Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 1209 Diabetes Syndrome

In order to speed up the journey, the group still traveled by land and then by water. Fortunately, it was smooth sailing and they soon headed northwest.

But on the road, there was a combination of cold and hot, and he suddenly became hot. The situation was very dangerous.

"He is a martial arts practitioner. Even if he suffered some hardships in Tianlao before, he is not in such bad shape, right?" Jiang Yichun said helplessly, probably because Chu Han pestered Bai Ruozhu to become his disciple at first, but now he sees Chu Han was not very pleased with him, but after all, thanks to him asking for orders from the emperor, he took Chu Han with him to the Western Regions.

However, because Chu Han was worried about Yu Yao, he frowned all the way and was in a very low mood.

Bai Ruozhu rolled her eyes at him and said, "He has been poisoned by reincarnation before. Do you think it is an ordinary poison? And every time the ancient steaming method to detoxify can kill half of a person's life, otherwise why does it have to be done after a while? What about once? His health is good, but he can’t withstand such wear and tear.”

Jiang Yichun touched his nose and said, "Prescribe him some medicine and I'll arrange a guard to take care of him."

Bai Ruozhu snickered. He was worried that she would always get along with Chu Han when she had to take care of Chu Han, right? This kid is so old, but he can still be so jealous.

After recuperating all the way on the boat, Chu Han's health improved and he was no longer so susceptible to wind, cold and fever. However, Chu Han was in such a hurry that he couldn't bear it.

Bai Ruozhu originally intended to slow down, but was stopped by Chu Han. He said: "My health doesn't matter. I'm just afraid that if I'm delayed for a long time, something happens to my mother. Someone from Beijing caught Yu Yao and did something to her." When I started, I had a vague feeling that someone would also want to cause trouble for my mother."

Bai Ruozhu didn't dare to persist after hearing this. If he couldn't complete the errand, everyone would be miserable and everyone in this line of work would be punished.

After the waterway ended, Bai Ruozhu suggested going to Beiyu City first. She was really worried about Hong Xiu.

After more than ten days of non-stop driving, we finally arrived in Beiyu City. Jiang Yichun first went to meet Meng Liangsheng and Wu Lie. He discussed with Bai Ruozhu that if something happened in the Western Region, the fastest one to support them would be the Northwest Camp.

Bai Ruozhu asked Jiang Yichun to talk to Meng Liangsheng. She went to see Yu Hongxiu and then went to Mrs. Meng and Master Meng of the Bai family in Meng Mansion.

Bai Ruozhu took Jian Qi and others to Xie's house, and when he told the servants to pass it on, Yu Hongxiu couldn't believe it. She almost thought that someone was cheating, but in fact, when Bai Ruozhu replied, he didn't even believe it. I didn’t mention going to Beiyu City. She didn't believe it was true until she saw Bai Ruozhu.

"Ruozhu, I miss you so much!" Yu Hongxiu shouted, then rushed over and hugged Bai Ruozhu, "Why did you come to Beiyu City suddenly? Isn't your second brother going to take the scientific examination soon? Why? Why don’t you write to me in advance?”

Bai Ruozhu was amused by Yu Hongxiu's series of questions, and pulled her into the yard, "Let's not stand at the door and hug each other. We will be watched by the neighbors later."

Yu Hongxiu came to her senses and followed her toward the main hall with a blushing face.

"Ah Chun and I suddenly received the emperor's order to come to the northwest to control the epidemic, so we didn't have time to write to you. I thought you said you were not well, so I came over to check on you first, but we have the emperor's order. , we can't stay too long." Bai Ruozhu explained little by little.

As she spoke, she clasped Yu Hongxiu's wrist and took her pulse carefully. Just by taking the pulse, her face became a little ugly.

"Is there a plague outbreak in the northwest?" Yu Hongxiu was still surprised when she suddenly noticed the change in Bai Ruozhu's expression. She realized that Bai Ruozhu was diagnosing her pulse and asked hurriedly: "Ruozhu, is there something serious wrong with my body?"

