Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 1453 Misdiagnosis Case

"Your Majesty, your Majesty, what's wrong with you?" Lu Bin's maid turned pale with fright, and hurriedly shouted outside: "My Majesty, I'm not feeling well, go find the imperial doctor!"

Lu Bin held the maid's arm tightly and said painfully: "It hurts... help me quickly..."

After saying that she started vomiting again.

Concubine Lu's palace was in chaos, and all the servants were in trembling fear. If something happened to one of the concubines, none of them would be able to escape punishment. It looked like Lu Bin looked like she had eaten something bad.

Soon the news was sent to the emperor. Tang Yin narrowed his eyes and said to Wang Shun: "I have sent an oral message to the Shenxing Department to check carefully and don't miss any details."

"Yes." Wang Shun was a little worried. Didn't this concubine Lu just see Master Bai a few days ago? He opened his mouth to remind the emperor about this, but then he thought about the emperor's caution and realized that there was no need for him to remind him.

After Wang Shun exited, the emperor waved his hands to the maids and eunuchs beside him, and everyone else also exited.

"Zepei, Concubine Lu is receiving treatment from Dr. Bai these days. Do you think the accident was caused by Dr. Bai's misdiagnosis?" The emperor tapped his fingers on the table rhythmically, not looking at Bai Zepei, as if Thinking about something.

Bai Zepei lowered his head, "No, I trust my sister."

The emperor looked up at him, "Oh? Are you so confident?"

"I know my sister's character and medical skills very well, and I also know the intrigues in this world." Bai Zepei still lowered his head, but his words were firm and powerful.

The emperor had a smile on his face after hearing this, "Bai Ruozhu is so lucky to have you as a brother."

"No, I am so lucky to have this sister." Bai Zepei's face became less cold and more sentimental.

The Queen was in charge of the Sixth Palace, so she would not come forward if something happened to a concubine, so the Queen quickly rushed to the Hanlu Palace. Xu Mei and Lu Concubine lived in the same palace, and she rushed to visit after hearing the news.

"Your Majesty, the Queen, when the Emperor learned about this matter, he has asked people from the Shenxing Department to investigate, and the imperial doctor will be here soon." The eldest maid next to the Queen reported in a low voice.

The queen nodded, "We must find out what happened. Such things cannot be tolerated in the inner palace."

After a while, people from the Royal Hospital arrived. It was the hospital envoy Mao Xingcai, the deputy envoy Wei Pengbo and others. Knowing that something had happened, Jing Sheng hurriedly asked someone to deliver a message to Bai Ruozhu, and he also rushed to Hanlu Palace.

The envoy from Mao Yuan went over to feel Lu Bin’s pulse, and then his expression changed greatly, “This is the Queen, the medicine is not right for Lu Bin, and it caused a gastrointestinal reaction. We must treat her in time, otherwise her life will be in danger!”

Wei Pengbo behind him had a look of panic in his eyes, but he quickly concealed it. He also leaned over to take a look, and then said loudly: "Who gave Lu Bin the wrong medicine? Hurry up and get Lu Bin Bring today’s medicine residue and the prescription for drinking medicine!”

Soon, the maid came over with the medicine dregs and the prescription. Mao Xingcai and Wei Pengbo took a look at it, and both confirmed that Bai Ruozhu's prescription contained extra Luo Rong root.

"I would like to inform you, the Empress, that this Rhododendron Root cannot be used by people like Lu Bin who have a weak stomach and intestines. Moreover, it conflicts with other medicines and will cause toxicity. There is something wrong with the prescription prescribed by Female Doctor Bai." Mao Xingcai pointed at the prescription. The last one shouted angrily, "I said she was too young to be a doctor. Sooner or later, she will embarrass our hospital. I didn't expect it to happen so soon..."

After hearing this, the queen grimaced and said, "Go to the female doctor Bai. I will punish you severely for this matter."

Wei Pengbo's face showed a proud look, "Bai Ruozhu, Bai Ruozhu, I told you to be arrogant and proud, let's see how you can excuse yourself this time!"

Lu Bin, who was already in terrible pain, said weakly: "Help me first..."

A look of embarrassment flashed across the emperor's face. She didn't really care about Concubine Lu, so she had forgotten to ask the imperial doctor to diagnose and treat Concubine Lu first. Instead, she investigated the case.

Mao Xingcai hurried over to give Lu Concubine an injection, then prescribed medicine and asked the maid to boil the medicine. Lu Concubine stopped vomiting for the time being, and her face was no longer so pale.

However, she had vomited for a long time, and some of the vomit was not put into the spittoon at all. A stink gradually spread in the room, and the queen's face became more and more ugly. She glanced at Concubine Lu and said to the envoy Mao Yuan: " Please treat Concubine Lu well, and I will go outside and question the servants."

"Yes, I obey your order."

Bai Ruozhu had already left the palace and returned home. She only found out about the situation when the shadow guard came to notify her. She immediately said to Lu, "Send someone to help me investigate this matter. This matter is probably for me. I don’t want to be in a passive position and I hope to find a way to fight back.”

"Yes, Doctor Bai, don't worry, my subordinates will immediately send someone to investigate." After Lu finished speaking, he went to order the shadow guard who reported the news. Bai Ruozhu didn't dare to delay, so he had his horse prepared and quickly rushed to the palace.

As soon as she arrived at Hanlu Palace, she saw the empress drinking tea in the main hall. Bai Ruozhu stepped forward to salute and said, "I heard that the envoy from Mao Yuan diagnosed that Xianguan had prescribed the wrong prescription. This has never happened to Xianguan in his medical practice. So please allow me to go and find out more."

The Queen didn't like Bai Ruozhu who was close to the Queen Mother very much. She snorted coldly and said, "Your prescription is the evidence. Is there anyone else who could frame you? Now that Concubine Lu's life or death is uncertain, I will not allow you to harm others again."

Bai Ruozhu thought in her heart, if the queen didn't let her go in and have a look, Mao Yuan ordered them to kill Concubine Lu, wouldn't she lose her head?

But soon she calmed down again. She felt that Mao Yuan had made them use tricks to harm her, but she did not dare to kill a low-status concubine just to harm her, unless someone originally wanted Concubine Lu to die.

But Concubine Lu was not favored by the emperor, and she was so ill that she almost lost her luster. Who would go out of his way to harm her?

There must be a purpose for harming others, and the value must be measured. If Lu Bi is not favored, she should just leave it alone.

"Your Majesty, my prescription will not be wrong. If you want to punish me for this, you have to let me save people first. When Concubine Lu is safe and sound, I will find a way to prove my innocence." Bai Ruozhu said sincerely. said.

A look of disdain appeared on the queen's face, "It is up to the envoys of the Mao Hospital and the Vice-President of Wei to save people. If your medical skills are not good and you harm people by prescribing prescriptions, who else can you save?"

Xu Meiren next to her looked at Bai Ruozhu very worriedly. She felt that Bai Ruozhu would not prescribe the wrong prescription. If Bai Ruozhu was not good at medicine, how could her old disease get better? You must know that I have been to the Royal Hospital several times before but could not get a good look at it.

She thought for a while, then cautiously saluted the Queen, and said: "Empress, Dr. Bai is indeed very skilled in medicine. Is there any misunderstanding here? My concubine's old disease hospital has always been helpless, and it was Dr. Bai who showed me this. It's getting better, and I haven't had the old headache for a few days."

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