In front of him, only Wang Linhan’s 50 million can be called the strongest player in the history of ” National Musician ” !

Count Qin Ye’s debut history !

Begin by singing !

Later, it became clear that the new way of rap , and the current operas are all unpopular , but he sang it into a hit with his perverted talent !

In his fandom , a nickname has already begun to be given to him !

Unpopular King ! !

Chapter 72 Ancient style game ? Isn’t this just reaching out ? ? Seeking full order )

sleep .

The phone rang .

hello , who ? ”

Qin Ye said in a daze .

Brother Ye ! ! I am Allure ! Did you even delete my number ?

no love anymore !

There was a loud shout from the opposite side. Qin Ye woke up most of the time !

Holy crap , I’m still sleeping , calling so early ?

Brother Ye , you are a genius , how can you speak foul language ?

., your sister , even if the saint is here , it must be exploded !

” Okay , look at the time now !

Qin Ye was taken aback .

took a look at the phone , and it’s all too much . I forgive you !

Qin Liu got up from the bed , walked out , and said :

” Tell me , what’s the matter with me ? You haven’t contacted me for a few months , so there’s nothing wrong with looking for me !”

Xiao Qingcheng smiled and said :

” Aren’t I cheering you on silently behind my back , and I don’t want to distract you , you must understand my good intentions !”

” Don’t come ! Tell me , what’s the matter ?”

Qin Ye walked out of the room while making a phone call .

Right now , milk , bread , two eggs that were beautifully prepared , and a platter of washed and cut fruits were already placed on the table !

In addition , there is also a note with a line of delicate words on it.

‘ I’m off to rehearsal , remember to have breakfast ! ”

Qin Ye smiled slightly !

‘ Brother Ye , how are you? ”

Qin Ye avoided it, but didn’t quite understand what the other side was saying, so he said embarrassedly :

” Well , can you say it again ?”

Xiao Qingcheng was speechless , and said again !

You know I’m working in Changyou , this time the company has an ancient game to play , and I want to invite you to write the theme song !

Qin Ye was stunned and asked subconsciously , ” What game ?

” ” Dragon Eight 2 ” !

good guy !

It really is this Chinese style game !

Changyou is a company owned by Sowolf , and ” Dragon Ba ” is a signature game .

The other party has made a name for himself in the whole country through this game, Brother Ye , are you listening ? ”

Qin Ye came back to his senses and said with a smile , ” Of course I’m listening , there ‘s nothing wrong with writing songs , but you know the cost , and I only sell game copyrights !

Xiao Qingcheng was overjoyed and said , ” Of course I know . Brother Ye’s current appearance fee is 5 million yuan , which is what our company offers . ” ” That’s no problem , I’ll give you the song later . ?!

Qin Ye smiled .

The opposite Xiao Qingcheng was obviously stunned , and said, you said you would give it to me later ?

Yes , isn’t it just a song ? Tomorrow at the latest . ” Xiao Qingcheng can’t remember how many times he was speechless and so fast ?

have to prepare for half a year in order to prepare an album , and they have to spend a lot of manpower and material resources on Qin Ye ‘s place . In the past few months, the songs they have sung are enough to release an album, and it is the first supernatural song. kind !

The most rubbish can be the main hit of the king and queen of the day !

Well , Brother Ye , it’s not that I don’t believe you , you have to understand the games we make first and see. Also , if you write this song and don’t sign the contract , aren’t you afraid of the company’s default ? No matter what, I have to come over to Zhao, Xiao Qingcheng persuaded him .

Qin Ye was silent for a moment , thinking about it as well .

Well , I’ll wait to see if there are any airline tickets , and I’ll fly over to OJBK later . Please let me know before boarding !

Did you tell me to call the court ?

The two hang up the phone !

Imperial City ?

Haven’t been there yet !

He picked up his phone and looked at it , and found that he was lying down three hours later , so he bought it .

And gave the information to Xiao Qingcheng just after having a loving breakfast , the phone rang again .

At first glance, it turned out to be an unfamiliar number , and it was also called from the imperial capital !

Hello , hello hello , is this Mr. Qin Ye ?

There was a numbing female voice on the other end of the phone. Yes , do you have anything to do with me ? ”

Hello Mr. Qin , I am Lin Tong , the director of Yongrui Entertainment Group !

Qin Ye recalled the name Lin Tong .

Instantly remembered !

Known as the most beautiful director in China , Turtle !

Yongrui Group is the top film and television company in China. Hello , Director Lin .

Lin Tong smiled and said , ” Mr. Qin , I’m looking for you to ask you to meet and talk about the purchase of copyright. When is it convenient for you ? ”

What copyright ?

Our company has temporarily decided to purchase the copyrights of your songs “Liang Liang” and “Big Fish”. For the former , we only need the film and television copyright, and for the latter , we may discuss in detail . ” Qin Ye is dumbfounded !

good guy !

Although Guofeng music is not popular , it is still fragrant . How long has it been since I had to sell so many copyrights? The original choice was right !

” Of course there’s no problem , is your company in the imperial capital ? I just want to come over today and get in touch when the time comes .

That’s great , let me add your prestige , let’s chat about prestige ! “”

Lin Tong was surprised .

It’s my phone number !

OK , Mr. Qin , I’ll add you later, remember to pay attention , I wo n’t bother you for now , bye !

Qin Ye thought for a while .

It was originally planned to go back and forth in the imperial capital , but now it seems that there may be changes , and I still need to tell the instructor .

When they contacted Feng Rong , the other party heard that Qin Ye might be going to the Imperial Capital for a few days. It was obvious that the semi-finals would soon be coming . Why are you going to the Imperial Capital now ?

