Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 1184 The Imperial Preceptor’s Last Order

"What is this?" Bai Ruozhu was startled. What important person died?

Finally, the death knell stopped, and Jiang Yichun said with a solemn face: "Nine strokes of the death knell of Danliang Kingdom represent the ninety-five nobles, and six strokes represent the prince or important minister..."

"It was six times just now." Bai Ruozhu said anxiously. A figure had already appeared in her mind, and she vaguely guessed the result.

At this time, Jian Qi rushed over, saluted the two of them and said, "Master and uncle, the death knell has sounded in the palace, and it is the Imperial Master who has gone."

Bai Ruozhu's heart ached, and she closed her eyes tiredly. She had only met the Imperial Master once, and had never even talked to him before. However, the Imperial Master suddenly said that she had rising purple energy, and that she was the one who could untie the bell, and then The Imperial Master left these unclear words behind.

But why was she feeling so uncomfortable? Is it because the old man looks too miserable? Or was it because he had planned his life and sacrificed himself for others?

She couldn't explain it, she just felt uncomfortable.

"Ning Yu has helped us, let's go to the Astrology Tower and have a look." Jiang Yichun said.

Bai Ruozhu opened his eyes again, but they were extremely red, as if he was tired, "Okay, let's go."

The two of them took only Jian Qi and four other guards with them and rode straight to the Astrology Tower. When they arrived, there were already many people waiting outside the Astrology Tower. There were even many people rushing towards the Astrology Tower along the way. Some people didn't believe that the Imperial Master left like this, while others wanted to see the Imperial Master off.

The door of the Astrology Tower was closed tightly, and Bai Ruozhu and Jiang Yichun did not step forward rashly. After a while, the door finally opened from the inside. A child's eyes were swollen like walnuts. He said in a choked voice: "The Imperial Master is dying. As I said before, birth, old age, illness and death are all human events, so I hope no one will feel sorry for him and let him go in peace."

The child started crying immediately after saying that. He couldn't control his emotions for a moment and simply squatted at the door and started crying.

People outside cried one after another, and there was a cry all around. Bai Ruozhu didn't know why, but she felt even more uncomfortable. Her eyes were inexplicably sour. She reached out and touched her eyes, but was shocked. Her tentacles were all wet. **, she actually cried too.

Amidst the cries, Ning Yu walked out of the astrology tower in linen clothes. He looked around, and suddenly his eyes fell on Bai Ruozhu.

"Bai Ruozhu, come in, my master has something to leave for you." Ning Yu said.

Everyone's eyes fell on Bai Ruozhu. Some were surprised and some were puzzled. Why did the Imperial Master leave something for her before he died?

Bai Ruozhu should have been very scrupulous about being watched by so many people, but she didn't know why, so she just walked over step by step.

"Master Jiang, it's not convenient for you to go in." Ning Yu suddenly spoke, and Bai Ruozhu came back to her senses. She turned around and saw Ning Yu stopping Jiang Yichun who was following him.

She turned back and nodded to Jiang Yichun, "It's okay, I'll be out later."

Jiang Yichun had no choice but to stop, but there was worry in his eyes.

She forced a smile to reassure him, and then followed Ning Yu into the astrology tower.

Behind the scenes, many people were talking quietly. Some people said that Bai Ruozhu must be an old friend of the Imperial Master. Others said that she might be the successor that the Imperial Master favored. Some even said that it was not rumored that Bai Ruozhu's medical skills were taught by gods. The Imperial Master is now He must have become an immortal, and maybe he has some friendship with Bai Ruozhu's immortal master...

For a moment, Bai Ruozhu's body became somewhat mysterious.

Bai Ruozhu was not in the mood to pay attention to the voice behind her. She was in a very complicated mood. Why was she sad? Why did the Imperial Master leave something to her? Is it just because she is the person who the national master said can untie the bell?

She walked in and saw a coffin placed in the middle of the hall. Naturally, the Imperial Master was lying inside, but she couldn't see the inside of the coffin from the angle she was in.

"At this time, the letter my master left for you will be burned after reading it. Even I am not allowed to read the content inside." Ning Yu's voice was hoarse, and he had been crying for a long time after hearing it.

Bai Ruozhu took the letter and opened it. Ning Yu turned around and walked away, walked to the coffin and knelt down. His movements were very natural. It seemed that he had been kneeling like this before.

She returned her attention to the letter, but she was shocked when she saw it. The Imperial Master actually figured out her identity!

The Imperial Master said that he knew she came from other places, and he also said that he had been there before, and the two of them were even destined to be together. Now that he has gone, the only person who can't worry is Ning Yu, a child with an overly simple mind. He hopes that Bai Ruozhu can Become his disciple and take care of Ning Yu more in the future.

Bai Ruozhu was shocked. What does "he has been there before" mean? , what does "two people are considered destined" mean?

She rushed over with the letter, her steps staggering a little because of her excitement. Finally, she rushed to the coffin and finally saw the person lying in the coffin.

"This is the Imperial Master?" Bai Ruozhu exclaimed.

"Yes, Master said that his sins will be paid off after he dies, the backlash will disappear, and he will return to his original appearance." Ning Yu lowered his head and said, not noticing Bai Ruozhu's abnormality.

Bai Ruozhu knelt down and started to cry. She knew why she felt uncomfortable and why she felt so strange when she saw the Imperial Master. The Imperial Master was attacked before and his appearance changed too much. Now that he has returned to normal, she finally recognized him!

He was a Chinese professor when she was studying medicine in the United States. They were not close friends forever, but in those years, the professor gave her a lot of help and warmth. She even felt that he was like her grandfather.

The national teacher said that he had been there before, so he must be the professor!

"Master, I bow to you as a disciple!" Bai Ruozhu suddenly shouted, then kowtowed three times.

He was her teacher, so why shouldn't she become his disciple? He had been kind to her, so why shouldn't she help take care of his apprentice after his death?

No wonder that when the Imperial Master saw her for the first time, a light flashed in his eyes. He recognized her at that time, but the emperor was present and the situation was chaotic, so he could not recognize her.

It's a pity that he passed away before they could even say a word when they met again.

Ning Yu looked at Bai Ruozhu in surprise, and after a while he asked, "Is it my master's death?"

"The Imperial Master was kind to me in his previous life. He wanted me to become his disciple and take care of you more in the future." Bai Ruozhu said calmly.

Ning Yu nodded, not doubting that he was there, "No wonder master asked me to take care of my junior sister before he died. I also asked where the junior sister came from, and it turned out to be you."

When Bai Ruozhu heard that the Imperial Master actually asked Ning Yu to take care of her, she couldn't help but shed tears. She didn't know how the Imperial Master went to modern times. Did modern people travel here, or did ancient people go to modern times? Now that she is back, all this may remain a mystery forever, but she knows that the Imperial Master really treats her as a disciple and a relative.

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