"Let's go inside and sit down, and I'll give you a good look." Bai Ruozhu said with a frown.

Yu Hongxiu sighed, "These days I am always dizzy, short of breath, and always thirsty. I sweat at night. I have caught wind and cold several times, and I don't get better over and over again."

She did not look very good, her originally rosy cheeks had turned yellow, and her oval face had turned into a pointed oval face.

Bai Ruozhu took her to the main hall and sat down, and took her pulse carefully. This time Bai Ruozhu was finally sure that she had not made a wrong diagnosis before.

"Sister Hongxiu, you have diabetes mellitus." Bai Ruozhu felt a little astringent in his mouth. Diabetes syndrome in ancient times is modern diabetes. Even modern diabetes is difficult to cure. Many diabetic patients need to inject insulin regularly. There are often other complications, and people will become increasingly thin.

Bai Ruozhu's traditional Chinese medicine method can cure diabetes, but the treatment time is very long, and it may not necessarily cure the disease. It only focuses on control and conditioning. However, if Yu Hongxiu does not pay attention to his diet, or is physically tired or emotionally affected, he may relapse.

Yu Hongxiu's face turned pale when she heard about diabetes, "I, I once had a relative in my family who suffered from diabetes. He couldn't be cured, and he died later. He was so thin when he died." Her voice Somewhat choked, "Ruozhu, will I die? What will happen to my two children?"

Bai Ruozhu grabbed her hand and comforted her: "Don't think blindly, it's because he hasn't met a famous doctor. How can you not be cured if I treat you?"

Now Yu Hongxiu's emotions are also very important. Bai Ruozhu must give her hope and cheer her up.

"Really? Ruozhu, aren't you comforting me?" Yu Hongxiu's eyes lit up, as if she saw hope.

Bai Ruozhu nodded seriously, "It's true, but you must listen to me and have strict dietary requirements. You can't eat more of your favorite desserts."

"Ah? Did I get diabetes because I ate too much sweets?" Yu Hongxiu asked in annoyance.

"Not entirely, you probably ate too greasy food after giving birth, which is why your blood sugar keeps rising. Did you take too much supplement for the sake of the milk for the two children?" Bai Ruozhu remembered that it was she who encouraged Yu Hongxiu to breastfeed the children by herself. of.

Yu Hongxiu's face turned slightly red, "Yeah, I'm afraid that there won't be enough milk, but I haven't been feeding since I was sick recently and took medicine."

It was already like this. It was useless to say anything. Bai Ruozhu hurriedly patted her on the shoulder and said: "It's okay, it's okay. Let's take care of it slowly. When you feel better, go to Beijing. When I return to Beijing, I will continue to nurse you. It will definitely be okay." good."

The good thing is that red sleeves are mostly caused by postpartum blood sugar changes, and they are discovered in time, so they are not particularly serious.

Bai Ruozhu did it as she said, asked Yu Hongxiu for pen and paper, and quickly wrote her a recipe and asked her to send someone to grab the medicine and decoct it. Then she wrote another recipe, clearly describing what Yu Hongxiu should eat more, what he shouldn't eat more, and what he couldn't eat at all, etc.

After that, she wrote two more prescriptions and asked Yu Hongxiu to change one prescription in half a month and another in another half month. However, she was not around, so she could only tell Yu Hongxiu to go to Fushou Tang to ask the old doctor to take a pulse. Ask the prescription if it is suitable to change.


In the previous chapter, the way little Dengdeng wanted to cry but was holding back her tears was entirely due to my son. He is a good-looking child. In the first few days of being a toddler, he always couldn’t bear to leave me. He wanted to cry but was afraid of others looking at him. Every time I pursed my lips and held them back, I felt very sad when I left. The teacher also said that it made me feel distressed, and then said that he would hide and cry secretly, wiping his tears silently...

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