He also came to Qin Ye with the mentality of trying .

Qin Ye frowned . If he didn’t have the system task, it would be fine for him to complete the other party .

But now he just feels like he has too much to do and doesn’t want to be distracted .

Teacher Killer , I ‘m really sorry , if you guys are a few months late , I might still have time . I have a lot of work to do recently !

Qin Ye declined , /:./’2;”:’, to his request .

Li Lei was extremely disappointed , but he was not willing to give up like this .

” How about I give you more money ?”

” It’s not about money . ”

Qin Ye was also a little helpless .

the other party’s resolute attitude , Li Lei gritted his teeth and said :

” If you can meet our requirements , I can give you Wan !”

His words startled Qin Ye .

good guy !

Is this really about taking money and hitting yourself ?

But I was so resolute just now , is it a bit bad to promise at this time ?

Tangled .�? .

He looked at Li Lei with resentment in his eyes, did he say if I didn’t participate ?

Make a lot of cooking now !

” Cough , why did it suddenly increase from ten thousand to ten thousand ?

Qin Ye asked .

When Li Lei saw the drama , he quickly explained it .

This 80 million is also required .

The other party and Qihu Video signed a gambling agreement .

To reach the highest level , you need to have an average playback volume of 100 million , and you can add 120 million to the signing fee .

But now , they have only reached the second gear , and can barely make a return .

” Actually , for the sake of rap , as long as you can help us meet our requirements , it’s okay to give it all to you …

” But my brothers will either participate for free , or they will only charge a pitiful fee . I want to leave some to compensate them . ”

Only then did Qin Ye understand .

The ten thousand signing fee before , should not have been requested by the other party .

Now .

but to help them fulfill their requirements .

” How much are you playing now ?”

Qin Ye asked .

Li Tong was a little embarrassed and said :

” There are only more than 10,000 people now , and people barely reach the second gear . If you hadn’t sang two very popular songs , it might have been even worse . At that time, I might have lost my fortune .

how risky it was for him to bet and grab it .

If it wasn’t for Qin Ye , he might have to sleep on the street .

This was also the reason why he was willing to give Qin Ye so much. He was already thankful that he didn’t die !

So you still want to hit this target now , how many broadcasts will the remaining shows reach on average ?

I did the math , and it probably costs an average of 180 million !

Qin Ye raised his brows , and it was about to triple . This was really a daunting task !

variety shows that have reached this amount of broadcasts in China !

To be honest , even if I were a music critic , I’m afraid I wouldn’t be that much traffic !

Li Lei was stunned , did he want to refuse again , /:./’2;”:’, refused ?

I don’t know .

Qin Ye went on to say this , I’ll find a chance to appear on your show , sing a song , and see if I can make the audience interested in rap , and we’ll talk about the rest after seeing the effect .

Li Lei is happy .

” Then you agreed ?

Hmm, so be it !

” That’s great , how about the next issue ?”

Qin Ye thought about it for a while and said : I can’t do it next time , I really have something to do. In this way , I’ll arrange things first . Do n’t worry , since I promised you , I won’t let go of the pigeons . ” For the sake of 80 million , I can’t let it go, he added !

That’s fine , but after this show is done for one episode , it will be much more difficult to get the average value later , Li Lei said a little worried .

Qin Ye nodded and said , don’t worry , I will try my best to write a better song .

OK , then let’s exchange contact information , and then call the two after calling .

The other party left .

Qin Ye looked at his back and pondered .

can imagine how difficult it is to drive such a large amount of traffic by yourself !

So. _

He must sing a song that is dangling and can highlight the characteristics of rap , so that rap can become famous in one fell swoop !

” Are you sure ?

Su Lingyun beside her asked in a low voice .

Try it , who doesn’t want 80 million ? I’m about to start saving my wife’s book .

Qin Ye smiled . .Su Lingyun was ashamed and rolled her eyes at Qin Ye , but the celebration feast with a sweet heart was over .

Qin Ye drank a lot of wine later !

period .

The president of Penguin Music also came to him , and the two made an appointment to talk about copyright .

When he left , he was supported by Su Lingyun .

car .

Su Lingyun drove the car carefully , while Qin Ye wanted to sleep beside her .

But this little girl is really not very good at driving .

This made Qin Ye have to lift his spirits a little , for fear of something going wrong !

, who looked serious and nervous , Qin Ye’s heart also warmed .

Nothing to do .

He used the system function again !

” Name : Su Lingyun Occupation : Student Height : cm Weight : kg Face Value : Temperament : Intimacy : [ You know the good guy !

This LSP system , understand your sister !

