Xu Xiaoyun murmured .

They were already convinced by Qin Ye’s singing .

Looking at Wang Linhan’s group , it was like seeing a ghost. Was this still the arrogant and domineering Qin Ye that day ?

It’s hard to connect these two images , two voices !

” If you’ve always been so gentle , that ‘s fine !

Another girl in Xu Xiaoyun’s group said .

horrified when she saw Qin Ye’s rampage that day !

Now .

They didn’t even dare to look at Qin Ye .

And after listening to this song , she not only dared to look at Qin Ye , but also wanted to watch Qin Ye and wanted to keep watching !

The voice of nature continues !

afraid you will fly away , I’m afraid you will leave me .

I’m more afraid that you will stay here forever .

Every drop of tears flows to you .

” Back to the bottom of the sky .

of the pictures and the singing in the minds of people is so touching !

Qin Ye sang the first stanza , all the audience (acbg) stood up, but there was no commotion !

No rowdy !

Quietly applauding one by one !

The applause wasn’t huge , but it was continuous !

” It’s such a scene again , maybe the audience’s feelings are different this time !

Li Zhe said with emotion .

Qin Ye often sings like this , the audience just applauds but doesn’t scream !

I listened to ” Huo Yuanjia ” , I was so shocked that I forgot to scream !

Listening to this ” Big Fish ” , I couldn’t bear to break such a beautiful and dreamy scene !

The king today, who was infected , also stood up and applauded quietly .

Feng Rong , Xu Xiaoyun , the director team , the sitting staff , and the players in the backcourt all stood up and applauded !

But there is no other sound like admiring a work of art !

Wang Linhan’s group is a little embarrassed !

Sitting is not !

stand . It doesn’t seem to be quite the time to sit still !

The waves silently drowned the night .

across the corners of the sky . “”

Backflow into the seabed of the sky .

The second stanza is over !

There was a quiet applause from the scene again !

the backstage, Su Lingyun wore a smile that made a man’s heart tremble. Looking at this scene, this was the first time that the man she fell in love with. Just when everyone thought the singing was over, something unexpected happened !

Qin Ye on the stage closed his eyes, ah ~~ ah ~ If a pebble falls into the calm lake , it will make ripples !

who were originally quiet in mind widened their eyes and their pores dilated !

Sweat upside down !

Scalp numb !

of neural responses only took place in an instant !

what is this ! ”

Before the people’s exclamations could fully come out , Qin Ye’s siren-like chanting struck again !

This time, the feelings are even more shocking ~ ah ~~ ah !

The originally calm scene was completely fried, and no one could keep calm !

Ah ah ah ! what is this ? There seems to be something in my ears !

Omg ! What a fairy voice , I got goosebumps all over my body .

Qin Ye’s singing has never stopped , and his emotions are gradually advancing to my heaven ! Is this a human voice ?

Holy crap , I’ve never heard this kind of music before , it’s amazing , it ‘s like going through my whole body !

The grass is so awesome , listening to this voice , I seem to jump out of this time and space , it ‘s crazy ! ”

Everyone was shocked to see Qin Ye singing with his eyes closed, as if he could see tangible sound waves from his mouth !

Xu Xiaoyun and Li Zhe looked at each other !

Incredible !

This is the last big move . Does this kind of voice really exist in the Chinese music scene ?

Xu Xiaoyun feels that everyone is stupid for this kind of singing , and it also exists in some of her songs !

But if you think back to your own singing , compared to this singing that ravaged the audience like the reincarnation of a sea god , even a fart is not considered a slag !

How many tricks will he have ? Maybe we can no longer be called mentors . As long as Qin Ye takes the stage , we are fans . ” Li Zhe is really a fan of Qin Ye !

If before , he attributed Qin Ye’s success to the other party’s?hua !

At that moment , his mentality changed !

This is no longer something that talent can do, but a thorough talent. All acquired efforts are worthless in front of Tianbin like this !

You finally know how I felt when I first heard this song !

Feng Rong’s voice was calm , but her expression was very excited !

When she listened to Qin Ye sing, her whole body almost fell apart. Qin Ye’s chant that was raging in the audience ended .

The audience couldn’t control their emotions at all !

Invincible to the explosion , this is the first time I hear such a song , even if I don’t sing a word , this is the first masterpiece in my heart ! ”

‘s unbelievable . I don’t think I’ll ever forget today. Thank you , Teacher Qin !

, I beg the director team to let Teacher Qin sing again , I will kneel down for you !

” I want to hear it too , sing it again !

Sing again !

Some people are already dissatisfied and shout to the director team !

They want to relive the feeling just now !

The players in the backcourt even made direct moves to the bottom !

” Take it , take it , Qin Ye is my idol from today , a god-like existence !”

