.She covered her mouth , the song was too powerful .

.With the video picture , it is a patriotic picture , which makes her blood boil !

.The following hot list is marked : “The ” National Musicians ” audition revealed the divine comedy ” Juvenile Huaxia ” ~7.000 people have watched it . ”



?She clicked in directly , and the first video shocked her !

.Isn’t this the bad teacher that he has been complaining about ?

.Did he sing this song ?

.And look at the title below : Qin Ye, a player from the Magic Capital Division, is stunning at the scene # Qin Ye # Liang Qichao # juvenile Hua Xia said .

.It’s really him .

.She was a little restless .

.At this moment , the shocking drum sounded .

.” Youth wisdom is national wisdom !”


.”A strong youth makes a country strong !”

.She habitually clicks on the comment area , and now she’s in a frying pan !

.”I ‘ve been listening to it for a day , fuck , I finally found the source of such a powerful word . ”

.” Yeah , it makes my scalp go numb , it’s a divine comedy . ”

.” Fuck , how can you sing like this , can you believe it ? Poems are adapted into songs ? What kind of talent is this ?”

.” In the past , this song is a song that can win the championship. It’s too arrogant . I worship the great god . ”

.” So meaningful song , what a treasure boy . ”

.Countless people paid their respects .

.In addition to Douyin , this song is even more popular on Weibo !

.#Binda Talent Qin Ye #

.#Juvenile Huaxia said , moved Huaxia #

.#Juvenile Huaxia said the live version swept across major platforms #

.#Liang Qichao #

.A number of related hot searches shocked the whole network .

.Even Liang Qichao’s ” Juvenile Huaxia Story ” also entered the public eye with this song .

.Many people read it admiringly .

.Looking at the shocking rhetoric , countless people were so excited that they couldn’t help themselves .

.A sense of pride arises spontaneously .

.And this new creative mode is even more creepy .

.Percent of people heard ancient poems adapted into songs for the first time .

.Simply stunning !

.Of course , there are also many people who have become fans of Qin Ye because of this song and feel unworthy for him .

.Because .

.In their hearts , there are few songs in the history of this show that can compare .

.But being used by this talent to participate in the draft is quite a feeling of tyranny !


.Zhao Lingying looked at the news , and the deer rammed in her heart .

.She has now determined that this Qin Ye is the [ big villain ] !

.”I didn’t expect him and his sister to participate in ” National Musician ” together !”

.she murmured .

.She picked up her phone again and searched for the official account of ” National Musician ” .

.Now her sister’s audition video has more than 10,000 likes .

.And Qin Ye’s is impressively – 30,000 .

.This gap is too big !

.” Wow ! This Qin is more powerful than elder sister ?”

.Since the young lady was the most perfect person in her heart .

.It is conceivable how much this result had an impact on her .

.However .

.She also knows that it ‘s not that her sister is not strong , but that the surnamed Qin is too tiger .

.The program team edited too many audition videos this month .

.Generally, 10,000 or 20,000 likes are very good , and some are only a few thousand .

.And more than 100,000 are touted by netizens as champion seed players .

.My sister Duo Wan is already very strong .

.I just didn’t expect this surnamed Qin to be more perverted , 30,000 !

.The most terrifying thing is that this is just an audition .

Chapter The postgraduate entrance examination materials in my hand suddenly become fragrant ! ? Seeking flowers for evaluation ?

.Zhao Lingying opened WeChat and wanted to tell her sister the shocking news .

.However .

.He stopped in the middle of typing, and deleted all the words he had typed .

.” Hee hee , anyway, both of you have passed the audition , and you will meet on the show when you get to know each other. When you get to know each other , I will shock you again . ”

.She gave a little fox-like smile .

.For some reason , now that I recall Qin Ye’s face , I suddenly don’t feel so annoying !

.” When the time comes , you will definitely drop your jaws . ”

.Thinking of the expressions of the two at that time , she was excited .

.” What are you talking to yourself about ?”

.At this time , my mother came over .

.” No … nothing !”

.” Come out to eat . ”

.” Oh !”

.” By the way , what is your sister doing recently ? This girl doesn’t give me peace of mind at all . ” The woman sighed .

.Zhao Lingying rolled her eyes and said :

.” I don’t know , my sister didn’t tell me , you can ask her yourself . ”

.The woman thought for a while : ” Hey , this child has been stubborn since he was a child . What your dad is most disgusted with are the stars now , and she has to sing the opposite. When will it save us worry !”

.” Huh ?”

.Zhao Lingying suddenly thought that Teacher Qin seemed to be the kind of person that her father hated. Could she take the opportunity to change her tutor ?

.But for some reason , she doesn’t want to do it now .

.” What are you thinking ? Hurry up and eat . ”

.” Okay , Mom , I’ll definitely listen to you . ”

.Zhao Lingying took her mother’s arm and acted like a spoiled child .