I have to say , he was caught by this snarky bag system !

Looking at Su Lingyun , who was as beautiful as a fairy, his heart was a little itchy. He thought again , should he get rid of that [ you know ] right away .

two returned to the community , Su Lingyun thought that Qin Ye had not sobered up and parked the car, so she helped Qin Ye get out of the car , put his left hand on her weak shoulder , and helped him walk towards the house .

Qin Ye enjoyed the service of the beautiful woman and continued to perform .

With the good smell , Xiu occasionally brushed Qin Ye’s face , itching !

His heart agitated .

Chapter Gambling King Suye ! Fame spreads far and wide ! ? Seeking full order ? (7)

at home .

Qin Ye leaned on the sand and drank the tea that Su Lingyun had made .

What puzzled him was that Su Lingyun was always busy .

The floor is already clean .

But the other party is still dragging on !

” That . .�. Lingyun, don’t be busy , come and sit . ”

Su Lingyun said softly .

She didn’t know what to delay , but when she went home this time , it felt different from yesterday .

Soon .

There was really nothing to do , so she had to obediently come to Qin Ye’s side .

Don’t dare to look at Qin Ye .

Qin Ye coughed twice and said :

” That . .�. I’ve finished listening to the song . Are you my daughter-in-law now ?”

When Su Lingyun heard the words , her pretty face blushed , recalling the sweetness on the stage just now, she nodded lightly .

Well , should we do something that couples should do ?

What’s the matter ? ”

Su Lingyun’s pretty face was flushed , and her voice was as light as a mosquito .

Now Qin Ye has stopped !

He wasn’t shy , but he didn’t know how to say it .

It’s just what normal couples do . For example, if you sleep in that room alone , I’m a little worried !

Qin Ye said righteously .

This should be clear enough !

He just looked at Su Lingyun so quietly , and his heart was a little restless .

And Su Lingyun didn’t know how to answer at all , her face was shy and tangled !

There is a play !

Qin Ye’s eyes were blank .

Just as he was looking forward to it , Su Lingyun’s phone rang .

which king .

Qin Ye , who was scolding inwardly, was now called by her mother , so she could only take back the words in her heart .

I take a call .

Su Lingyun took the phone , trotted to the balcony , took a deep breath, and the blush on her face disappeared .

When she heard Qin Ye’s explicit words just now , her heart almost jumped out .

Qin Ye secretly said that he was unlucky .

Just wait and wait !

the two mothers and daughters talked endlessly , and occasionally Su Lingyun looked at her side, okay , it seemed that it was only taking her time .

Sigh . 2 He knows .

After all, the relationship was established between the two. If they were more open , it might not matter .

But Su Lingyun’s character , it is estimated that it is a little difficult for the other party, so he is going to take a bath first to calm down .

When she comes out .

Just now Su Lingyun just finished the phone call , and the two met .

Looking at the beautiful face of the other party , Qin Ye’s calm heart became agitated again .

Under the stunned gaze of the girl , he forced her into his arms .

Aiming at those delicate red lips . .

Su Lingyun’s eyes widened , her expression panicked , but she didn’t resist and just watched Qin Ye take away her first kiss !

For a long time .

Lip points .

Look at the girl’s faint eyes .

Qin Ye was also a little embarrassed , and said : The song has been sung , so let’s honor the content in the lyrics !

It’s too late , rest early !

After saying that, he went back to his bed .

Recalling the taste just now , he secretly said that his swing was not perfect enough after a night .

Qin Ye got up very early , but Su Lingyun, who had always been up earlier than herself, hadn’t gotten up yet .

estimate .

It was also a sleepless night for her .

Made breakfast for two .

After eating .

He left and went to a hotel .

It is also the hotel where the vice president of Penguin Music lives .

This negotiation was also very stressful for him .

Although his songs dominate the charts , but after all, there are too few .

with high output have two or three hundred songs , but he only has more than ten songs when he is full !

If you want to complete the system task , you must sell it to 40,000 !

When Qin Ye arrived , the entire team of the other party was ready, Mr. Qin , and you finally agreed to meet us .

Mr. Liang laughed .

What I promised you , of course, will be done . You are also the first platform I have seen. Thank you for the last time .

Qin Ye smiled .

Where , between Wang Linhan and you , I think normal people know how to choose !

Qin Ye nodded , but did not take the other party’s compliments to heart .

Mr. Liang , you are also a busy person . Let’s go directly to the topic . I wonder how much your company wants to spend to buy my copyright ?

Mr. Liang said , and took a document from his subordinates and handed it to Qin Ye .

Qin Ye frowned after reading it .

The signing fee is 20,000 !

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