She was not hypocritical or concealing. Murong Yifei raised her eyebrows and continued to ask: "Why, you are happy that he died?"

"Well, if everyone who bullied me is dead, I will be happier." Liu Xinmei said generously in response to his gaze.

"His ..." After a breath of gas, everyone recalled in their hearts whether they had offended the princess.

If this word spreads to the back house, many people will never be able to sleep peacefully, and have not bullied their mother and son. If the princess of the princess had a whim some day and wanted to calculate the old accounts, I don't know how many people would suffer.

Murong Yifei's eyes also dimmed, is he also within her curse? Although he has not directly tortured her, but it is impossible for him to completely shirk responsibility for everything she encountered. Who called him her husband? It is an unforgivable mistake in itself that a man cannot protect his woman's life.

"Since the princess princess is so unwilling to see this doctor Lin, does his death have anything to do with you?" Xiao Yin asked with a question.

Everyone's eyes are secretly looking at Liu Xinmei, yeah, this doctor Lin has little contact with the people in the house. At present, there is only the princess who has hatred with him. Could it be that she instructed others?

Liu Xinmei looked at Xiao Yin with a smile, "I don't want to see you anymore. Why are you still alive for so long?"

The smile on Xiao Yin's face is gone. Does his face resemble a bitter gourd? Does he live so well that others' eyes are off? He was just in his early twenties, and there was a lot of time to be squandered.

"Deserve it." Xue Kyong said these two words clearly in Xiao Yin's ear.

After 15th day, how old is he? In this matter, is there a man in the dry or a man in the wet?

Everyone bowed their heads together, and no one went to find the trouble. It was really not fun to be seen by the princess. This Xiao Ye and his family's prince have never been in a bad relationship.

Murong Yifei and Mo Li both endured a smile, and they did not expect Liu Xinmei to be so bitter and mean, leaving no room for others. For the first time, Xiao Yin was ridiculously speechless, and she was also at home.

"Princess, who do you think this is doing?" Murong Yifei asked.

Let me go! Does this **** know that his previous life was a private investigator, and are he prepared to throw such difficult questions to her?

"I didn't eat the salary of the court, so naturally I didn't worry about it." Liu Xinmei didn't want to waste his energy on it.

He thought she was a Guanyin Bodhisattva, did he have thirty-two incarnations? Only you can't think of it, nothing I can't do, this **** is definitely blowing! People who say this are so good, why not go to heaven, why not stand side by side with the sun? Liu Xinmei was different from Wen Ruoruo, and he wished to take everything over and do it with all his care, just to get an unpleasant compliment from the man. She is not responsible for this family and this man, where she is willing to take care of so much business.

"Liuye'er, we're just a female referee, and staying here can't do much to help. Don't disturb the prince, go back to sleep first." She said, she covered her mouth with her back and yawned, just With a slight blessing, Shi Shiran left.

Snow Kite listened to this sentence, and there was no interest. Alas, the dead man was not a handsome guy or a beauties. There was nothing regrettable. Moreover, this old man had offended Liu Xinmei, then he must not be a good person, not worthy of sympathy.

"Xuankun, I will hand it over to you here. Be sure to find out what happened. And, tomorrow morning, report a letter to his house and give more silver two." Murong Yifei gave two instructions in an instant.

"Yes." Xuan Kun responded, but it was very strange in his heart. At this age, who he had hatred against, had to inquire slowly.

Wen Ruoruo's Qunfang residence is also closed, and now she is indifferent in front of the door, and there is no one who talks to the door.

"Mer, the lights in front are dimmed. Presumably this matter will come to an end. We also turned off the lights and fell asleep." Wen Ruoruo said to Meier.

"Mrs. Wen Fei, I just heard about the murder, but I don't know who was killed." Meier was also awakened by the scream, but she didn't have the guts to look out.

"Although the news is blocked here now, I want to know that I will know it tomorrow." Wen Ruoruo pretended to be hypocritical.

The prince did not ban her feet. Others did not want to walk in. She could go out. She wanted to hear some news. It was not difficult. The gossip was the fastest, although it had no feet or wings.

"Well." Meier helped Wen Ruoruo into the inside, carefully serving the tea.

The sound in the yard became smaller and smaller, leaving only a few lights still stubbornly glowing. The disturbed people gradually entered a sweet dream and went on a journey.

Wen Ruoruo heard Meier breathing evenly from the outside, but he turned around and could not sleep anyway. As long as Dr. Lin died, many secrets could be kept completely. Even the secretly instructing him to not heal Liu Xinmei in the old days was also unproven.

She simply climbed up, as long as the big trouble was resolved, she could continue to play the pure appearance of White Lotus in front of Murong Yifei. No matter how bad it was, it was years of sentiment. She was not Liu Xinmei. She could not do anything well. In An Wang Mansion, she had become Murong Yifei ’s left arm and right arm, helping him solve many worries. That Liu Xinmei can slowly climb up, she can certainly do it. In addition, her literati will never give up on her, as long as she has the support of her family and money, she will certainly be able to fight Liu Liumei.

If Wen Ruoru made up his mind, didn't Liu Xinmei return to Jingbianhou House several times recently? It seems that she is also ready to borrow the strength of her family. Tomorrow she should go back, to avoid the limelight, and to come back with her mother to find a way out. These three things are naturally seeking financial support. If you want to firmly control the people in your hand, how can you not give them some sweetness?

Liu Xinmei returned to Ruyan Pavilion and could not sleep. Who offended Dr. Lin? A lot of age also caused the scourge of death. Tomorrow Liu Ye'er explores Xuan Kun's tone, she always feels a little strange here. Now that she is investigating Lengyuan herself, she is really inexperienced, but since there are resources available, why not do it?

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