Su Lingyun’s personality and Lin Yuyan are really two extremes , maybe the latter is more suitable in this circle , this is really innate !

Thinking of this , his expression softened a lot , and he took out a bottle of water and handed it to her .

Well , thirsty ! ”

” Thank you . ”

Su Lingyun whispered and explained , ” but they asked me to drink and I didn’t . ”

Qin Ye smiled and said , ” You’re still smart enough to call me here !

Seeing that Qin Ye finally laughed , Su Lingyun felt a burst of sweetness in her heart, and she also smiled and the car stopped .

Su Lingyun was about to get out of the car , but now Qin Ye also unbuckled his seat belt .

I’ll take you up .

Hmm .

The two were walking on the road in the community .

This was the first time that Qin Ye took her upstairs . Su Lingyun’s heartbeat accelerated a little. She was nervous , anxious , sweet , and warm . It was very complicated at this time .

She suddenly felt a big hand holding her own small hand , like an electric shock for a moment , and her heartbeat suddenly accelerated .

Now is different from the previous situation . For the first time , the two walked on the road holding hands like a couple .

She didn’t flinch , but held Qin Ye’s big hand .

Qin Ye was stunned for a moment , then turned to look at Su Lingyun and found that the other party was also looking at him . They smiled at each other, and there was a feeling of soul mingling. Suddenly , a scream interrupted the warm atmosphere of the two ! Aura ? Qin Ozi ? _

Su Lingyun was startled and saw that she didn’t know when Runmi came down .

She hurriedly pulled out her little hand , like a little girl who was caught in a puppy love. Are you ? ” Qin Ye asked .

” This is my Runmi , my name is Xu Ruoxin . ”

Su Lingyun’s introduction , she looked at herself Runmi again : ” Why did you come down, Xu Ruoxin pouted, why can’t I come down ? You and Qin Da’zi are dating , and you lied to me about the team party , I can’t come down and throw a trash already ?

Su Lingyun was speechless , wanting to explain but not knowing where to start .

Instead, Qin Ye smiled and said , ” Hello !

Tsk tsk , this is our big son , finally seeing you, your drama feels more professional than our blood dramas . ” Xu Ruoxin smiled generously .

There is still a gap between you and you !

haha ! ”

People walk and chat .

When they got downstairs , Qin Ye said, ” Well , I won’t go up , I’ll go first .

I don’t know .

Xu Ruoxin was stunned for a moment , ” Wait a minute ?” Didn’t you come to pick up Ling Yun ? ”

Qin Ye was a little stunned !

Xu Ruoxin reacted , it must be Su Lingyun’s thin skin , she didn’t open her mouth , she hated iron .

I left in two days , but Lingyun is here alone , the rent is high , and her family as a girl is not safe . ”

I just want her to go where you share the rent with you , you can’t be irresponsible if you hold hands ! ”

Su Lingyun just wanted to stop Run Mi , but the other party had already made up her mind , so she could only stand beside her with a shy face , at a loss .

Qin Ye was dumbfounded !

Secretly, this is a good honey !

Let’s go ” What are you going to do?

Go up and move things ! How many salutes does she have ?

at home .

Qin Ye was lying on the sand watching TV , and from time to time he glanced at another room with the door closed .

Su Lingyun has been tidying up inside for two hours finally .

The closed door opened , and Su Lingyun came out .

” Come on , sit down , are you done ?

Qin Ye greeted him .

” It’s done !

Su Lingyun came to sit next to Qin Ye , and Qin Ye smelled a faint fragrance .

There is no woman in the house !

Let me tell you first , you don’t have to pay the rent , but if you are responsible for the cooking , I will be responsible for buying the vegetables and washing the dishes , so it won’t be too difficult for you, right ? ”

Qin Ye smiled .

He knew Su Lingyun too well and knew that this girl didn’t like to take advantage of others !

Su Lingyun thought for a while , nodded and agreed .

” That’s fine , I’ll rest assured that you live with me in the future, by the way, it’s not the first time you’ve come here , you can find some things everywhere .

” I know . ”

” Well , I know . ”

” That’s good , it’s so late today , wash and sleep . In the future, if you don’t understand anything about music, just ask me directly , I’ll help you , and don’t have more contact with those instable people in your group . ”

Qin Ye warned .

Su Lingyun’s eyes lit up and said :

” Can you teach me how to use drama in songs ?”

” Phosphine 7,

Qin Ye avoided and said , ” By the way , you are studying opera , this is quite suitable for you , but not every song can be changed into opera , so …

The two chatted on this .

Talk till the morning .

so late , you can teach me another day , I’ll take a shower first . ”

Su Lingyun smiled .

Ji Xin, who was living with a man for the first time, also relaxed a lot because of talking about music .

No problem , here you go ! ” Qin Ye smiled .

Su Lingyun trotted back to her room , took a change of sleepiness , and wore cute slippers to the bathroom. Listening to the sound of water spraying from the bathroom , Qin Ye was a little imaginative !

Just then .

He heard Su Lingyun calling him in a low voice , or else he couldn’t hear him rushing to the bathroom door and asking , ” what ‘s the matter ?

Why is there no hot water .

There was a noise like a mosquito inside !

the next day .

Feng Rong’s team assembled to prepare for the battle , including the one who was eliminated .

They are discussing the next battle , as well as the song selection teacher . We are the one holding back . Except for the captain , we don’t have a good chance of winning for any of them !

Feng Rong also felt a headache .

