Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 1275 A very pleasant conversation

Ao Qi was probably stung by the smile in Bai Ruozhu's eyes. He coughed twice and did not dare to continue bickering with Princess Yingtong.

At this time, wine and food were served one after another. Ao Qi poured wine and had a drink with Jiang Yichun. Jiang Yichun took the initiative to thank the two of them. I wonder if it was Princess Yingtong who said before that "he is much better than that boy Ao Qi." Bai Ruozhu always felt that Ao Qi was a little unhappy with Jiang Yichun.

When the waiter who delivered the food went down, Bai Ruozhu said again: "We were stopped by the holy guards on the way here. Jin Wanliang got a strange disease. He insisted that it was us who caused it and asked me to treat it. I have never seen such a nasty disease like his." I have never seen him, and I don’t know how he entered Gaochang. If it were in Danliang Kingdom, and outsiders got this strange disease, they would not be able to enter the capital casually. What if the disease is contagious?"

Princess Yingtong frowned, "I've never heard of that man. What disease does he have? Is it terrible?"

Bai Ruozhu looked like she was about to vomit and said, "It's better not to say anything. I'm afraid you won't have the appetite to eat."

"It's okay, I don't care about this, just tell me quickly." Princess Yingtong said.

"The exposed skin was sore and pus-filled, and his body exuded a foul odor that could be smelled even from a distance. Moreover, flies flew towards him. I saw him chase him away several times, but soon the flies flew back and landed. On his skin." Bai Ruozhu started talking.

Ao Qi looked surprised, "What kind of strange disease is this? How can people enter the city in this situation, let alone the plague on the road? Can the temple cure it?"

Princess Yingtong snorted unhappily, "I'm afraid it's that woman Yu Mo who got her in. She doesn't take the laws seriously because she's a popular person in front of the saint. I think the temple has become more and more dissatisfied over the years. There is no royal family anymore.”

"Yingtong, okay, don't say any more, be careful the walls have ears." Ao Qi scolded in a deep voice.

Although Princess Yingtong was unhappy, she did not continue to talk about the matter, but Bai Ruozhu could see that the two people in front of her were very dissatisfied with the temple.

It can be seen that in the Western Region, the conflict between the temple and the royal family is intensifying, but the royal family seems to be completely controlled by the temple, and they can only swallow their anger and turn a blind eye.

At this time, there was a sudden noise outside, as if something had happened to someone.

Ao Qi called the boy in and asked what happened. The boy kept apologizing and said, "I'm sorry for disturbing these noble people. Just now, a guest in the lobby down below suddenly fainted, and his face was scary. Okay. The guests who were with him sent people to carry him to the temple to pray for blessings."

The boy said he was very happy, as if the patient would be fine once the temple prayed for it.

Ao Qi gave the boy some silver and asked him to go down and get busy.

"Listening to the little guy's description, it might be a mental illness." Bai Ruozhu thought for a while and said tentatively.

Ao Qi sighed, "I'm afraid it's going to end badly. I don't seek medical advice when I'm sick. I have to burn incense and bathe when I go to pray. I don't know how long it took after all this trouble."

Yingtong sneered, "The temple likes to make those ridiculous battles to bluff people."

Bai Ruozhu and Jiang Yichun looked at each other. Fortunately, this young man from the Western Region nobles had not been brainwashed by the temple.

Ao Qi smiled awkwardly and said, "It makes you two laugh. You should have heard that people in the Western Region rarely seek medical advice on weekdays. They always go to the temple to pray for blessings. Ao once traveled around, I have never seen a country like this, and I really can’t agree with it.”

"Although I can't leave the Gaochang generation, I'm not the kind of ignorant woman. What I can't stand is the temple's pretentious tricks. To be honest, I envy you Danliang royal family. You can control your own destiny. ." At the end of the sentence, the domineering princess also looked a bit desolate.

Bai Ruozhu couldn't help but think of Princess Jade Temple, thinking about her future and not knowing what it would be like, thinking that the Danliang royal family might not be able to control their own destiny, and even she and Jiang Yichun might not be able to control their own destiny, just like this Well, they can't change anything even if they don't want to come.

But as long as you try your best to fight for the life you want, everything will be fine.

The four of them were all young people, and they all had some conflicts with the temple, but they managed to chat together. After dinner, Princess Yingtong said she wanted to go back to the palace to tell her mother about Jin Wanliang.

"It's better to expel that kind of ungrateful villain as soon as possible, and Yumo who abuses power for personal gain cannot be tolerated." Princess Yingtong said, "I will take care of this matter."

Bai Ruozhu was a little worried and asked: "Thank you princess for your help, but I don't want the princess to offend the temple and King Yuchuan because of Yumo."

"King Tamagawa?"

"Uncle Tamagawa Wang?"

Yingtong and Ao Qi both looked at Bai Ruozhu in confusion, and Bai Ruozhu was also a little dumbfounded. Could it be that when the princess called Yumo a "slut", she wasn't referring to her affair with King Yuchuan?

"I saw that the princess was not used to her style, and I thought you knew about her affair with King Yuchuan." Bai Ruozhu had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue.

Yingtong's face turned red with anger, "That's because I knew she was having an affair with the elders of the temple. My maid and I bumped into each other once. Why did she get involved with Uncle Yuchuan Wang again? Please tell me clearly now!" It seems that Yingtong has a good relationship with King Tamagawa.

Bai Ruozhu had no choice but to think carefully and said: "When we were in Shengyao City, we found that she met Jin Wanliang and said that she wanted to harm us, so we quietly followed Yumo and found that she had a private meeting with Prince Yuchuan. It seems that they had a secret meeting many years ago. After we were together, Yumo made sacrifices for King Yuchuan, and King Yuchuan asked Yumo to reconcile with Jin Wanliang and become his concubine."

"What?" Before Bai Ruozhu could finish his words, he was interrupted by Princess Yingtong's roar, "Concubine? Is Uncle Yuchuan crazy? He really didn't know about Yumo's slut in Shengyao City. Style, no, I have to let him understand it as soon as possible."

"Princess, don't worry, Yumo refused on the spot, saying that she was afraid of not being able to save her life in the back house, but judging from her expression, she was dissatisfied with being the concubine of Prince Yuchuan." Bai Ruozhu said again.

Princess Yingtong's nostrils opened and closed in anger, and she exhaled, "She still can't stand it. With her status of sleeping with thousands of people, is she qualified to be Uncle Yuchuan's concubine?"

Ao Qi coughed twice and said helplessly: "Okay, okay, why are you in a hurry? Maybe King Yuchuan just casually said that we, as juniors, should just leave it alone."

"I want to take care of it!" Yingtong lost her temper. "Uncle Yuchuan Wang always took us out to play when we were young. I am his niece, so he must listen to me."

"I'm still your cousin, you have to listen to me on this matter." Ao Qi's face darkened. He saw these things much more clearly than Princess Yingtong.

Bai Ruozhu and Jiang Yichun looked at each other and were about to say goodbye and let the little enemies quarrel. However, the following conversation between the two shocked them.

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