Abandoned Peasant Woman: Farming With a Cute Baby

Chapter 2327: Zhao Yuner's Brain Supplement

She knew Ye Lisheng's beauty, and the emperor's eyes looked a little strange when he stared at Ye Li.

Did you fall for the night?

Zhao Yuner's mind couldn't help but fill up the Danmei plot.

It seems that good men's style is not popular in this era, but it does not rule out people's cutting-edge...

Especially those big people... Hobbies are even more elusive.

Maybe it's because the queen has three thousand beauties in the harem. It seems that there are too many women to be interested. This will make Ye Li think differently.

The more I thought about Zhao Yuner, the more I felt Ye Li was too dangerous.

If the emperor insists on forcing Ye Li to be together, who can refuse the emperor's superior status?

Ye Li could not only be ruined by the emperor?

Hey... Anyway, Ye Li is a normal man. If he finds that he has been spotted by a man, I don't know if he will feel cold in his heart.

Zhao Yun'er thought about it directly, until Mu Lianfeng coughed lightly, Zhao Yun'er withdrew from her mind, and found that she was out of state, because Ye Li and the emperor watched for a long time.

The emperor smiled slightly, Zhao Yun'er became more embarrassed, and quickly continued to lower her head to barbecue, killing the embarrassment.

Soon Zhao Yuner had the roasted meat and handed it to the emperor first, so that he could taste it.

After eating the tender and fragrant barbecue, the emperor squinted his eyes and tasted the taste carefully, nodding his head, and then praised Zhao Yuner, "Miss Yuner, this meat tastes really good, I don't know what meat it is?"

"It's the two tigers that Ye Li killed. I was thinking about making some novel ways, and then I baked them."

After hearing this, the emperor was slightly surprised for a moment, and then there was a hint of playfulness in his smile.

It turned out to be tiger meat...

He suggested that he was still curious about what Ye Li carried the tiger for. It turned out that he carried the tiger back to eat.

And he just took a good fortune.

I have to say that this is the first time he has eaten this novel way of barbecue.

It is estimated that the food in the palace has been eaten too much, and you will feel special when you taste Zhao Yuner's barbecue.


Within a minute, the emperor had resolved all the skewers of barbecue in his hand, and his intentions were still not enough.

Zhao Yuner hurriedly continued barbecuing, and the green plum wine at home was also taken out to entertain the emperor.

A group of people continued to talk and laugh around the fire, and the night became darker unknowingly, and after eating for a long time, they were finally full.

Zhao Yun'er forgot, she ate all the roasted 30 catties of meat.

After sharing, everyone ate more than a catty, and the appetite was really big.

When the noise came very late, the family began to prepare to rest.

The children were also very tired, and the night turned out to be a little sleepy.

Zhao Yuner first washed Doudou, and then prepared a room for the emperor to let him rest.

However, the conditions of the family are not as good as the palace, and today she is still too shabby compared to the emperor.

For the time being overnight, it would be fine to make do, and the emperor did not pay much attention to this aspect.

After the family finally rested, Zhao Yuner lay on the bed. Seeing that Mulianfeng didn't lie down, she whispered about the purpose of Mulianfenghuang's coming up.

Mu Lianfeng hadn't concealed it from Zhao Yun'er, so he directly said the reason.

According to the emperor, Mu Lianfeng would have to leave here and rush to the border fortress to complete the task within a month.

After hearing it for a month, Zhao Yuner still felt too fast.

She knew that Mulianfeng would leave, but she didn't expect that Mulianfeng would leave so early.

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