Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 1288 If he doesn’t feel sorry for him, who will?

Maybe it wasn't because too many things happened today that the two of them wouldn't be in such a mood, or maybe Jiang Yichun could explain it clearly because he didn't drink so much. Unfortunately, both of them were a little angry, and Bai Ruozhu was even more angry. He walked in front and returned directly to the inn.

Although Jiang Yichun followed her closely and was worried about her walking alone on the road, he was also angry because of the black panther hair incident and didn't say much along the way.

Back at the inn, Bai Ruozhu wanted to take Jian Qi and the others directly to pick up Chu Han, but thinking about it, the guard had already suspected him. Picking up Chu Han now would expose his whereabouts.

Because Jiang Yichun drank too much, he went back to the house and lay down. Chenfeng and Mu Yu thought that Bai Ruozhu would make sober soup for their master, so they didn't ask. Little did they know that their master had made his wife unhappy, and the two were having a cold war. .

As a result, not long after Jiang Yichun fell asleep, Lian Kao brought someone to the inn and said he wanted to ask Mrs. Bai about something.

Bai Ruozhu put away her worries, went to see Lian Kao alone, and asked, "What do you call this gentleman? He seems to be someone close to His Majesty, right?"

"I am Lian Kao, a personal guard of His Majesty the King." Lian Kao replied simply, then glanced behind Bai Ruozhu and asked, "Isn't your husband coming with you?"

"He had a few more drinks with the monarch and is still asleep in the room. If you ask him anything, I will wake him up now and come with him." Bai Ruozhu replied.

"That's not necessary. He didn't leave his seat during the dinner, so I don't have to ask him." Lian Kao said and narrowed his eyes, trying to see how Bai Ruozhu would react after hearing this.

Bai Ruozhu looked surprised, "You're telling me that your Excellency came here to ask because I left the table? I don't know what happened?"

"Your Majesty lost a jade pendant. Although it is not a priceless thing, how can others steal your Majesty's things at will? And Mrs. Bai just left the table for a while. I wonder if you can explain it?" Kao said.

Bai Ruozhu's face darkened, "Does the guard even suspect me of stealing things? You should have heard that I just made the judgment of the gods during the day, and the red incense was lit, right? Is a person favored by the gods going back to steal things?"

"Besides, His Majesty the King appreciates me very much. If I really like a jade pendant, I can just ask His Majesty the King for it. Why should I steal it?" Bai Ruozhu said.

"I'm just making a routine inquiry. Please forgive me if I'm disrespectful to Mrs. Bai. I just want to ask Mrs. Bai why it took so long to go to the toilet. Did she meet anyone or see anything strange during this period?" Moved by Ruozhu's question, he still asked in a formal manner.

"Do I need to explain to the guards how long it took me to go to the toilet? The two palace ladies who came to look for me also saw where I came out, just ask them. As for what strange people and things I encountered during this period? That's not you The palace?" Bai Ruozhu said pretending to be angry.

Lian Kao still had a straight face, "I heard from the palace lady that you have been gone for a long time. I think there must be enough time for you to go somewhere else. What do you think?"

He stared straight at Bai Ruozhu, trying to see the flaws in Bai Ruozhu's face. Unfortunately, Bai Ruozhu didn't show any panic at all, only anger.

"You are doubting my character. Does His Majesty the King think so too?"

Lian Ji couldn't find anything suspicious, so he could only withdraw his scrutinizing gaze and said: "Your Majesty is drunk and is still drunk. These are just my personal guesses."

Bai Ruozhu sneered, "Aren't you, the guard, too self-assertive? Since His Majesty is drunk and unconscious, how can you be sure that his jade pendant is lost? Maybe he just received it somewhere else, or he gave it to the palace casually. People? If you are so casually suspicious of people like Mr. Lian, I don’t know how many people will be wronged."

Lian Ji was choked and speechless for a moment. He didn't know the monarch's attitude towards Bai Ruozhu and the others, and he didn't dare to say that the monarch ordered him to investigate, but Bai Ruozhu caught the loophole.

"Lord Lian, it's better to wait until the monarch wakes up and ask him carefully. It's not good for a subordinate to make his own decisions like this." After Bai Ruozhu finished speaking, he ignored Lian Kao and turned around to go back to his room.

Lian Ji didn't ask for the result, and he didn't dare to act rashly. He could only arrange for someone to keep an eye on him near the inn, and then go back to the palace and wait for the king to wake up.

That night, Jiang Yichun slept deeply. Bai Ruozhu was angry with him and didn't want to sleep in the same bed with him, so he simply got two chairs and propped them up in the corner of the room to spend the night.

Early the next morning, Jiang Yichun opened his eyes in a daze, rubbed his aching head after a hangover, and found that the bed was empty when he touched his side. There was a buzz in his head, and he suddenly remembered the quarrel between the two the night before. contradiction.

He sat up suddenly. Did Ruozhu leave in anger?

He knew that his wife, even though she was not a big person, had a bad temper. Moreover, he had indeed drunk too much last night and did not pay attention to his tone for a moment, which seemed like he was doubting her.

Just thinking about the way Sangta looked at Bai Ruozhu and the black panther fur on Bai Ruozhu's body yesterday, he felt a little panicked.

Turning his head, he finally saw Bai Ruozhu, who was sleeping uncomfortably on a chair in the corner of the room. His originally frowning brows unfurled, and a helpless smile appeared on his face. This little woman really knows how to do things.

She didn't know whether she had dreamed of something bad or was sleeping uncomfortably. Her brows wrinkled slightly and her body shrank. Jiang Yichun was made to feel soft by her appearance. After all, she was his own woman, but she was just quarreling. There is no reason why she should suffer even if she fights.

He tiptoed over, picked her up in his arms very gently, then walked back to the bed step by step, and gently put her back on the bed.

He lay next to her on the outside of the bed, and then used his long and slender fingers to smooth the wrinkles between her eyebrows. She seemed to be disturbed, hummed twice, turned around unhappily, and gave him a kiss directly. The back of the head.

Jiang Yichun smiled and shook his head. He was so angry even when he was sleeping. When he woke up, he still didn't know how to get angry with him. He was quite coaxing.

After lying there for a while, he quietly got up and left the room, asking about last night.

"Last night, the monarch's bodyguard came to interrogate Madam about where she went during the banquet. They said that the monarch had lost his jade pendant, but in the end he was sent away by Madam." Chenfeng reported in a low voice, "But he sent someone to There are people watching us near the inn, so we need to pay more attention these two days."

Jiang Yichun's face turned cold when he thought of Bai Ruozhu's absence from the table for a long time. He was sure that Bai Ruozhu had been in contact with the black leopard, and wasn't that leopard Sangta's?

"In addition, Master Chu Han didn't return home all night, and I don't know where he went." Chenfeng continued.

"Oh?" Jiang Yichun rubbed his sore forehead again. He really shouldn't have drank so much yesterday, "Madam, didn't you say anything?"

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