Duan Jing’s dramatic voice sounded , but it was not sung by Qin Ye !

People in the audience walked by, but the old colors were not seen . ”

The people in the audience sang , heartbroken parting songs .

That rich and extreme drama appeared , bursting the audience at once !

The elevator goes up .

a white retro dress and fluttering like a fairy, appeared in everyone’s field of vision .

Goddess ! ”

” Goddess ! ” Wife ! ”

Go away , that’s the wit’s wife , you’re thinking about your fart and all kinds of screams resound .

Next .

They were immersed in this authentic opera, and they couldn’t help themselves. It was so amazing, especially Su Lingyun’s occasional professional and elegant opera moves that set off the whole network !

that everyone realized that they actually liked opera so much !

Lingyun singing opera is more comfortable .

Xu Xiaoyun’s face was full of relief .

There is still a difference between singing opera in pop and singing in opera performances !

She was a little envious of this naturally beautiful disciple !

Of course .

‘s not that I envy her talent , but I envy that Qin Ye and Su Lingyun standing behind her have completely become the protagonist of the stage .

After singing “The Chiling ” , I sang “The Play of Pulling Silk ” again !

The climax of the scene one after another !

After Su Lingyun finished singing, she was relieved . For the first time, she reluctantly sang in 100,000 people !

Hearing the screaming screams around her , she looked in a trance !

At this time, Qin Ye also put down what he was doing and came to her side .

Thank you to our Ling Yun classmates for the performance ! It is also a great honor to invite Ling Yun to come to my concert ! ”

, and said coquettishly that it was a little girl’s honor to be able to participate in Qin Ye’s concert !

Stunned !

The audience knows that they can’t stand it !

” What the hell , am I here to eat dog food ?”

to be hurt . I came here alone from a long distance . How about you put this show of love away ?

“On the left is classmate Qin Ye , and the other is classmate Lingyun , I advise you to be kind !

Who doesn’t know that the two of you are together ? I think it’s better to hit the sun instead of choosing a day . You can just get married today . ”

Tucao everywhere .

on stage .

Qin Ye and Su Lingyun chatted for a few minutes , and when they showed the audience, even their roommates couldn’t stand it .

Xiao Yunyun , you have changed, and sure enough, women in love don’t know who they are . ” This is a few months ago , if someone told me that Lingyun would show affection with a boy in front of 100,000 people , I must think the end of the world. coming

The sour smell of love makes them want to leave here !

Finally .

Qin Ye picked up the microphone and said :

” The next song is a song that I sang with my classmates Ling Yun . It ‘s a drama song . This song is also a song from the new album !”

The place exploded !

I originally thought I was going to sing Liangliang , but it turned out to be a new song !

” Fuck , other people’s concerts are selling love words , and I, Qin Caizi, are holding concerts and album presentations ?”

“To be talented is to do whatever you want !”

Some viewers were excited .

” I don’t even know what to say , how can there be such an album ?”

Xiao Tianwang felt a little helpless .

” You are wrong , what he did is correct , don’t bring yourself into it . ” Li Zhe said sternly .

Xiao Tianwang looked at him .

Li Zhe sighed and said , “Like we debuted for so many years , we already have a fixed fandom , and sometimes fans know us better than us , so we don’t need to do this at all .

Qin Ye is different . He has just made his debut . Although he has created a lot of Divine Comedies , his fans have not yet fully stabilized . He did this to tell everyone that his new album songs are no worse than the previous Divine Comedies . idea .

Xiao Tianwang jianyan pondered .

Yes !

The two new songs ” Rusue ” and ” Thousands of Baidu ” have just been put on the Chinese music scene , and they are the top songs .

Qin Ye is trying to convince everyone that his talent is not a flash in the pan. Maybe he is the only one who dares to play like this in the entire Chinese music scene , and only he can play like this .

Xiao Tianwang was a little disappointed .

At this time .

A majestic melody sounded .

Qin Ye and Su Lingyun are just facing each other , looking at each other’s eyes seems to see from each other’s pupils that they are under the gaze of 100,000 people , like a couple of immortals !

Song information also appeared on the big screen Song : Ten Years in the World Lyrics : Qin Ye Composer : Qin Ye Sings : Qin Ye , Su Lingyun Yu Qin Ye picked up the microphone and the singing started .

” Light , who lights the candle to light .

Hidden by time .

Light , replacing light and dark positions , flows freely .

The pitch is not very high .

But full of rage !

And it’s very penetrating !

That voice seems to rush into his body from all directions , which is the ultimate manifestation of singing skills !

” Look , who’s standing there .

The chess game has been riddled with holes .

” Look , the most true and false picture in front of you, so why not fake it .

