Chapter Shocking Treble ! Raise your skull !

Players appear one by one .

When it was Su Lingyun’s turn to play , it was unexpected .

Wang Qingqing, who has been giving pointers, is surprised !

This is also the first time I heard about this little girl . She is very good , and her conditions are very good .

If you insist on saying that there are shortcomings , it may be that you are still a little younger , and your voice is a little immature , which is really good !

No one expected that this strict member of the national team would give such a high evaluation !

Of course .

immaturity she refers to is also relative to a mature singer like her !

soon .

All five players have finished their performances , and everyone knows who is going to play !

All kinds of [ Teacher Qin ] Qin talent ) have already dominated the screen and the host took a deep breath .

who will play next is our much-anticipated big boy , Qin Ye ! ”

The scene and the network completely exploded !

The overall champion, Mr. Qin ! ”

China’s first talent ! ”

was shocked when he saw such a scene !

This is not lost to the cards that I played. ” Don’t be surprised , we are all used to it !”

Li Zhe said helplessly .

However .

He will not be surprised by the host’s next words. This time , we Qin Ozi also brought us an original song called ” Left Finger Moon ” !

We invited Qin Ozi and his guest singers, Mr. Wang Qingqing, after being sluggish for a few seconds , I heard it right . Isn’t Mr. Wang a temporary tutor ? Is she still a guest singer ? ”

I am going to explode ! Qin Ozi wants to sing with the national team , damn it !

scalp is numb , fuck , just hearing this name , I can’t do it !

The live broadcast room was obviously filled with question marks and exclamation marks .

Qin Ye’s singing guest exceeded everyone’s expectations. Everyone looked at Wang Qingqing .

Now that she was no longer on the tutor’s seat, several tutors and singing guests looked at each other , and their rehearsals were done individually , so they didn’t know this .

Is this to challenge hell level difficulty ? ” Li Zhe smiled bitterly .

Xiao Tianwang was also shocked !

Honestly .

If it was a singing competition of his level , very few would dare to invite Wang Qingqing !

Don’t talk about someone who just debuted !

I originally came to see this Qin Ye live , but I didn’t expect it to give me such a big surprise .

Xiao Tianwang was also speechless .

They turned to look at Feng Rong , and found that the other party looked calm !

Could it be that Qin Ye really has the strength to sing with Wang Qingqing ?

With such doubts , they looked at the stage and Qin Ye , who was in a white suit, dragged Wang Qingqing onto the stage. The calm expression made everyone think that the person next to him was not a national-level demon king , but an ordinary girl. !

‘s too domineering , damn it , if you play , you will win !

Qin Ozi is true to anyone , she is really invincible ! ”

But are you sure Qin Caizi can really sing duet with Wang Qingqing ? This difficulty ! ”

” You have won if you dare to sing , what are you beeping !

Several players on the scene also looked strange !

Just pointing out their problems , and even pointing out the big devil who pointed out the problems of their big-name sing-along guests , turned out to be their competitors !

I must be starving ! ”

Wang Mo felt like he was seeing gold stars !

Everyone was shocked by all this , and even forgot to think which poem “The Left Finger Moon ” was !

At this time .

full of national characteristics and majestic sounded .

that everyone realized that this was Qin Ye’s style !

The two people on the stage stand opposite each other !

What people didn’t expect was that even in the face of this national-level demon king, Zuo Ye’s aura was not weak at all !

Dry ice spewed out , and the stage beauty was like a fairyland finally .

Wang Qingqing was the first to raise the microphone , and the numb singing sounded !

The left hand holds the earth and the right hand holds the sky . .

The palm crack burst into ten directions of lightning .

” Convert time hastily into years . ”

Three thousand worlds , as you can’t see it ~~~” Shocking !

No one can explain in words the unblemished voice of the mood to hear this singing !

game , the high-pitched voice that has conquered the end of the game even made many people squinted unconsciously. Qing is too strong . Is this the top level of the national team ? ” Fuck , no one can compare , I’ve been sung in my head !

Are the instructors in the audience okay ? The national team is playing , they are mentors ? ” How do you take this? A moment of silence for Qin Caizi , a dead opponent, and some people worrying about Qin Ye .

Several instructors and guests at the scene also looked at each other in dismay .

Let’s not talk about whether they can take it or not .

At least .

They don’t want to take it .

This is the girl’s key, good guy , this Qin Ozi not only sings with the national team , but also challenges the opponent’s key?

Xiao Tianwang has been sluggish !

He asked himself that if he sang other songs, he would not lose much to Wang Qingqing .

this girl’s key, he only has the share of being crushed. At this time, what made everyone sluggish happened . Qin Ye started singing and he was two levels higher than Wang Qingqing ‘s key . . ” Ten thousand years of snow fell between the eyebrows .

tear ah ~ ah ~ ah ~~. ” That’s me ~ ah ~ ah ~~. The audience exploded , and everyone showed expressions of horror .

I feel like my scalp is about to be ripped off !

That siren-like chant bombed the audience again .

This time .

