In response to Qin Ye’s writing songs for the game , there was an unprecedented quarrel !

Qin Ye looked gloomy at home .

His micro-neck has been @ all over !

Since you want to die so fast , then I will fulfill you ! ”

Qin Ye picked up his mobile phone and dialed Wu Hao’s number .

Rat , do me a favor .

Finish explaining things .

He is out !

evening .

Qin Ye dialed Ye Wenjie’s number, Xiao Qin , do you have anything to do with me ?

Uncle Ye , I want to ask you a favor ! ” Why are you busy ?” Ban Wang Linhan !

Ye Wenjie fell silent immediately !

Xiao Qin , it’s not that I don’t help , you look down on me too much !

Qin Ye didn’t care either , he said of course I know this , I just want you to use your personal connections to release the news . After Qin Ye finished speaking like this , he added, “Don’t worry, you do n’t need to use the name of the company or yourself . Just treat it as a rumor , but don’t refute the rumor .

As for the reward , I have two songs here , tailor-made for you, Ye Wenjie was taken aback .

Immediately interested .

” Listen to me !

Well , after listening to you, call me back . Of course , it ‘s not for free but for you !

you boy !

Marven Ye reluctantly hung up the phone !

Immediately , I received two documents from Qin Ye !

Hearing the invincible and soul-stirring melody , the king of kung fu is full of passion !

Excited to the point of trembling !

So shocking !

just .

When he is most excited , the melody is over !

” ” This little slicker !” ”

Ye Wenjie was a little speechless .

He called back immediately .

” You little slick , I ask you , if I don’t help you , these two songs won’t be sold to me ?”

Li was a little helpless and said :

” How can it be ! Who is worthy of such a tune except you ? If you don’t sell it to who else ?”

The King of Kung Fu was shocked when he heard the words !

good guy !

It’s all said to be floating by this kid !

” Uncle Ye , in addition to the music , I also have a script , which is also tailored for you !”

Qin Ye threw a blockbuster bomb again !

this moment .

You can imagine Ye Wenjie’s mood !

” I’m here to help ! ”

the other side .

Lin Tong also received a call from Qin Ye !

” You want us to help you ban Wang Linhan ? How is it possible ? Let’s not say whether the leader is willing or not , but it is not something that our company can do.

” You don’t have to ask so many questions , just report it. In the future, what movie or TV your company will make , you need a theme song , you just need to find me , it ‘s your duty !”

” You … Hey , let me tell you , I really can’t do anything about you. What kind of grievance do you have with that Wang Linhan? Tell me to run !”

” Society , don’t ask about it !”

The two hung up the phone .

Lin Tong was furious .

” Hmph , did you really take me off ?”

Having said that , she still came to Gu Junwei’s office honestly .

Report what Qin Ye said to the other party as it is !

Well , I see , do as he asks !

This time, it was Lin Tong’s turn to be stunned !

She never thought that Gu Junwei would agree , let alone that Uncle Gu would be so happy. Are we really going to offend Yuehua because of Qin Ye, a singer ?

Lin Tong was not sure .

singer ?

Gu Junwei looked at her and said , ” Do you really think he is a singer ?

Lin Tong was full of puzzlement , and then exclaimed again , saying : Is he the second generation of the top rich ?

Gu Junwei is not angry . He said that he should read less domineering CEO novels in the future. Qin Ye is an ordinary person with no background, but if you treat him as a singer , you are too naive . Think about Qin Ye’s deeds since his debut . He has sung song ? The content of the song ?

Think about the reaction when he sang ( Wang Zhaozhao ) ” Compendium of Materia Medica ” last time and think about that little girl named Li Ziqi ! Qin Ye’s value is a hundred times higher than her ! !

Lin Tong tilted his head , thinking carefully !

This time , I was completely shocked that you mean the above .

Lin Tong exclaimed .

Go ahead , do you think we agreed to Qin Ye’s investment in the movie because of his commercial value ? You are still too young , exercise more ! ”

This time, Wang Linhan wanted to give Qin Ye some black material , and he was afraid that he would kick the iron plate ! From what I know about Qin Ye , he must not only play our card. Lin Tong nodded dumbfoundedly. She realized that he had never understood Qin Ye himself !

Wait a minute , try to talk to Qin Ye about hiring him as our music consultant , with an annual salary of 10,000 yuan and no need to report to the company . This is also the decision above !

Lin Tong nodded stiffly to the other side .

Qin Ye arranged for these two families !

Of course he doesn’t think that these two families can completely block Wang Linhan !

Pick up the phone again .

Xiao Qin . ”

Mr. Liang , don’t you want my music copyright ? As long as you do something for me , at the same price , I will choose your home first !

you say !

I’m a little excited on the other end of the phone, I want you to remove all Wang Linhan’s songs !

other side was stunned , and then said Mr. Qin , your request is too high , Wang Linhan’s music copyright cost us 20,000 a year !

doesn’t take too long , you’ll be fine when the system fails ! ”

Can you tell me the exact time ?

