Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 1180 The Curse of the Year

Bai Ruozhu also knew that Princess Yuyan's life was in danger at this moment, so she shouldn't mention Yuyao's matter, but she was really afraid that something would happen again, which delayed her chance to save Yuyao.

Moreover, Yuyao is also a princess of the royal family, and her fate is really rough, which cannot but be pitied.

"You are right, I will ask Liu Mu to lead someone to investigate." The Queen Mother said.

Bai Ruozhu breathed a sigh of relief, said goodbye to the Queen Mother, and hurried towards the Astrology Tower.

When she was approaching the Astrology Tower, Bai Ruozhu finally saw the emperor and Ning Yu. She hurriedly used Qinggong to catch up.

The emperor almost rushed into the astrology tower. The boy guarding the gate did not dare to stop him. He was afraid that the mechanism would damage the dragon's body, so he went out of his way to turn off the mechanism.

Bai Ruozhu followed behind and had a smooth journey. The boy thought she came with the emperor.

"Master, come out, I have something to ask you!" The emperor called outside the secret room where the master was retreating.

Ning Yu caught up and said, "Your Majesty, my master is not in good health. If you need anything, just ask me. Don't embarrass him anymore."

The emperor was also extremely angry and kicked Ning Yu in the stomach, causing Ning Yu to stagger and almost fall. If Ning Yu hadn't been very good at martial arts, he might have suffered some internal injuries at this moment.

"Go away, it's not your turn to interfere in my questioning!" the emperor roared.

"National Master, please come out and explain why the death energy in your body is similar to that of the princess. I need to know the truth, otherwise I will have to demolish this astrological tower even if it was built by my father!" The emperor rushed to the secret room again. shouted.

Bai Ruozhu frowned slightly from behind. The late emperor had always been polite to the Imperial Master, and the Imperial Master also had a certain status in Danliang Kingdom. When he came to the emperor, he seemed not to be close to the Imperial Master, and he didn't even pay attention to the Astrology Tower.

At this time, the door of the dark room slowly opened, and a waning old man was exposed in front of everyone. Even though Bai Ruozhu had heard about the tragic situation of the imperial master before, he still couldn't believe it when he saw it with his own eyes.

She had seen the portrait of the Imperial Master outside before. Some people who studied Taoism regarded the Imperial Master as their idol, so his portrait was not difficult to see.

The Imperial Master in the portrait is not only young and handsome, but he also looks like a fairy. How can he look like an old man now?

The Imperial Master was sitting cross-legged on the cushion. His body was very stooped, and his wrists were as thin as bamboo poles. His robe was not too big, but it was like a bag, and his body was hidden in the clothes. He could not see at all. Less than that, which shows how thin you have become.

Ning Yu had seen his master like this, but when he saw it again, his eyes were red with pain.

The Imperial Master slowly raised his eyes. His movements were very slow, as if he was so weak that he couldn't move fast at all. Or maybe that was the case.

"Your Majesty, I wonder what I have to do with you?" the Imperial Master asked slowly.

Seeing him like this, Emperor Ren was so angry that he couldn't bear to explode.

The emperor's arrogance dropped. He looked at the Imperial Master and asked, "Why is the death energy on your body so similar to that of jade temples? Please explain it to me."

The Imperial Master's eyes fell on Ning Yu, and Ning Yu knelt down in shame, "Master, I was the one who accidentally said this out of surprise when I saw Princess Yuhuan's current situation."

The Imperial Master sighed quietly. He still didn't understand his disciple's temperament?

"That's all. Debts owed must always be paid off." The Imperial Master said, and then turned away the child. It seemed that he was going to tell the secret.

Bai Ruozhu wondered if she would also be deported, but she found that the Imperial Master's eyes fell on her for a moment, and then quickly moved away. However, she didn't know if she was dazzled, as if the Imperial Master at that moment The teacher's dim eyes brightened a bit.

But the emperor wanted to know what was going on and didn't pay attention to Bai Ruozhu at all.

"The old minister's backlash is indeed related to the curse. Back then, the emperor was hit by a demon's witchcraft, but the Danliang Kingdom could not praise him well, so the old minister took the risk to help the emperor transfer the curse, and thus lost a life. And the natural cycle of retribution I'm not happy, the old minister has suffered backlash after all." The Imperial Master said in a very low mood, because he felt very guilty for doing that kind of thing.

The emperor was shocked, "Whose lives were harmed?"

The Imperial Master sighed, "She is the fifth princess back then. She is still young. Even if the curse takes effect, it may take more than ten years. I am even confident that if I give me another ten years of hard work, I will definitely be able to find a way to save the fifth princess. But I don’t want to…”

"What don't you want? Haven't you found a solution yet?" the emperor asked.

"I am careless. The person who did not want to cast the curse is unusual. It is most likely a wizard king or a saint from a foreign land. I can't break such a curse at all. Even now, I still can't break it!" The national master was in pain. cried.

Bai Ruozhu, who was listening in the back, was shaken, "Witch King or Saint?" It's probably a coincidence. Isn't Yuyao's biological mother the saint of the Western Region Temple?

"You mean the fifth princess? Not the jade temples?" The emperor asked nervously, "Then why was the curse transferred to the jade temples?"

The Imperial Master shook his head helplessly, "Back then, both the late Emperor and the Queen Mother were cursed, and the Queen Mother also fell seriously ill. It's just that the late Emperor kept it secret from her and didn't let her know."

The emperor staggered and almost lost his balance, but Wang Shun beside him hurriedly helped him.

"You mean the queen mother's curse was transferred to Jade Temple?" the emperor asked in disbelief.

The Imperial Master nodded tiredly, "Originally, I spent ten years practicing an elixir. The Emperor gave it to Princess Jade Temple before his death. He only thought that if she could take it to survive the onset of the curse, the elixir might be delayed. It might take more than ten years for the curse to take effect. But later I heard from Ning Yu that the princess had lost the elixir, which was a pity. The old minister spent ten years and his whole life to practice just one."

Bai Ruozhu's heart trembled. No wonder she could save her second brother's life in ten years...

"Did my father die from the curse? Is my mother in danger now?" The emperor asked, rubbing his forehead.

"The Queen Mother was lucky. The curse was successfully transferred back then, so she would no longer be tortured by the curse. It's just that the late Emperor loved the Queen Mother and gave her the best medicinal materials, so that the transfer of the curse was only half successful. Five The princess died on the spot, but the late emperor only lived for ten years," the Imperial Master said.

The emperor didn't know what to say for a moment. If he had known this earlier, he would rather have transferred the curse to his father and mother. He felt sad for his father and Yu Huan, but he was also glad that his mother would not be troubled by the curse. Even if Yu Huan knew the truth, she would think the same as him.

But what should I do now? Should the queen mother know this?

"Master, what should I do with the jade temples? She is only nineteen years old. Is she just waiting to die?" There was a hint of pleading in the emperor's tone.

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