Abandoned Peasant Woman: Farming With a Cute Baby

Chapter 1716: Take care of yourself

At the same time, Zhao Yun'er did not forget to teach, "Doudou, next time someone bullies you, crying is useless, you have to teach them how to behave with your fist. You are a man, you know how to protect yourself, you know?"

"Hmm, mother, Doudou will definitely be in the future!"


Seeing Doudou tired, Zhao Yuner felt sad. How much hardship this child has suffered before and how many people have been bullied. Fortunately, it won't be anymore. With her, no one should bully their mother and son.

Wu Zhenzhu rushed to Liang Xiaofei crying and hugged Liang Xiaofei.

Liang Xiaofei continued to cry "wow wow wow", and when she reached Wu Zhenzhu's arms, she cried more fiercely.

"Mother, it hurts! It hurts me to death!"

Wu Zhenzhu patted Liang Xiaofei's apostasy, "It's alright, Xiaofei won't cry, mother knows Xiaofei has been wronged!"

"Mother..." Liang Xiaofei noticed that his mouth was open, and a tooth fell out of it, still stained with blood.

Wu Zhenzhu was shocked when she saw it and couldn't help but cursed at Zhao Yun'er, "Zhao Yun'er, look, look, your Doudou is too cruel, right? My Xiaofei's teeth were all knocked out. Up!"

"So what? If you can't beat others, you can only be beaten! Otherwise, Xiao Fei, don't tease my Doudou, or you will have to endure such a result. My second aunt didn't educate her own children. The beans are coming up?" Zhao Yun'er replied lightly, not putting Liang Xiaofei's injury in his eyes.

Wu Zhenzhen’s liver hurts, "It’s a child, let’s start so cruel! It’s really bad for me to meet such a relative! Xiao Fei, his father, you are a man who can’t protect his own son. What's the point? I see. Just useless!"

Wu Zhenzhu spread all the anger on Liang Jinhui, and Liang Xiaofei would not be hurt so badly if Liang Jinhui had just shot.

Liang Jinhui said he was helpless.

How can he protect a big man? Do you do it on a child or a woman? If he turns his head back, he will be reprimanded again.

"Xiao Fei, his mother, this is something that our family Xiao Fei did not do right. The child lost his tooth and it was okay, and he grew out of it when he turned his head. This is a lesson for Xiao Fei. Now, our family can pamper him, but no one will let him outside."

After listening to Liang Jinhui's words, Wu Zhenzhu was even more angry, "Useless is useless, so many of them are useless, Xiao Fei is unlucky, and put on your useless dad!"

Liang Jinhui couldn't hold back his face, this woman was never finished.

Guo Caixia on the side was a little gloating, and she was very happy to see Erfang deflated.

On weekdays, Liang Xiaofei was very spoiled at Liang's house, and often bullied their family Dakui, but Wu Zhenzhu was very protective, and Liang Dakui suffered every time. Now seeing Liang Xiaofei being cleaned up, he finally gave her a sigh of foul.

Bad boys like Liang Xiaofei have to clean up well, otherwise they don't know what is good or bad.

After listening to Wu Zhenzhu’s cursing on Liang Jinhui, Guo Caixia said coldly, "I said the second sibling, you can’t say that. The two children are fighting today. What is the second brother and a big man’s hand in? If it’s wrong to fly first, the second younger siblings have to be well educated when they turn back. The home is at home and the outside is outside. If you don’t educate the child well, someone will help you clean up when you turn around. It’s just a coincidence this time, it’s Doudou..."

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