Teacher , two companies came to me and wanted to talk about business , and I agreed !

Feng Rong was startled and said , ” What company ?”

A game company owned by Sowolf , my classmates work there and want to ask me to write a theme song ! “The other is Yongrui Entertainment Group , who said they want to buy the copyright of two of my songs !

p Hello … Teacher , are you listening ?

Feng Rong obviously didn’t react !

After hearing Qin Ye’s call , she managed to regain her senses , ” Go !” Feng Rong sighed .

what’s wrong ? Teacher Qin Ye felt that something was wrong with the other party !

” It’s nothing , just a little emotional , maybe you no longer need my mentor .

Qin Ye is in my heart , you will always be my teacher !

‘s heart warmed after hearing this , she laughed and scolded, hurry up , come back when you’re done , do n’t delay the game !

The two hung up the phone .

Qin Ye went out , and before leaving, he explained his love to the imperial capital with Su Lingyun .

Total tour .

President’s Office !

Well done , I didn’t expect you to be Qin Ye’s classmate , work hard , the company will not treat you badly !

Xiao Qingcheng was a little flattered !

Did not expect .

If you make a phone call yourself , you will be praised by the president !

Now Qin Ye’s name is really good !

” Mr. Huang , I will definitely work hard .

” Okay , wait for Xiao Chen to pick up a measuring car to pick up Qin Ye , you won’t be at the company today , entertain the other party well , and the company will reimburse you for the expense , Mr. Huang , then I’ll go first !

Go Xiao Qingcheng out of the office .

Walking with wind , facing the envious eyes of everyone , I returned to my desk ( Wang Zhaozhao Airport .

Qin Ye came to the place Xiao Qingcheng agreed , and found a BMW parked there and a man smoking there .

Actually .

There is a problem Qin Ye has not figured out , why Xiao Qingcheng, who is big and three thick, is called this name !

Every time I call each other , I make myself a little embarrassed ! ” Xiao Qingcheng turned around and laughed, haha , Brother Ye , let’s go , I’ll show you a little fun today , anyway, the company will reimburse you!

” Okay ? It’s all mixed up now !” Qin Ye smiled .

Xiao Qingcheng scratched his head and said with a smirk, isn’t it all thanks to you ? Say , where are you going tonight ? Take your pick .

Qin Ye shook his head and said , ” Go to your company first , get the song done, and then talk about it , I’m here as Zhao and there are other things, and Yu Xiao Qingcheng is speechless again .

special !

Have a good day yourself !

With a miserable smile , he helped Qin Ye open the car door .

I’m sorry , Brother Ye , the company has luxury cars , but I can’t drive them , so I can only drive this broken BMW ! ” Qin Ye is a little speechless watching this slut go .

Chapter 73 Shocked ! Tell me what Qin Ye wrote ! ? Seeking full order ?

Take a dip .

When Qin Ye arrived , the CEO greeted him personally .

” Mr. Qin , hello , hello !”

Hello , Mr. Wang !

The two shook hands !

Haha , I originally wanted you to take a break today , but I didn’t expect you to be so dedicated . It seems that it is no accident that you can achieve what you are today ! ”

” Come , come to my office and let’s talk in detail !

President Wang laughed .

Qin Ye didn’t explain , and followed him to the president’s office to sit down . Mr. Dao Wang , I don’t know what your requirements for the theme song are ?

President Wang was taken aback .

To be honest , he really didn’t think of any requirements , as long as it is ancient and nice !

The most important thing is that Qin Ye needs to sing !

As far as the moment is concerned , Qin Ye is definitely the number one top streamer in the entertainment circle. As for how long it can last , it depends on how talented this young man is !

” My requirements are not high , as long as it conforms to our style !”

President Wang said seriously .

Done .

He took out another document and said :

” This is the introduction of our new game , as well as some copy , for your reference . ”

Qin Ye took the document and flipped through it at will !

It didn’t matter to him , he was already prepared .

President Wang kept smiling and looking at Qin Ye !

While Qin Ye was flipping through the documents , he went back to his office and brought a laptop !

” Mr. Qin , this is the sample of the promotional video we only made at the moment. We will finish it after your song is finished . You can also take a look . ”

Qin Ye moved the notebook slightly .

not much different from other game commercials 77 !

all choose game characters and show the world of the game from their perspective !

Also interspersed with some pictures of bloody fights !

” No problem !” Qin Ye laughed .

President Wang breathed a sigh of relief and said that’s fine , I wonder when you will be able to sing ? We have done all the other work , and when your song comes out, we will start the publicity work , and then enter the first test of the game !

Qin Ye didn’t answer , and asked, do you have a place to arrange music ?

Our company’s soundtrack has always been outsourced , so if you need help with that, I can talk to the outsourcing company .

Not sure which company it is ? ”

Yongrui Entertainment Group ! ” Qin Ye was taken aback .

It is this company again , worthy of being the industry leader , is there any problem with the business ?

President Wang asked .

Qin Ye waved his hand and said that of course there is no problem , but I just happened to be going to Yongrui for something . Say hello to him , and I will help you get things done by the way !

President Wang was startled for a moment , then laughed and said , that’s great , I don’t know when it will be done ? ”

If they cooperate , I think it can be done tomorrow , Mr. Wang, do you have a paper comparison ? ”

Yes . Yes , just wait for President Wang to hear that Qin Ye can do it in a day , obviously a bit shocked !

However .

the super-sacred song ” Huo Yuanjia ” that was rumored before , it only took a day , and he was relieved acbg) Although he didn’t know why Qin Ye wanted the paper comparison , he still took it !

However .

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