It’s more terrifying and more shocking than when you sang ” Big Fish ” . Some audience members have begun to touch their ears !

of such sound waves made their pores shrink and their hairs stand on end. Some people squinted , and even felt that they saw the tangible sound waves !

Am I hallucinating ?

An audience member was shocked .

You look at me , I look at you , all of them look like they see some kind of monster !

Is this a human voice ?

Simply a monster !

Teacher Sun, who replaced Shen Changfeng, was even more sluggish. Isn’t that what you said ? It really shocked people last time in ” Big Fish “, he said that there is no way to have a sound to surpass , and now Qin Ye himself has completely overturned it !

this moment .

Everyone understands it !

Qin Ye is not courting death !

Instead, he is confident that the key he sings is higher than that of Wang Qingqing , and it is even more shocking. Not only was he not compared by the national-level demon king , but he was even higher after a melody .

Wang Qingqing picked up the microphone again !

The left hand flicks the fingers and the right hand strums the strings .

The boat is ferrying in the waters of Wangchuan .

Qin : ” When troubles come together :” Fire a red lotus !

Qin : ” Mo Tingge ( Wang : Haaah ~), give me some miscellaneous thoughts .

The perfect voice of the two blended together .

It’s all a voice like heaven !

Chorus of the moment .

It’s hard to tell who’s good and who’s bad !

I am so special , these two are monsters , so special shocked this song !

” In the past, I listened to Teacher Qin’s songs and only looked at the words , but now I realize that others can achieve such achievements , and the singing skills themselves are top-notch !



key to female voices. Teacher Qin is not out of shape at all. In a certain sense, it is even more terrifying !

Omg ! I feel like my skull is gone !

The brains are all sung to Lao Tzu , but it’s so cool !

Netizens can feel the huge sound waves across the screen !

Wang : ” Point to the moon with the left hand and take the red thread with the right hand . ”

Qin : ” Give you and me the love you want . ”

Wang : ” In the moonlight ah ~ ah ~ ah ( Su : ah ~ ah ~ ah ).”

” You and me ~ ah ~ ah ( Qin : Ah ~ ah ~ ah ~) . ”

La ~ la ~ la ~

Ah ~ ah ~ ah ~~

Everyone seemed to see two sea monsters sending sound waves !

That kind of shock , I just feel that my head is no longer my own

” After that, where ‘s my head ? Who sang my head off ?”

” It’s so terrifying for these two , what a non-human voice !”

” These two people are in carbon singing skills and carbon high pitch . After the identification , they didn’t say that other people looked down on them at all ! Only each other !”

Some people have begun to fight teeth !

This shocking high-pitched chant makes it difficult for them to control their emotions !

A big devil trained in the national team , a monster comparable to the big devil !

Many singers in the audience only have to stay !

Not a class at all !

These two are really perverted . ”

Lin Yuyan muttered .

On stage, Wang Qingqing and Qin Ye smiled alike during this suspension period !

Although .

Qingqing was ten or twenty years older than Qin Ye , but at this moment she seemed to have found a confidant !

It’s been a long time since I sang so cool !

She was already indifferent to fame and fortune , but she actually wanted to compete with Qin Ye !

On the basis of her original tone, she raised her left hand into a feather and turned her right into scales .

A certain life is on the cloud, a certain life is in the forest . ”

” May you use the appearance of a speck of dust .

In all , the world emerges .

Not only was the audience sluggish, but Qin Ye didn’t expect that the teacher would not play cards according to the routine, but if he didn’t answer the trick at this time , his eyes would be ruined and he gave Wang Qingqing a helpless look , and a higher key bombed the audience !

” I pick you up with my left hand and put you down with my right hand .

When you put your palms together, you are all taken back from your heart .

Wang Qingqing’s eyes lit up .

I didn’t expect that the other party not only caught it , but it seemed that there was room for it. It’s not easy !

Qin : “” A stick of incense ~ ah ~ ah ~ ah ( Wang : ~ ah ~ ah ~ ah~ ahhe : ” You are me and I have no difference .

Under many dull eyes .

Where is the stage still a competition !

This is clearly the place where these two show off their skills !

These two come and go , and the combination of chorus and singing is not only high , but also like a fairy !

In the future, who will play with you in the music world , you should play by yourself ! ” Lin Yuyan groaned .

Everyone else nodded their heads !

At least as far as this song is concerned , there may not be anyone here except Feng Rong who can catch it !

Finally .

The two of them finished singing , but everyone didn’t applaud the first time !

Because .

There is clearly still the aftermath of the two voices ravaging this unimaginable horror !

Two seconds passed .

When all the aftermath of the raging swept subsided , the screaming screams sounded at the scene !

Invincible , so special ! My head is Weng Weng !

Nima , this is the most shocking song in the three seasons !

Teacher Qin is too stubborn , he didn’t lose at all, he ‘s really too strong , Hua Wudi and his singing skills are also national -level !

If there are other rap songs that can be sung by Teacher Wang Qingqing , then this song is really rare. Among the boys , Qin?zi may be the only one who has expressed their admiration !

And the people of the Internet are clearly now .

Even the excited applause and cheers from the hundreds of live audiences were not as loud as when the two of them sang on the stage !

This is terrifying !

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