What did she vaguely think of !

Although , this show does not have the kind of shady that spends huge sums of money to advance .

But she also knew that her group was so weak because of Qin Ye , who had been in the industry for many years .

The director’s team must have intervened in secret , otherwise it would be difficult to have a group of four S -rank players. With Qin Ye in her group , the director would naturally prompt some relatively strong players to choose other mentors .

Of course .

This is also understandable. If the strong are in a group, there is nothing to watch. Do your best ! Don’t worry about Qin Ye . I’m going to let him play first . The opponent will definitely shoot the weakest one and give it away . Tell me, which one of the three remaining members of the group you have confidence in ?

Feng Rong asked .

Time , the three were silent !

Honestly , no confidence at all !

, Feng Rong said helplessly, “Hey , this Qin Ye does n’t know what he ‘s doing. He hasn’t seen anyone all day , and he doesn’t reply to messages !” ” How much she wants this prudent captain to give her advice, mentor , I have something I don’t know if I should tell you !” Wang Jiangang hesitated .

you say ! “‘ I heard that at the meeting between Lin Han’s mentor group and Xiaoyun’s mentor group last night , Qin Ye had a conflict with each other , it seems that it was because of it .

” Because of what ?

Because of Su Lingyun , it seemed that she wanted to leave , but the team members on both sides did not let Qin Ye arrive at the end to take her away ! ”

Feng Rong was stunned !

good guy !

Chongguan became a red face when he was angry !

How did it conflict ? Is Qin Ye injured ? ” She was a little anxious and said, Wang Jiangang shook his head, how can he really do it ! It’s just that the two sides talked a little bit and forged a grudge . I heard that Wang Linhan called his company’s top production team !”

why we are so unsure ! ”

Feng Hua instantly understood !

Okay !

odds of winning were not high before, and now there is no chance of winning !

Although Wang Linhan’s own level is not very good , his popularity is not unrelated to the team behind him !

In this way , the evaluation of the other party has to be added another grade !

trouble . ? .

Think big head !

In this way , several people went from morning to night .

In addition to picking songs , I just want to deal with it, but the odds of winning are pitifully low .

It seems that except for Qin Ye, the elimination of the three of them has become a foregone conclusion !

Feng Rong is also getting more and more irritable !

At this time .

A prestige came over !

” Teacher , I’m here !”

I don’t know why .

Seeing Qin Ye’s news , his impetuous heart instantly calmed down ! .

Chapter 2 Talent ! Wash your neck and wait to die ! ? Seeking full order ?

When Qin Ye came in , he saw several people frowning !

” Teacher .

Qin Ye said hello and found a place to sit down .

Well , what happened yesterday was no big deal, right ? Do you want me to help out ?

Feng Rong cared that Qin Ye was taken aback .

Unexpectedly, even Feng Rong knew about it .

Small problem , I can solve it myself !

Okay , if you run into trouble, tell me , teacher, I have no other skills , but I have been in business for 30 years , and no one can bully the disciple .

Qin Ye nodded with a smile .

It’s not bad if I don’t bully them !

the way , you came just in time , we are still lining up , who do you think is the best for whom ? At the very least, we need to ensure that the two of them are in the quarter-finals .

Feng Rong asked .

I came here to tell you about this matter . I wrote a few songs and made them into tunes . I will supervise you these few days and practice hard !

His words made everyone realize that Qin Ye didn’t see anyone for a day because of what happened last night .

Show me now ! ” Feng Rong said quickly .

Qin Ye nodded and said one thing , this is just for you , the copyright definitely doesn’t belong to you !

How dare the three of you have any opinions !

Nod your head like a chicken pecking rice !

Subsequently .

Qin Ye operated the machine and released the tune that everyone in the recording studio had been anxious to compose together. After singing it live , several people were dumbfounded. Qin Ye tailored it for them according to their characteristics . Even if each song is not as good as the one before him , don’t let the songs they picked be too strong !

was three top-notch hits at one time . It was unbelievable that they knew what Qin Ye meant by solving it himself. This was to make a decision to drive out the Wang Linhan group !

It seems .

The other party really touched Qin Ye’s inverse scale last night !

They are excited !

With these three songs written by Qin Ye , their odds of winning are too high !

a few days later .

Record the scene .

Several teams gathered together , including the eliminated players .

The director is announcing the rules of the game !

While listening , some people glanced around, and their eyes mainly focused on a few people. Qin Ye , Su Lingyun , and Wang Linhan, some people also noticed that He Guang was wearing a black wristband on his right wrist , and the corners of his mouth twitched instantly . Get up !

Yesterday’s incident can’t be hidden if you want to hide it , it has already spread in the circle !

The director announced .

And if there is a deep meaning to look at Qin Ye !

rules are like this . Players from Team Feng Rong and Team Wang Linhan will play together , and the other teams will rest in the backcourt , so you can prepare .

Done .

He left here .

” Qin Ye . ”

A nice voice sounded .

Qin Ye looked back and saw that it was Xu Xiaoyun .

Instructor , what’s the matter ?

Xu Xiaoyun was a little confused , she didn’t know why she wanted to explain it to Qin Ye !

The other party is just a student and a junior !

that . I know what happened yesterday. I have already punished Feng Zhen and the others. I hope you don’t take offense . Sorry, Qin Ye nodded and said : ” Teacher , you do n’t need to tell me this , I never put them in my heart ! ”

amount .

This time, it was Xu Xiaoyun’s turn, she didn’t know what to say !

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