The power in the singing is progressive .

Emotions are increasing !

Everyone only felt that their heartbeats were speeding up with the singing .

With a fiery and stubborn heart, he walked . ”

The most forgiving place of execution .

” Cracked and shattered , all echoed hollowly . ”

The majestic singing was swept up in the face by the impact of the soul, and everyone seemed to see a lonely figure , rushing to the execution ground as if it were generous to die !

But it stands proudly like a pine tree , giving people a sense of respect from the bottom of their hearts !

Everyone has a big mouth !

The momentum is also condensed to a point at this moment .

burst !

” In the end, I was fortunate to be Yu Yang .

still remain . ” It’s too late to tell , the story is full of ups and downs . ”

All emotions explode at this moment !

The song full of power is impacting the hearts of the audience .

of the lyrics is a picture scroll with endless regret and tragic that makes people’s soul tremble , and unfolds in everyone’s mind with the singing !

They felt their scalps numb and their blood was on fire !

An audience member looked at Qin Ye on the stage with a shocked expression on his face !

There were tears in his eyes .

and gentle voice completely shook him !

Let him lose control of his soul !

” Too oregano , it’s really

He hasn’t finished speaking yet .

The picture on the big screen became the top of a snow-capped peak !

There seems to be a cold wind blowing !

The fairy-like Su Lingyun picked up the words .

This time, her charming Danfeng eyes were gently closed !

However .

The drama with endless power radiated from her weak body :

Swept the audience !

” There is the most extraordinary peak Liu . ”

” Fulfilling you and my arrogance . “”

” Clear the tumor and the full moon at sea , fill the cup with light . ”

Rui !

If Chi Ling , many people are moved by the lyrics and the content in the lyrics !

Then this time it was the blasting drama that swept the audience !

Everyone’s blood was ignited. They had never heard such a shocking drama. Especially at this time , although Su Lingyun was slightly smiling in the crowd of 100,000 people, the explosive drama overshadowed all other voices .

She is like a person standing on the top of the snowy peak, but she is full of momentum !

There is the most arrogant snow mountain quietly listening to you and me chanting chapters .

” The bridge that the world is envious of is nothing but ordinary .

of 100,000 people completely exploded, and many people even felt that their eyes were moistened by the singing !

Ah ah ah ! It’s so arrogant ! ”

I really cried . The last time I had this shocking feeling was when Teacher Qin and Teacher Wang sang “The Left Finger Moon ” .

“I didn’t expect such a beautiful girl to sing such a shocking song !

Damn , this drama , I am afraid that no one can match !

Explosive drama !

Completely conquered all audiences !

Several opera girls had rosy eyes , and looked at the scene of the concert that was not inferior to the King of Heaven !

They were shaking with excitement !

could opera ever ignite the stage like this ?

Especially Xu Ruoxin .

He worked as an intern at a theater in the capital city for a period of time .

that can only accommodate people is full of people, and people eat and chat while eating . Except for the elderly , they all have no sense of what is being sung on stage. For them, they may come to the theater to listen to the play . Just a way to beat the clock and prove it !

This is still her starting point is relatively high .

And in their home .

It is often seen that opera actors perform alone on the top , and there is no one applauding below !

They have to sing the whole play alone , even if no one knows me, but the audience here is thousands of times that of their theater, and everyone is excited and cheering for the opera !

Cheers to the national quintessence !

There were even tears in my eyes !

She had never seen such a scene !

a time .

Tears are falling from the corners of my eyes !

If drama can be promoted in this way , it must be a very beautiful thing ( Zhao of Zhao ) .

she muttered to herself .

on stage .

Light , who lights the candle .

Hidden by time . ”

When it’s the drama’s turn .

Qin Ye also joined the voice !

” There is the most arrogant snow mountain .

” I have listened to you and me reciting chapters .

” The bridge that the world is envious of is nothing but ordinary .

” Has the most slender handwriting .

” It’s all yellowed from memory .

And I set the stage again for the next chapter . ”

The dragon and phoenix operas sing together !

The melding voices completely exploded the stage !

It seems that the next chapter that belongs to them is about to be set off. Some audience members who have seats can no longer control their excitement and stand up and cheer and scream !

Even the people in the VIP area , without exception, were so amazing that they sang with all their strength , but they couldn’t find a place to vent !

Only in this way can we vent the combination of Qin and Su, and the world is invincible ! ”

” Sweeping the music scene , proving the opera !”

perfect , this is the perfect combination of music and drama ! ”

These two are a match made in heaven !

With a smile , Xu Xiaoyun looked at the disciples who were shining brightly on the stage .

Congratulations , maybe in the near future , you can surpass me as a mentor .

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