” Looking at the fame , what kind of dream is it that Qin Caizi can write songs !

Haha , the same , it made my heart itch , is there such a god as the rumor ?

Call all kinds of supportive voices for Qin Caizi .

And the show just started .

TV ratings have approached five percent !

“?, I finally know why they let Qin Ye do whatever they want !

An overview of the feelings of a TV station .

Such a perverted viewership has exceeded the average of the previous two seasons by two or three times !

Several mentors are the same , and there is no one particularly outstanding player, so there is only one answer !

Such a large amount of traffic is unprecedented !

Fragrant !

However .

The audience just wants to watch the show !

In the bright and ruthless talk in front , Qin Ye asked the other party to wash his neck and wait until he died, which really scared a lot of people !

Many Qin Ye fans seem to know him for the first time, of course .

This topic passed quickly .

Because .

The first one to play is Qin Ye !

“I believe that many people know that our country ‘s book ” Zhuangzi Road Travels Away ” !

” He dreamed of a fantasy world , a world that integrated ” Dao Yaoyou “, ” Shan Hai Jing ” and ” Sou Shen Ji ” !”

” In there, Kunpeng heard the host’s introduction , and the live broadcast room was boiling !

What the hell ! Is this a genius ? All dreams are Lao Zhuang !

ashamed , I only poop in my dreams , I’m embarrassed to everyone ” I’m a little better , I often dream of eating !”

Upstairs , why don’t the two of you have complementary dreams ? “. is a genius , even dreaming is so literate , netizens are showing off jokes after being convinced !

At this time .

The melody sounded like rain falling on the lake .

Qin Ye’s soft singing also followed, and the waves silently drowned the night .

” Over the corners of the sky’s end . ”

without the slightest impurity has sung tens of millions of people drunk !

People are addicted !

Imperial City !

A luxury building !

Here is the CEO of Yongrui Group, the largest film and television company in China.

A beautiful woman with black-rimmed glasses and a big yellow wavy shawl is watching the live broadcast !

She is Yong Rui’s young director – Lin Tong !

Graduated from New York Film Academy !

But I have a soft spot for Chinese traditional culture !

Inspirational to spread these things in the form of movies !

It is also known as the most beautiful director in China !

” ” Sui Yaoyou “, ” Shan Hai Jing “, ” Sou Shen Ji ” ?”

Her willow eyebrows are slightly raised !

I don’t know why .

Just hearing the host’s introduction , he has a feeling of yearning for that world !

And when Qin Ye sang, it really shocked her !

It’s too picture-perfect .

This song actually has a kind of ethereal feeling listening to it .

She went crazy .

But Mo Ran , she is very clever !

Ah ~ Ah, Qin Ye’s chant was like a sound wave , hitting her mind , ” Omay , how did you do this ?

Facing the chant that almost penetrated her body , she was shocked !

He looked down at a document in his hand !

It is a copyright subscription contract !

About ” Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms ” !

At first .

After listening to the song ” Liang Liang ” , she applied to the company to buy the film and television copyright !

until recently .

After the novel was popularized by Qin Ye , the company approved it !

It seems that this time, I might have to buy one more copyright , Qin Ye ?

Really looking forward to meeting you !

The most beautiful director in China has slightly upturned lips !

She is very interested in Qin Ye and feels that many of the songs sung by him are the source of her inspiration !

And the live broadcast room had already been convinced by Qin Ye’s sea-monster-like singing, one by one competing to express their admiration !

Everyone didn’t feel anything wrong when they heard the ridiculously high comments from the music critics and mentors .

PK between the two ended with Qin Ye crushing it !

Rolling can’t describe such a big disparity !

Although Qin Ye’s performance is over .

But the expectations of the audience did not diminish, but Wang Linhan returned . It is worth looking forward to !

Finally .

In the next program , they understand what it means not to live !

” Drawing Heart ” and ” The Bell in the Opposite Direction ” shocked the entire network. They knew that even if Qin Ye didn’t sing it himself, he could still conquer the audience !

Ultimately .

The persistent netizens finally waited for the moment when Wang Linhan broke the defense .

The Internet is boiling !

And the final admission of defeat shocked everyone even more. It was only a title like [ Song written by Qin Ye ] , and the other party was directly disarmed and surrendered !

Fog ! I understand that , no one can stand it !

“The whole army is wiped out ? Wang Linhan’s members are gone ? Teacher Qin is too cruel !

” Some mentors are still there, but the players are gone !

This simply made history ,?The top eight , Wang Linhan was dismissed from class ?

The whole internet exploded !

All kinds of news are overwhelming !

It’s all about this ” Musician for All ” !

However .

The most shocking thing is that a micro neck This micro neck quickly rushed to the top of the hot search list !

