Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 1019 It’s really a witchcraft

Bai Ruozhu was stunned for a moment, what does a special soul mean? Is it because her soul can easily leave the body?

The Queen Mother and Yu Huan looked at Ning Yu in confusion and asked, "Does Master Ning know Mrs. Jiang?"

"I helped the maid's relatives in her mansion survive a few days ago. It would be even better if Mrs. Jiang has a special physique and is willing to help me set up the formation." Ning Yu explained.

Now that it's all said and done, can Bai Ruozhu say no? And seeing the Queen Mother not doubting him, Bai Ruozhu really wanted to slap herself. She was the one who just told the Queen Mother to "employ people without doubt".

She had no choice but to walk to the threshold Ning Yu said and obey Ning Yu's instructions.

"Mrs. Jiang, don't be nervous. Just stand still." Ning Yu said with a grin, showing eight white teeth. "Princess Jade Temple, stand in the middle, close your eyes, don't be nervous, this formation It's just a check to see if you've been under a witchcraft spell, you won't feel anything."

Princess Jade Man nodded, walked carefully to the middle of the hexagram array, and then glanced nervously at the Queen Mother before closing her eyes.

"Queen Mother, I'm starting, please don't disturb me." Ning Yu said with a salute to the Queen Mother.

The Queen Mother hurriedly ordered the female officer who was close to her to watch the door so that no one could enter without permission, and then she allowed Ning Yu to continue.

Ning Yu took out a mahogany sword from somewhere, then raised the sword and waved it, moving his feet around the periphery of the formation drawn on the ground. But Bai Ruozhu looked carefully and saw that he was not walking in an ordinary step. He seemed to be walking in a straight line. A special kind of footwork.

Seeing Ning Yu swinging his sword and talking so eloquently, a thought suddenly came to Bai Ruozhu's head - didn't this man learn the art of catching monsters?

Caught her as a monster?

Bai Ruozhu shook her head silently. She must have thought too much. Ancient witchcraft is particularly mysterious, and it is normal for related things to be special.

Soon, Ning Yu's movements became faster and faster, and his chants became more and more blurred. The three talismans in his hand suddenly flew up, and then rushed into the formation and burned automatically in three directions.

Bai Ruozhu was stunned. At this moment, a burst of red light suddenly fell on Princess Jade Temple.

For some reason, Bai Ruozhu's heart tightened, but although Princess Yuhan forced her eyes to frown slightly due to nervousness, she had no other reaction. Soon all the light penetrated Princess Yuhan's body and seemed to have completely disappeared.

Bai Ruozhu couldn't understand, and when there was no movement, she thought it was over. At this moment, a large amount of light suddenly emerged from the head of Princess Jade Temple, but the light was green, or a bit dark green!

Ning Yu's movements stopped, and a look of surprise flashed across his face. After a while, he said, "Okay, princess, you can open your eyes now."

Princess Yuyan opened her eyes and looked around, and found that the incense ash formation originally painted at her feet had completely disappeared, but no one else could see anything else.

"Then, what's the result?" Yu Huan asked nervously.

The Queen Mother stepped forward to hold her temples and asked anxiously: "What's going on with that dark green light?"

"If the light of the formation penetrates the human body and comes out red, it means the body is not under any witchcraft. But if it is green, it means it is under a witchcraft, and the depth of green also represents the degree of the witchcraft." Ning Yu His brows knitted together, and his voice lowered as he spoke.

"Can you tell when the princess fell under the witchcraft? Why did she suddenly become like this? Who wants to harm her?" The queen mother was a little emotional and couldn't stop her tears from falling.

Ning Yu's eyes flashed slightly, but he shook his head and said, "Who cast the curse? I can only find someone who is good at investigating cases to investigate. I really don't know."

Bai Ruozhu stared at Ning Yu and walked towards him step by step, "You just promised the Queen Mother that you would tell the truth. What are you hiding now?"

Ning Yu's eyelids jumped. How could he have expected that Mrs. Jiang would see through this? Before going out, his master reminded him that he shouldn't talk too much when explaining things to the royal family. If he talked too much about some things, he would involve the secrets of the royal family and get himself into big trouble.

When the Queen Mother heard what Bai Ruozhu said, she hurriedly asked: "Master Ning, please don't hide anything from the Ai family, otherwise the Ai family will have to go to the Astrology Tower in person to wait for the Imperial Master."

Ning Yu felt like he had a huge headache. His master sent him here because he was not in good health to avoid this matter. If the Queen Mother waited at the Astrology Tower every day, his master couldn't really disappear, right?

Thinking of this, he glared at Bai Ruozhu depressedly, because this woman's eyes were too sharp.

"The green color also means that the princess may have helped others transfer the witchcraft. As for the length of time, no one knows." Ning Yu finally had no choice but to speak out.

Both the Queen Mother and Yu Huan swayed, and Yu Huan's face turned extremely pale. Her lips trembled and she asked: "Who, who will transfer the witchcraft to me?"

The Queen Mother remembered the secret story of Chengshui Country. The royal families of several countries had heard about it, and the Queen Mother had also heard about it before. For a moment, her face turned as white as a piece of paper, and she murmured: "No, this is impossible, how could it be like this?"

Ning Yu shrank his neck, knowing that he couldn't say it out loud, as he would be in big trouble in the future anyway.

Taking advantage of the moment when the Queen Mother and Princess Jade-mane were distracted, he casually said goodbye and ran away.

Bai Ruozhu didn't even stop her when she called him, so she had no choice but to comfort the Queen Mother and Princess Yuhuan. She also thought about it, why don't she leave first and wait until the Queen Mother and Princess Yuhuan were in better spirits before visiting?

At this moment, the female official outside hurriedly came to report, "To report to the Queen Mother, Le Bin accidentally slipped and became red. The Queen Mother said that they are afraid..."

The Queen Mother was still immersed in the matter of Princess Jade Temple. When she heard the news, she was agitated, "Why did she suddenly slip and fall? Did the Queen go to see her? She told the Queen Mother to protect the child!"

"The queen was infected with cold yesterday. She is afraid that she will be sick after the illness, so she is not well enough to go and visit her. Queen Mother, do you want to go and have a look?" the female official asked cautiously.

The Queen Mother hurriedly wiped away her tears and said to her temples: "My good child, you can rest in the mother's palace, while the mother goes to see Wen'er first."

Yu Huan also put away her emotions and wanted to go with him to have a look, but she thought that it would be difficult for her to appear in front of people like this. She nodded and said, "Mother, take sister-in-law Ruozhu with you. Her medical skills are very good."

As soon as Bai Ruozhu heard that Le Bin had slipped, she knew there must be some conspiracy here. There was no shortage of conspiracies in the harem, but she didn't want to get involved in these harem disputes.

The Queen Mother went over and took Bai Ruozhu's hand and said, "Ruozhu is helping the Ai family. Wen'er is my niece. I watched her grow up. I really can't bear anything to happen to her or the child."

It turns out that there is still such a relationship, Bai Ruozhu said hurriedly: "Okay, Ruozhu will do his best to save him."

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