
"If you talk more, believe it or not, I'll smoke you again?" Qin Yuan snapped.

Zhao Ping'er shivered in fright, and hurriedly stopped her mouth, "Brother Yuan...Isn't it impossible if I don't say..."

Zhao Baoshan inhaled the dry flue and said, "Don't worry, it's impossible for Ping'er girl to go back too late! I'll let your milk cook right away, and I'll go back after eating early.

Didn’t you come here on two legs? Didn’t you drive the donkey? Besides, it's getting darker and later, and it's still a long time before dark! "

Zhao Baoshan's words fell and Qin Yuan hurriedly responded, "Yes, yes, yes, it's not too late now!"

Zhao Ping'er still complained, how could she not know that Qin Yuan was reluctant to leave.

Zhao Ping'er felt terribly uncomfortable when he thought that Qin Yuan was still thinking about Zhao Xinhui.

No matter how my sister-in-law and niece rob a man, I am not afraid of being laughed at.

But her sister-in-law is shameless again!

The more Zhao Ping'er thinks about it, the more angry she gets. If Zhao Xinhui snatches her mate, she will definitely make a fuss. She has to make Zhao Xinhui unable to be a person in the village in the future. What is this all about!

Huo Chunhua hurriedly said, "Okay, I'm going to cook, now I'm going to copy an old hen in the chicken coop to stew some soup.

If I want to look back, I have to buy some longan and brown sugar stew for Hui'er girl. She has shed so much blood now, and she must take good care of her. "

"Hurry up!" Zhao Baoshan waved his hand and urged.

"Okay!" Huo Chunhua responded with a grin.

In a blink of an eye, he arrived in the chicken coop and grabbed a fat old hen.

Zhao Wenshui suddenly felt jealous after seeing it.

His mother is really kind to his little sister, and the chicken that the family has finally raised is so easy to grab one for Zhao Xinhui to help.

Thinking of him last time, he just drank a bowl of chicken soup, but Huo Chunhua caught him and scolded him, as if he had done something unreasonable.

Seeing Huo Chunhua shaking an old hen in her hand, Zhao Wenshui couldn't help swallowing in her belly thinking of the delicious chicken soup.

Then he leaned in front of Huo Chunhua and rushed to Huo Chunhua in a pleasing tone.

"Mother, this old hen can stew a lot of soup, can you give me a bowl?"

To Zhao Wenshui’s expectant eyes, Zhao Wenshui not only did not agree, but taught Zhao Wenshui a lesson, “You are a delicious and difficult thing to do. I didn’t see you so diligent before harvesting rapeseed, and let your third and fourth brothers help. I’m so embarrassed to have chicken soup right now! No one is as active as you when it comes to eating!"

After being so scolded by Huo Chunhua, Zhao Wenshui felt dull, but continued to miss Huo Chunhua's chicken soup.

Since the banquet, he hasn't eaten anything good, and now he only feels boring in his mouth, especially wanting to eat some meaty things.

The chicken soup is the best, with a layer of butter floating on it, it is fragrant and delicious.

Knowing that Huo Chunhua would definitely not give him chicken soup because he couldn't bear it, Zhao Wenshui hurriedly said, "Mother, I won't drink chicken soup for nothing, and I will pay you! Your son hasn't eaten good things for a long time, so give him one. Give me a bowl of chicken soup?"

Huo Chunhua turned her eyes and said, "That's OK, a bowl of four cents!"

"All right, mother, I'll take it for you!" Zhao Wenshui said.

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