An Le was a little injured. He cared about Ye Li so much, but Ye Li did treat him with such an attitude...

However, it seems that Ye Li never gave him a wink before, every time he looked very disgusted, which made him a little sad.

He thought he hadn't done anything to miss, why did he hate him so much at night?


Seeing that Ye Li is not like this to other people, only to her...

The more An Le thought about it, the more worried he became, and he didn't know how to improve Ye Li's attitude towards him.

He didn't ask Ye Li to like him more, as long as he didn't hate him like he is now.

Even though Ye Li had a cold and indifferent attitude towards him, An Le still pulled out a smile, and smiled and continued with Ye Li, "I am not concerned about you! I have to share anything with others, don’t ask for one. People are bored in their hearts, otherwise how uncomfortable it will be?"

"..." Ye Li looked at Anle's eyes deeper and colder, and said in a warning tone, "Don't you understand what I'm saying? Do you want me to say it again? You don't have to worry about my business!"

"I..." An Le is a little wronged!

Caring about others is not happy for others!

Really, kindly as donkey liver and lungs!

If it wasn't for the sake of liking Ye Li, he wouldn't bother to care about him!

An Le sighed deeply, thinking about how many people like him since he was a child and grown up. How many people in the store showed up to him? But he didn't see anyone else, only Ye Li.

This man is good everywhere, good everywhere, he is the best in the world!

If he hadn't met him personally, he couldn't imagine that there was such a man in the world.

The only bad thing is that he is too cold towards him!

An Le felt this frustration for the first time, but she was helpless in the face of Ye Li.

Ye Li didn't take care of peace anymore, but turned around and continued to help Zhao Wenhua with his work.

Standing comfortably on the spot, watching Ye Li's back turned away, his eyes were slightly red.

The surrounding excitement continued, and many villagers laughed while chatting.

Anle worked hard to stabilize my emotions and comforted myself to continue working hard.

Faith will move mountains to open! As long as you make up your mind to do one thing, Ye Li will accept him one day!

An Le pulled out a smile from the corner of her mouth to cheer for herself.

At about ten o'clock, I saw a mighty team coming to Zhao Yuner's yard.

It is estimated that there are about a hundred people in this battle. Ordinary people get married, at most a dozen.

The gathering of hundreds of people is still shocking.

Especially when the individual was wearing uniform red clothes and playing musical instruments, it was extremely festive and lively.

Headed by Mu Lianfeng, he also wore a red suit.

Because of the excitement, he was a little more energetic than usual, and he looked more handsome and elegant.

A pair of eyebrows are like stars, and their cheeks are handsome, as if they were carefully carved.

The jade crown is tied up, and the sword eyebrow is even more heroic.

Mu Lianfeng was sitting on horseback with compelling aura. Come to join in the fun today, the little girls who want to see the true face of the present-day son are all deeply fascinated by the appearance of Mulianfeng.

Only after seeing the look of Mu Lianfeng did he know what a beautiful man is. Compared to a man in the mountains, Mu Lianfeng's appearance is not only a little bit better, and there is no comparison at all.

Many young girls screamed in the crowd.

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