Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 1222: Know how to feel sorry for others

The people in the town basically stayed behind closed doors, so Jiang Yichun sent officials to go door-to-door to announce the news. The people were grateful to God for hearing the news, and said they also wanted to thank the imperial envoys sent by the imperial court, especially those who had sick families. Because families with sick people charge more money, many families’ livelihood has become a problem and they really can’t afford that much money.

Things went very smoothly, but it was a pity that the two of them didn't find anything when they went out. Bai Ruozhu was still worried about the patient's safety and could only return to the isolation area in a hurry.

This day was another busy day of seeing patients and prescribing prescriptions. In the afternoon, the miserable cry of a child suddenly came, followed by a small figure who ran over and hugged Bai Ruozhu's legs. , asked: "Auntie, is my grandfather dead?"

Bai Ruozhu stiffened for a moment, but finally let her know.

They are all fellow villagers here. Even though the two sides are separated, the people taking care of them are also acquaintances, so it is easy to spread the news.

Bai Ruozhu nodded with difficulty and said, "Your grandfather is old and has a heart attack."

Xiuxiu cried even harder, crying and shouting: "I want my grandpa, I want my grandpa back!"

For a moment, everyone couldn't help wiping their eyes, and some soft-hearted women even shed tears. Who could remain indifferent when seeing such a young child crying and crying?

Bai Ruozhu stood there at a loss. She didn't know how to comfort Xiu Xiu, so in the end she had to squat down and hug her tightly to give her more warmth.

Xiuxiu was a child after all. When she was tired from crying, she fell asleep in Bai Ruozhu's arms. Bai Ruozhu picked her up and was about to take her back to the accommodation arranged for her, but suddenly she stopped in her tracks.

Sun Jia came over and asked, "Doctor Bai, what's wrong?"

Bai Ruozhu frowned tightly, Xiuxiu's illness worsened, she entered the middle stage, and could no longer go to the early stage.

She should have thought that Xiuxiu was a child and had weak bones, so it would be difficult for her to recover from the early stages, but it was really unbearable for this series of changes to happen at this time.

Before she could speak, Sun Jia exclaimed in surprise: "Oh my God, she has transformed from a bad woman!"

Bai Ruozhu didn't want to help Xiuxiu hide it, but she was a little hesitant. But as soon as Sun Jia said it, she couldn't do anything special for Xiuxiu.

"She has to be transferred here. Alas, her bad mood has affected her condition." Bai Ruozhu sighed and asked someone to arrange a more comfortable bed for Xiu Xiu.

After coming out of the critical ward, she said to Jiang Yichun: "We must catch the mole tonight!"

Jiang Yichun rubbed her wrinkled eyebrows and said, "I've set up my defenses. You don't have to worry. You've been too tired during the day. Just have a good sleep tonight."

"It doesn't matter. I'm in good health. I want to take a look at it tonight." Bai Ruozhu refused to give in this time.

At night, Bai Ruozhu and Jiang Yichun were hiding in the dark, and Jian Qi and others had been arranged to go out. As long as someone made any changes, they would not be able to hide it from their eyes.

After midnight, there was real movement in the critical ward.

Jiang Yichun held Bai Ruozhu's shoulders and gave her a secret message: "Don't worry, wait and see."

The person who moved was a middle-aged man, who seemed to be named Liu San. Because he was numbered, Bai Ruozhu didn't pay much attention to his original name.

I saw Liu San tiptoeing up to a woman, pushing her and whispering: "Chrysanthemum, wake up."

Bai Ruozhu almost didn't laugh out loud. She remembered that the woman was a widow, and everyone called her Ding, but she didn't know that her maiden name was actually "Chrysanthemum"...

Ding was shaken awake and hugged Liu San's neck. She said with misty eyes, "My enemy, why did you come to me again?"

Liu San laughed softly, "What do you think you can do?"

After saying that, he pulled Ding to his feet and walked towards the grass in the deserted backyard. Soon the two of them got into the grass and made a rustling sound of taking off their clothes.

The corner of Bai Ruozhu's mouth twitched. Did they encounter wild mandarin ducks while catching moles at night? I wonder if the ancients were open-minded. Why does she always encounter this kind of thing? Last time it was Fu Yuer and the ghost-faced man, but this time there were two patients.

"The man is an old bachelor and the woman is a widow, so they match well." Jiang Yichun leaned into her ear and whispered, the hot breath tickling her ears.

Someone knows about the pair of wild mandarin ducks, and they don't know if the inner ghost will show up, and they can't be completely relaxed about the two of them. Who knows if they are trying to deceive others now?

Bai Ruozhu squatted there and continued to stare, but her eyelids were constantly fighting. She was really tired these days.

Finally, Liu San and Ding took their own places to sleep, but there was still no other movement. Bai Ruozhu couldn't support it and closed his eyelids completely.

She knew she was asleep, and she shouldn't have fallen asleep while being watched, but she couldn't stop the sleepiness.

When she woke up again and found herself lying on the bed in the house, she almost thought that everything last night was just a dream.

Hearing her getting up, Jiang Yichun brought hot water and came in. "Don't move, I'll wipe your face."

"I'll do it myself." Bai Ruozhu stuck out her tongue in embarrassment, "I fell asleep squatting there last night."

The corner of Jiang Yichun's mouth raised, "Yes, I was drooling all over the floor."

"Ah? How is that possible!" Bai Ruozhu shouted. It was amazing enough that she could fall asleep while squatting, so why was she drooling?

"Why are you lying to me? If you don't believe me, go and see where you were last night to see if every blade of grass was drowned in your saliva." Regardless of her objections, Jiang Yichun twisted the handkerchief for her and wiped her face and hands. , although he had a smile on his face, his eyes were full of distress.

The corner of Bai Ruozhu's mouth twitched, and a piece of grass was drowned, who would believe it! Regardless of whether it was true or false, she didn't want to believe it. She wouldn't do such a shameful thing.

"By the way, what happened next? Did you find anything?" Bai Ruozhu asked hurriedly, she almost delayed her business.

"There was no movement all night, and no one's condition got worse. I don't know if the other party knew that we were going to arrest him, so they stopped taking action for the time being." Jiang Yichun said.

Bai Ruozhu sighed and said angrily: "Check it out slowly, there are so many secret guards who can't defeat a mole."

He nodded, and after wiping her, he brought hot porridge for her to drink. His posture was like taking care of a patient, which made Bai Ruozhu look confused, "I'm not sick, what are you doing?"

"You are tired. I will take good care of you and you can save some energy." Jiang Yichun smiled a little silly, like a child offering a treasure.

"How much effort can it take to drink a bowl of porridge?" Bai Ruozhu muttered softly, but she felt happy in her heart. Her man knew how to care for others.

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