Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 1217 Something bad happened

Bai Ruozhu found that Sun Jia had already called her "Doctor Bai", which meant that he had recognized her.

Sun Jia was a little distracted at this time. Suddenly he slapped his head and said: "You are right, there will be different symptoms after the malaria. I have been observing these days, and I thought those are what the malaria should have." Symptoms, I only figured it out after you reminded me like this. Not every patient has all the symptoms, but there are some differences."

Bai Ruozhu nodded, "Generally speaking, mutual infection may be a symptom, but it does not rule out that everyone's situation is different, so they must be treated separately to achieve more accurate treatment."

Sun Jia felt a little ashamed at this moment. He kept saying that he volunteered to take care of the patients, but he never thought about this. He boiled a bucket of medicine and gave it to everyone to drink. It was impossible to prescribe the right medicine.

Maybe he didn't expect these people to survive in his heart, but he was just fulfilling his duty as a doctor, or he couldn't bear to have them left alone, so he came to see them off on their last journey.

But Bai Ruozhu is different. Her goal is very clear. She is here to cure the disease. Her words of "get well soon" may not be lies, and may actually come true.

Sun Jia smiled bitterly and muttered to himself: "I wish I had known her earlier."

Bai Ruozhu felt the pulse of the next patient, but with her sharp ears, she heard Sun Jia's muttering. She also sympathized with Sun Jia's experience, but she really couldn't bear to remind Sun Jia that even though she had known her earlier, she still A child, not even born yet.

In fact, the biggest reason why we are helpless about Fengfeng at this time is that there is too little research. If you can see Fenghan well, you have the experience of previous people, or you have seen too much yourself. But there are not many records of malaria in Danliang Kingdom, and doctors have little contact with patients, so how can they find a good solution?

Bai Ruozhu couldn't help but think of Sun Simiao. It was rumored that he went deep into the isolated area where the plague was at risk and came into contact with many patients before he found a cure.

By the time she had seen half of the patients, Jiang Yichun had already returned with people.

I saw Jian Qi, Chen Feng, and Mu Yu all wearing large isolation suits, covering their mouths and noses, and carrying a lot of herbs and ingredients in their hands. Zhou Shu who showed up before also showed up with people, and unexpectedly all of a sudden About twenty people came.

"Why are you all here?" Bai Ruozhu was surprised. If they were infected, they should not continue with the subsequent tasks.

"Even if Madam is so noble, why can't we come? Besides, we believe Madam can cure malaria, so what should we be afraid of?" Mu Yu rushed to say.

Bai Ruozhu looked at Jiang Yichun. He must have told everyone about the situation outside, and must have mobilized everyone. Just look at the excitement of these people.

Chenfeng kicked Mu Yu: "You are the only one with a sweet mouth."

Mu Yu screamed and jumped away, and said seriously: "I am telling the truth, we swear to follow Master Ye!"

The two of them were having such a fuss, and the atmosphere suddenly became much more cheerful. There was probably hope, and there weren't so many patients moaning anymore.

Bai Ruozhu quickly distributed tasks to everyone, and then divided the people into two groups to take turns on duty, while she continued to diagnose the patient's pulse.

After a while, the county magistrate brought two doctors over, and now the manpower was sufficient.

Bai Ruozhu had some specially made gloves and cotton swabs, and also prescribed a prescription for two doctors to make medicinal soup and ointment, and asked them to be responsible for wiping the patient's wounds.

After such a busy time, it soon became dark. Almost every patient drank the newly prescribed medicine, used external medicinal decoction for scrubbing and applied ointment. Their condition improved a lot that night.

Bai Ruozhu and Jiang Yichun did not go to the place arranged by Zhou Zhou. Instead, they found a hut in an isolated drying yard. Bai Ruozhu had to monitor the condition of the patients, and in addition, he had to be isolated if he came into contact with the patients. So I simply lived in the quarantine area.

The room was very simple, but neither of them could endure hardship. After freshening up, they lay down on the bed and had time to talk.

"Ruozhu, did you find anything special today?" Jiang Yichun asked.

"I just took care of my illness, and then I stopped to think about it, but no matter how much I thought about it, I felt something was wrong." Bai Ruozhu said.

"Yes, what a coincidence, and malaria is most common in the southwest, so why did it suddenly come to the northwest? It's not that there is no such thing in the northwest, but why did we make a false shot somewhere, and something really happened there?" Jiang Yichun frowned They frowned tightly, "In this situation, we can't go directly to the Western Region. We must deal with the epidemic area. I think even if the emperor receives a secret report, the order sent back will be the same."

"But what about Jade Hair? She may be in danger at any time. What if someone finds Saint Fengwan first? If this plague is caused by someone, it can be seen that our plan has been completely exposed." Bai Ruozhu said He grabbed Jiang Yichun's hand and said, "Otherwise, if you leave me and a small number of people here to control the epidemic area, you can first take some people into the Western Region to find the saint. The treatment of the malaria is not that fast, and there may be subsequent infections, so we have to continue to observe , I can only wait here for you to bring the saint girl back to join us."

Jiang Yichun suddenly sat up when he heard this, "No! It's too dangerous for you to stay alone. If someone did it deliberately, wouldn't you be in danger if we left? Besides, Chu Han said that his mother was extremely poisoned, wouldn't you Who can save her life?"

This was also a problem, and Bai Ruozhu couldn't help but worry.

"Don't think too much. Let's solve the problem in Guangqi Town first. Otherwise, if the plague spreads, a generation in the northwest will suffer, and people will be in dire straits." Jiang Yichun lay down again, hugged her waist and continued, "Maybe Ask Chu Han tomorrow to see if his master can bring the saint here safely."

"That's all it can do." Bai Ruozhu sighed, let's talk about it tomorrow. She is so tired now and really needs a good rest.

"Normally, malaria infections don't break out suddenly. There must be something wrong here. I have sent people to search around the town to see if anything is found tomorrow." After Jiang Yichun finished speaking, he found that Bai Ruozhu didn't respond either, so he turned to look over. She had fallen into a deep sleep.

He felt distressed and helped her straighten her messy hair. She was really exhausted today. She rushed to Guangqi Town non-stop. After that, she continued to diagnose and treat patients. She didn't even eat lunch, and just gulped down dinner. A few mouthfuls.

If it weren't for the fact that he still had official duties and had to find out the crux of the problem as soon as possible, he really wanted to give her a hand to prevent her from having to work so hard.

There was nothing to say all night. Early the next morning, Bai Ruozhu got up again to examine the patients. She was so busy that she didn't even eat breakfast. When the sun rose, she took a rest and drank a bowl of porridge.

But just as he took a breath, Zhou Shu's voice came from outside: "Doctor Bai, come out and take a look, something serious is wrong!"

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