Wang Mo, a double- S player, completely worshipped !

The on-site director is amazing !

Man , I want to hear it too !

But isn’t this a game ?

If he is not a director , he must also join the army of fans !

” Thank you all !”

Qin Ye bowed :

” If you want to listen to this song , you can wait for the show to be broadcast and it’s still being recorded ! Don’t embarrass the director !”

The director was relieved to hear that !

To be honest , it is not the first time he has seen this kind of reaction from the audience after doing the show for so many years !

he knows that only this time , the audience is playing for real !

It’s been a long time .

The scene just completely calmed down !

host came to the stage again and said that I want to listen to it again , but I have a salary , so I can’t be as capricious as you guys !

Hahaha !

ado , here are three music critics to comment !

Three music critics, you look at me , I look at you .

Finally , the new music critic picked up the microphone .

To be honest , I joined the show halfway through . ”

Some people’s eyes are also strange .

Before I came here, I thought about it , and I tried to keep Qin Ye’s comments as brief as possible, hahaha !

now , I think I can’t be brief , because I have witnessed a grand auditory feast ! Having been making music for 20 years, I thought I was numb to sound !

But Qin Ye’s singing let me know that it ‘s not that I’m numb , but that there is no sound in the Chinese music scene that can break through the layers of shackles and reach my heart .

However , Qin Ye has done it . Others only say how talented Qin Ye is , but I feel that your voice is the only voice in the Chinese music scene that can go out !

The person who made up his mind to make a short comment before coming here seems to have opened the conversation !

It seems to be opened by Qin Ye’s singing, and the heart that has been sealed by all kinds of voices for 20 years !

in words is self-evident. I think that the champion has already been produced , and there will be no singing in future competitions that surpasses this time !

Ahhh !

Hearing this undisguised compliment , the scene was completely boiling !

However .

But there was an untimely voice .

” Mr. Sun , that’s not necessarily true !” Everyone was stunned , then looked at the stage , exactly what Qin Ye said !

Well , whoever I said was so arrogant , it was Teacher Qin himself, even Teacher Sun, who was stunned for a moment , and then laughed out loud .

Yes , I forgot about yourself . If it is true , it must be my only expectation for this stage ! ”

Loudly !

by a professional producer on any occasion , anywhere !

The only thing to look forward to !

How domineering !

Thank you Mr. Sun !

Then two other old music critics also expressed their respect and disbelief !

Then there are the four mentors !

Qin Ye will definitely be my best disciple , and he will definitely surpass my achievements .

I have been to Lao Sun and said that Qin Ye’s singing is his only expectation on this stage , then Qin Ye is my only expectation for the Chinese music scene ! ”

Feng Rong said loudly .

Sibo is not afraid that others will say that she is flattering to learn, but no one has the slightest opinion !

That’s it .

The review session ended with various compliments .

Even Wang Linhan simply praised it !

He wants to die !

But he doesn’t have the courage to be enemies with the world . Below, we will ask our 500 live audience to take out the voting machine and choose the player you support !

This time , the audience is no longer confused !

Let’s see the final vote count ! ”

No one would think that Zheng Youlai could hide .

Even if the two of them sing the same song , at the same level , Qin Ye’s popularity will be crushed and won .

What’s more, the gap between the two of them, no matter their songs or singing , is like a moat !

screen lit up , and the result still shocked the scene 47:3 no one could imagine the difference in the number of votes !

Maybe .

In the journey of everyone’s life , as long as there has been a vote , there will be no such gap !

In shock , a sudden voice sounded !

What the hell ! Which three non-eared Zheng Youlai voted for this number of votes ? ”

puff !

Really broken defense !

Hilarious laughter sounded !

Haha , bro , you are so humorous . ” It’s so awesome , it starts with a shit and ends with us shit !”

” Hahaha !”

Some players looked at this scene with strange eyes !

47 votes !

They asked themselves , even if they played against a baby who couldn’t speak , the other party would still get a lot of votes !

PK with Qin Yao is a real hard-to-get vote !

Qin Ye .

As if it were an invincible existence !

” Anyway , it’s a dead man, and I’m not ready to win you . What are you happy about ? You’ll cry later !”

Wang Linhan said with hatred !

Even if he was an opponent , he never thought of winning Qin Ye !

As long as he becomes a lonely person , he will have a perverted pleasure in his heart ! .

Chapter 4 _ ” Painted Skin ” ? I think it’s murderous ! Defensive ! ? Seeking full order ? (7)

Congratulations to Qin Ye for advancing to the top eight in the country !

The host said loudly .

Qin Ye withdrew from the stage in the tidal wave of applause !

” Next, we will invite our mentor Wang Linhan to send players to the stage first !”

Wang Linhan thought for a while .

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