Wang Linhan : ” For the impulsive behavior in the show , I would like to apologize to all fans and the audience of the show . At that time, the team members who I got along with day and night were eliminated .

Finally , congratulations to Feng Rong’s team for advancing to the quarterfinals and losing to Qin Ye’s talent . My team members and I are convinced !

After the recording of the program , I think I can face it with a calm and learning mentality , and I hope that my teammates and I can make progress and hold our fists . ”

The whole network vibrated for a while !

People are in disbelief watching this news !

Damn , my face was swollen and I apologized , what happened to this world ? ”

Wang Linhan , if I were you, I’d quit the show , you’re not the first anyway [ Funny ]

Even if you end up in person, you will be rubbed by Qin Ye , so just like Shen Changfeng , give yourself a respect !

” Haha , a teacher was so targeted by the students , but he was still soft and put on a posture !

Black fans began to ridicule Wang Linhan looking at some of the comments, especially those who asked themselves to withdraw from the show .

This micro-neck is not ineffective, he can clearly feel it , and some of his die-hard fans are more protective of themselves !

Qin Ye , let you be proud of yourself first !

he said fiercely .

In turn , another clever hit !

Because .

He thought that if Qin Ye was really signed by his company and became a colleague in the future , what would he do ?

Look at the ” National Musicians ” is a microcosm !

who participated in the competition had a certain reputation before they came, but Qin Ye , who was not well-known, had the feeling of being the leader of a variety show here !

even .

A mentor , a top streamer with tens of millions of fans , must make way for him !

If you really come to your own company .

Do you still have a way to live ?

Chapter 7 Sister ! Brother-in-law ? ? Seeking full order ? ( What should I do if Su Wenchen is anxious like an ant on a hot pan at home ? What should I do ?

phone number in hand , I dialed a few times and hung up !

It was Qin Ye’s phone number !

In a few days, the school will be celebrated .

The school also wanted Qin Ye to put on a show in the form of music, saying that it was another choice for the people, but how could he be so open !

I had misunderstood Qin Ye back then , but I still remember what the other party said !

Dad , don’t shake it , it makes my head dizzy , you can’t talk to your sister directly ! Teacher Qin will definitely agree !



Zhao Lingying pouted !

Seeing his father like this , his heart was somber !

Let you offend Teacher Qin in the first place !

Rhyme ?

Su Wenchen murmured , and immediately gave up the idea !

I can’t even pull my face down !

he had an idea and looked at Zhao Lingying .

” Dad what are you doing ?

The little girl is a little hairy !

Thank you for reminding me , isn’t it the same with you ? Can you help Dad open this mouth ?

hmm ?

Zhao Lingying was stunned at first , and then she was overjoyed that she hadn’t seen Teacher Qin for a long time , hee hee .

However, she restrained her joy , and said honestly that it is not impossible for me to help you speak , but you have to promise me a request !

What are the requirements ? As long as it’s not out of order , it ‘s fine !

” I want Teacher Qin to help me make up my class !” This time , it was Su Wenchen’s turn to smile bitterly !

what ? you don’t want to ?

n’t want to , do you think that our family can afford others for this condition ? Others now write a song for millions ! Will help you make up lessons ?

Su Wenchen said helplessly !

When he finished speaking , he was shocked !

Qin Ye became very famous when he made up lessons for his daughter. When he came , he still wore a mask and thought that the other party was here for his eldest daughter .

Now it doesn’t seem like that at all !

Sure enough .

Qin Ye made up lessons for his younger daughter because of his sense of responsibility. It seems that he really can’t kill one person with one shot. It’s me who is biased !

Su Wenchen sighed inwardly !

You don’t need to care if Teacher Qin is willing to help me make up the lessons , you just say whether you agree or not !

Zhao Lingying hummed .

As long as he wants , of course I have no problem !

Zhao Lingying was overjoyed and said : Haha , thank you dad , I’ll tell you right away !

She picked up the phone and was about to call Qin Ye .

Wait ! ”

What’s wrong ? ”

Zhao Lingying’s face is full of displeasure !

” Well , what are you going to say ? Su Wenchen said embarrassedly .

Let’s just say that my dad represented the Magic City Academy of Chinese Opera and invited him to the school’s celebration ? What else can I say ?

What if he doesn’t agree ? ”

Zhao Lingying tilted her head and thought for a while , and said, ” Then I’ll talk about the relationship between my sister and you . If it doesn’t work , there ‘s nothing I can do !

Su Wenchen was terrified !

Can’t say your sister , if you say your sister may know ? ”

He also tried his best to maintain the dignity of his father .

I was so opposed to Su Lingyun’s entry into the entertainment industry before , but now I’m begging Qin Ye instead !

Where to put your face !

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