No more than half a month ! Maybe even shorter ! ”

There was silence for a moment .

When will we talk about music copyright ?

Wait until after my participation in the competition is over !

Yes , looking forward to meeting you !

hang up .

Wu Hao called .

Brother Ye , 100% !

A catastrophe targeting Wang Linhan, let’s start PS : Since many people don’t like this character , let him die sooner !

Chapter 7 _ The whole network is recommended , and the tutor is gone ! ? Seeking full order ? ” 7)

Just when the Internet was still arguing about ” Dragon Eight ” .

of several news completely occupied the hot search !

#Wang Linhan is suspected of being blocked by Yongrui Group and its cooperative enterprises #

#wang linhan is suspected of being banned by the king of kung fu #

As soon as these news appear, the whole network will be moved !

Some melon eaters were curious and inquired , and they learned the truth !

It turned out .

It’s the news circulating in the circle !

who claimed to be [ informed ] said that Yongrui Group released news !

We will never cooperate with Wang Linhan , and Yongrui Group will also evaluate the entertainment companies that cooperate with Wang Linhan to see if it is worth cooperating

Such remarks are not trivial .

Not only did he not cooperate with Wang Linhan , but he also put pressure on other entertainment companies !

To know .

Yongrui Group is China’s largest entertainment company , and one-third of the country’s top-tier singers and actors belong to them .

we have cooperated with are all over the China entertainment circle !

this kind of [ rumor ] comes out , those companies who want to cooperate with Wang Linhan again have to weigh three points !

Then there is the king of kung fu .

Do the same as Yongrui Group !

Although his company’s energy is not as great as Yongrui’s , he himself is the number one person in the film industry !

Super status !

Who doesn’t want to invest in his films ?

Who doesn’t want to have their own actors in a Kung Fu movie ?

Now .

This two-choice topic was put in front of them again , and all fools knew how to choose !

Although .

Neither of these two companies passed the official ban order , but in the face of such [ rumours ] , they never refuted the rumors and stayed out of it !

The most important thing is that many people have seen the rumors of these two companies [ the rumors are inextricably linked with Qin Ye !

Among them .

Yongrui is now cooperating with Qin Ye on ” Big Fish and Begonia ” . The grievance between him and Wang Linhan is linked , and any fool knows what it is !

The whole network is lively for a while !

Holy crap , is this done ? These two are companies that have cooperated with Mr. Qin !

Powerful and domineering , the two giants are on the platform for Teacher Qin , what else can be said ?

Haha , this time Wang Linhan has kicked the iron plate , and the commercial value has been reduced by at least 80% !

Mad , I can see that my blood is boiling , I do n’t know how Yuehua will deal with it !

” A student fights against a mentor , a newcomer fights against a top streamer with capital backing , Teacher Qin is a role model for my generation !” 77 Just when everyone was looking forward to Yuehua’s actions .

The opponent really took action .

Yuehua Group : ” For the current ban on the entire network , the company has contacted Yongrui Group and the King of Kung Fu .

been confirmed that it is a deliberate rumor , and the company will reserve the right to sue for rumors ! “And attached a lawyer’s letter with an official seal .

Netizens don’t buy it !

You say it’s a rumor , so why don’t others come out to refute the rumor ?

Such a lawyer’s letter is just something to coax children !

However .

There are also small people who began to solve problems for Wang Linhan and Yuehua .

When a news that shocked the whole network came out , all the solutions were so pale !

#EnterpriseMusicRemoval of all songs of Wang Linhan # Enterprise Music’s official statement is that it is a system failure and is under emergency maintenance # bang the entire Internet is completely blasted !

Unbelievable shock !

What company is Penguin Music ?

The country’s top giant !

Holding the copyright of more than 100 singers , he is the father of almost all singers !

The Penguin Group behind it is also one of the top leading companies in the country and even has Penguin Video under its name, and it is also the number one long video company in the country !

Movies and music double !

can say .

It wants to block an artist , especially a singer , it is as simple as eating and drinking !

If say .

The Yongrui Group and the King of Kung Fu , who are a little bit afraid of Yuehua Entertainment, the Penguin Group really have no scruples !

is not even a fart in front of the Penguin Group !

Did even such a super giant stand for Qin Ye ?

Ban your own singer ?

Are you saying it’s a system failure ?

Go cheating !

How is it possible that only Wang Linhan’s songs have been removed from the shelves due to system failure ?

How are the other singers okay ?

A lot of good people even found Penguin videos on purpose to see if several TV dramas and movies starring Wang Linhan are still there . Still not .

Some people want to understand the reason , maybe as long as Yongrui Group and Kung Fu Emperor are enough for film and television !

So. _

Qin Ye didn’t let the penguin video move Wang Lin Han’s works . After all, movies and TV series have more influence than music !

Time is full of storms !

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