.” You have n’t grown up yet , and you wo n’t be much better when you grow up . ”

.The woman patted her head dotingly .


.the other side .

.A girl’s eyes widened , looking at the phone , listening to the shocking song , her mouth widened .

.” Qin … Qin Ye ? Is that the poor student in our class ?”

.She looked in disbelief .

.It was really hard to associate the domineering singer in the video with Qin Ye , whom he often saw .

.The contrast is too great .

.In the past, Qin Ye , although he was pretty good -looking , had that kind of personality and an honest look , which made it difficult to win the favor of girls .

.Now .

.Qin Ye in this video is not only confident , but also talented , coupled with his handsome looks .

.It’s like a completely different person .

.At this time .

.Weixin came to the news , clicked on it and saw that it was a class .

.A girl directly shared the video she just saw .

[email protected] . _

[email protected] Ye , is that you ? Sing so well ?

.Originally, there was no one chatting and suddenly it became lively . Of course , it was all girls chatting .

.” Qin Ye ? Isn’t it ? I heard this song in the mall yesterday when I was shopping . Qin Ye sang it ?”

.” To be honest , I just saw that the person in the video was exactly the same as Qin Ye , and I didn’t believe it was him . The contrast was too great . ”

.” @Qin Ye , I didn’t see it , so talented , he directly adapted ” Youth China Talk ” , it’s great . ”

.” @Qin Ye , you’re on fire , this is a treat . I didn’t expect that it was true that you said you were going to be a singer . I didn’t believe it at the time ?”

.” Is this a blockbuster ? ”

.Why only girls chat .

.Because .

.The five boys who are preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination in the dormitory all look like they have eaten dead children .

.” Fuck , what the hell is Qin Ye ? What’s wrong with this world ? Even such a person can be popular ?”

.” Who else could it be if it wasn’t for him ? What’s the matter , the ancestral grave is smoking . ”

.at this moment .

.They suddenly found the postgraduate entrance examination materials in their hands , and suddenly they were not fragrant .

.Also take the fucking exam !

.Study for what ?

.Isn’t it just to get a graduate degree , get a decent job , and make some extra money ?

.And what is the most lucrative job right now ?

.Of course it’s a celebrity !

.According to Qin Ye’s current popularity , even if it is only popular for a year , they will earn enough money to work hard for half a lifetime !

.How can the mind be balanced ?

.” Brothers , don’t look at it , do n’t affect our mentality , we must be steady , star ? It’s just an actor , so what if you make a lot of money , it’s not decent at all . ”

.A boy said sourly .

.” Yes , and it’s unstable . Maybe it will be cold tomorrow . Let’s be more pragmatic . After ten years , you can look at him . ”

.” Come on !”

.Several people cheered each other up .

.I have a little motivation to read the postgraduate materials , but I will never return to the previous state .

.If Qin Ye was just a stranger , they might not be like this .

.However , this person who exploded overnight has lived next door to them for the past few years !

.That kind of sourness , only they understand !


.Let’s talk about Qin Ye .

.He also saw the news of the class , but didn’t bother to pay attention .

.Because my phone was blown up .

.” Fuck , little leaf , is the person who sang ” Youth China Talk ” really you ?”

.Li Longju’s excited voice came from the phone .

.” Brother Long , you don’t even recognize me , do you ?” Qin Ye said helplessly .

.” No. ” _

.Li Longju hurriedly shook his head and said, ” I just can’t believe it . The impact is too great . I said why did you suddenly participate in this draft ? According to previous years , shouldn’t you be working at this time ?”

.Qin Ye didn’t know how to explain it . After thinking about it , he said :

.” Didn’t the tutor assign a paper ? I’m doing practice here , and I’ll try my luck by the way . ”

.? ? ?

.Li Longju was full of question marks .

.To write a paper , go to the draft !

.And then adapted an ancient poem , which became popular on the Internet ?

.Thinking about the topic assigned by the instructor , could it be that Qin Ye’s practice is to inherit and display ancient poems in the form of songs ?

.It seems … that’s such a logic !

.But , this is too incredible .

.” You kid can’t see it . You haven’t spoken to KTV for three years in college , and as soon as you speak, you are amazed by the whole country . Is it just that the stage was too small before ?”

.Li Longju was a little bit resentful .

.He felt that Qin Ye didn’t sing on KTV before , because he was afraid to compare their broken voices .

.Qin Ye was embarrassed and didn’t know how to answer .

.Fortunately , Li Longju directly crossed the topic and said excitedly :

.” Now that you are famous , you should be able to make a lot of money . Finally, you don’t have to worry about you anymore . Brother Long is very pleased . ”

.Qin Ye heard the words and was a little speechless :

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