I wiped it with a towel, because my back was soaked with sweat, so I took off my coat.

After the clothes were taken off, a strong muscle appeared.

Ye Li's muscles are not like those of a too strong fitness trainer. Such a muscular figure gives people a sense of strength, but it doesn't feel too much.

The people in the yard saw Ye Li's appearance when she took off her clothes.

In fact, it is very common for country folks to look topless.

Because the man from the country looks like this when he goes to work in the fields. He didn't feel too shy when he was naked.

Anle came back helplessly after getting hungry when it was time for lunch.

He wanted to make himself more spine, but it was a pity that he couldn't eat his spine.

The hungry croak, the bitter thing is that he is not his emperor brother, so he can't do it for his emperor brother.


An Le sighed heavily. In the final analysis, he still lacks his abilities, otherwise he wouldn't even know his life is the master.

When I came back, I saw Ye Li taking a shower in the yard. His sturdy figure was in the air, almost making him spray blood.

He knew Ye Li was in good shape, but he didn't expect Ye Li to be so good in shape.

His eyes were placed on Ye Li, and he couldn't move away for a moment.

Excited and almost spitting blood, he couldn't help but continue watching.

I kept crying in my heart, rely on me!

This picture is really amazing!

If this is okay for others, it would be Ye Li, his favorite person. Seeing him naked, how could he not think of anything else.

The emperor saw this scene not far away, and was a little angry.

He quickly stepped forward, blocked Anle's eyes, and whispered into Anle's ear, "Bad girl, shameless, what are you looking at!"

"Brother Emperor..." An Le, who was blindfolded, was a little uncomfortable, and quickly pushed the emperor outward.

"Look at it? Only a few days after coming out, have you forgotten all the courtesy, justice and shame you learned before?" The emperor asked a little serious question.

"I...I didn't have it, didn't I just take a look...really!" An Le curled his lips, very unhappy.

"Dare to say that I will teach you a lesson when I go back!"

"I...I don't want to go back! I'm going to stay here!" An Le still said a little hard.

"Stay here? Haha! Damn girl, is it for this night? I see that your eyes are a little different to him!" The emperor's eyes showed some scrutiny, and he squinted his eyes, staring at Anle. .

An Le was a little guilty, and replied stiffly, "No!"

"No? Huh?"

"Of course not!"

"Bad girl, don't I know enough about you? Is there anything you can hide from me?" The emperor's mouth hooked, with an expression that saw through peace.

An Le feels very hurt.

Her emperor really bullied people!

Let her go back again, see through her mind, and pierce her ruthlessly! Don't give her any face at all.

"Even if it is so? Humph! I just like Ye Li, I just like him! What's wrong? He is good-looking and capable, and admiring him is normal, right?

Brother, I won't go back anyway, and won't let you and the queen arrange my marriage.

Whoever I want to be with is my freedom. If I want to marry in this life, I will marry the person I like! "

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