation in the future .

” Okay , Uncle Ye , then I’ll interrupt !

okay , I’m doing the aftermath here , how about letting Yuyan accompany you around ?

” Okay !

Qin Ye agreed .

After Ye Wenjie left , Lin Yuyan gave Qin Ye a charming look , and said charmingly : Let’s go , my son Qin !

Qin Ye was taken aback .

This little beauty doesn’t really want to hook up with herself, does she ?

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