Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 1024 Breaking the head

The Bai Zhi family knew about Bai Ruolan's situation. Of course, the old man didn't tell her in a letter before, but only found out after talking to Bai Ruozhu and the others. Bai Zhi's family all felt that the old lady was confused and had harmed a good child, but they couldn't talk about their elders, so they felt even more sorry for Bai Ruolan.

Bai Ruolan and the others went to play in the garden, but Bai Ruozhu didn't follow. She went to the main courtyard and picked up Deng Deng, which her mother had brought. Bai Zhi knew that her two daughters had gone to play with Bai Ruolan, so she couldn't help but sigh and said, "If This kid Lan is too worried."

There was a time when Bai Ruozhu thought that Bai Ruolan was not strong enough, but then she thought about it carefully. A sixteen-year-old girl was originally the daughter of a scholar, but suddenly her mother was divorced by her father overnight. , had to marry a notorious widow, and then suddenly went to jail for fraud. Bai Yibo was poked in the spine and laughed at. Didn't Bai Ruolan get pointed at?

This was nothing, her grandma let the unruly widow in, and she really felt that her life was hopeless.

If these things happen to Bai Ruozhu, she is not optimistic about rebirth, nor does she have the skills before time travel. She is afraid that she will be as desperate for life as Bai Ruolan.

"Let Xiaobing Xiaoxue spend more time with Ruolan when she has time. She may get better," Bai Ruozhu said.

Bai Zhi nodded, "If we were in Beijing, we would come here often."

The person who sent the post to the Bo family came back and said that Mrs. Hou would welcome the Bai family to come over tomorrow, and also said that the Bai family would be allowed to have lunch.

Bai Zhi stood up after hearing this and said, "Then let's go back and prepare first. It's not easy to go there empty-handed tomorrow."

Bai Ruozhu nodded and sent someone to call Ding Bing and Ding Xue back. When they came back, Ding Xue's forehead was broken and bleeding. The little girl's eyes and nose were swollen from crying.

Ding Feiyu felt sorry for his daughter. He rushed over to check his daughter's wounds and asked anxiously: "How did it happen?"

Before Ding Xue could reply, he saw Bai Ruolan following him. Bai Ruolan seemed to be frightened and hid behind the wintersweet.

Ding Feiyu felt very distressed, thinking that they sympathized with Bai Ruolan's experience, but they couldn't play with a fool and hurt his daughter like this.

Bai Ruozhu didn't rush to ask what was going on, and immediately ordered the maid to get her medicine box. She pulled Ding Xue to sit down, and said softly: "My cousin will treat your injury, and I promise there will be no scars."

She could even heal Aunt Zhang's burns, so what does this little bit of skin damage mean?

Ding Xue cried and cried, but the little girl loved beauty after all. She immediately stared at Bai Ruozhu and asked: "Is it true that there will be no scars?"

Bai Ruozhu smiled and nodded. Although she didn't have any extra words, her actions seemed to give Ding Xue some peace of mind. She didn't know why, but she felt calmer.

At this time, she came back to her senses and realized that her father didn't look at cousin Ruolan too much. She immediately realized that her father had probably misunderstood.

"Dad, Mom, I just naughtily picked the persimmons from the tree and fell off." Ding Xue said and lowered her head.

There are two persimmon trees in the house that Bai Ruozhu bought. They were picked by the previous owner. By this season, they are already full of persimmons.

"Why didn't you stop Miss Biao? How could you let her do such a dangerous thing?" Bai Ruozhu glared at the maids who were following her. Ding Xue was only eleven years old and ignorant, so those two maids were not sensible anymore?

The two maids confessed tremblingly, but they did not shirk their responsibility. Ding Xue felt guilty and said: "I acted quickly, and by the time they reacted, I had already climbed up the tree. They were also very frightened and kept begging me. Going down, I..."

At this point, everyone understood what was going on, and Ding Bing also cried and said: "Mom and dad, please don't blame my sister. She has already suffered, and she will definitely not dare to do it again in the future."

Bai Ruozhu couldn't help but chuckle and said, "This girl Xiaoxue looks introverted. I didn't expect to have such a bold side. But it's better for women to be bolder, so they won't be easily bullied in the future."

Her words helped Ding Xue. Bai Zhi glared at Ding Xue and was unwilling to reprimand her any more.

At this time, the maid brought the medicine kit. Bai Ruozhu treated Ding Xue's wound and applied a layer of cool ointment on her. Ding Xue's big eyes lit up again, "Cousin Ruozhu's ointment is so magical, a little... It doesn’t hurt anymore.”

Bai Ruozhu smiled and put a small box of ointment into her hand and said, "Apply it once every morning and evening. It will heal quickly and there will be no scars."

"Thank you, cousin Ruozhu." A sweet smile appeared on Ding Xue's face again.

Bai Zhi thought that Bai Ruozhu had saved the emperor's heir in the palace, and then she remembered that her medical skills must be great, and she felt relieved about her daughter's injury.

At this time, a scar on a woman's forehead means her appearance is disfigured, and it will be difficult for her to find her husband's family in the future.

When Ding Feiyu saw that his daughter was fine, he bowed to Bai Yihong with a somewhat embarrassed expression and said, "Second brother, I was reckless just now and almost wrongly blamed Ruolan. I really should apologize to you."

Bai Yihong hurriedly supported him and said, "It's inevitable that children will get into trouble when playing together. How big of a deal can this be? As long as the children are fine."

Bai Ruozhu was watching from the side, and her impression of her aunt's family was a little better. If this matter was brought to Bai Ruomei's side, Lu Donghai, even if the child fell by himself, a bunch of people would have to be blamed.

Also, Ding Feiyu has a good attitude towards admitting mistakes and has no airs at all, making it easy for people to like him.

So look at Bai Zhi's three children, they are all well educated.

After seeing off Bai Zhi's family, Bai Ruozhu's family also discussed tomorrow's matters. Lin Ping'er kept winking at Bai Ruozhu, which meant that she didn't want to kowtow to Bai Fu and Liu. Bai Ruozhu sighed and whispered: "When I repay their nurturing love, no matter what, they are the ones who raised me."

Lin Ping'er was not an unreasonable person. She nodded after hearing this, "You're right. I accept this. We won't owe them anything in the future."

Bai Ruozhu didn't say anything, thinking that people might think you owe them a lot.

The next day, Bai Zepei went to the Royal Academy to study as usual. It was not appropriate to ask for leave for this matter. At worst, he could go to see his elders after school.

Bai Ruozhu hugged Deng Deng, accompanied her parents on the carriage, and went directly to Bo Mansion.

They went there at a certain time, so when they arrived, Bai Zhi's family had already arrived. Mrs. Bo welcomed them in very enthusiastically and took them to the main hall to meet the old man and the others.

In the main hall, Bai Lu and Bai Yixiao saw Bai Yihong's family coming. They immediately stood up and greeted them enthusiastically. Bai Lu said with a smile: "Girl Ruozhu is going to be promising. Yihong's daughter-in-law has been suffering all these years."

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