Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 1619 True love is touching

At this time, an old lady with a slightly staggering gait came from a distance. She had gray hair and a sunken cheek. She was obviously old and her legs and feet were not very agile.

There was a bamboo basket slumped in her arms, covered with a clean veil, and she didn't know what was placed inside.

But just by looking at her clothes, you can tell that she is not someone who has just experienced a fire. Even though the clothes on her body are not luxurious, they are clean and tidy, and they are not as disgraced as others.

The old lady walked into the street, walked up to a child, and opened the veil covering the basket, revealing the hot mixed noodle buns inside.

"You haven't eaten yet, have you? You must be starving. I don't have much food with me. Let the children and the woman eat first. Each of you can take a little and everyone can share it." The old lady said, taking out a steamed bun and stuffing it with it. In the hands of the child.

She also wanted to give it to the child's mother. The child's mother hurriedly broke off a small piece from the child's hand and said, "One is enough for us. Let's share it with others."

The old lady went to share the food with others. After she shared it, she said nothing more and left with the basket.

The people eating the steamed buns all sniffed. They had cried just now, but now they couldn't cry. Someone shouted at the old lady: "Auntie, thank you!"

Others also thanked them one after another. The old lady smiled and said: "The pot is still steaming. I will give you some more later."

Bai Ruozhu's eyes couldn't help but moisten as she watched this scene. The people in ancient times were really simple, but the next scene made her shed tears no longer.

A young couple pushed a trolley over with a large basin of hot porridge on it. The man said shyly, "I sell food in the nearby grocery store."

His wife kicked him, and he hurriedly said with a smile: "I am a stupid person, so I have to make it clear. These are hot porridges we give to everyone, no money, no money!"

As he spoke, he stabilized the cart, took out a bowl with hot porridge, and delivered it to the victims.

Many people came from behind. Some brought food, some brought quilts to keep out the cold, some brought old clothes, and some brought shoes, etc. Although the things were not expensive, they were rare.

Seeing such a scene, Bai Ruozhu was moved to tears. In times of difficulty, support came from all directions. She was glad that she was at the scene and felt the warmest true love in the world.

Soon, Fan Li rushed over, bowed to the people who came to deliver things, and said: "Fan thanked everyone for their help. Fan will not forget this affection. I also promise everyone here that the affected people will be resettled as soon as possible." People, these burned houses will be rebuilt with government funding."

Everyone who was affected by the disaster raised their heads. They saw hope again. As long as their homes were restored, everything could start again.

The people who came to deliver things also applauded one after another, and a young man shouted: "We are here to help when the house is being built, and we don't have to worry about the food!"

At this time, many places were helping people build houses, and the owners still had to take care of the food even if they didn’t pay them. Saying this means unconditionally contributing to saving the government as much as possible.

Many people responded and said they would come to help when the time came. Fan Li thanked him repeatedly after hearing this. Even an old man like him, who had been involved in too many officialdoms, was moved to tears.

Immediately afterwards, the palace sent officers and soldiers over, led by Jiang Yichun, followed by Wang Shun.

Jiang Yichun immediately sent people to search the fire area to find the injured and eliminate hidden dangers as much as possible. Then Wang Shun took out the imperial edict and read it out in public.

"By God's blessing, the emperor issued an edict that the capital city was experiencing a rare flood in decades. He ordered Yin Fanli of Jingzhao to resettle all the affected people, ensuring that the people have a place to live, food to eat, and timely medical treatment, and that the deceased should be buried and compensated. The surviving family members. The Ministry of Industry was ordered to mobilize all manpower to rebuild the people's houses, and will investigate the matter and give an explanation to the people."

Everyone present knelt down and shouted: "Long live the Emperor."

Bai Ruozhu was a little dissatisfied when she heard what happened later. She wanted to see if the investigation would lead to a break with the eldest princess. She also wanted to see how the emperor would give an explanation to the people.

In the Jinluan Palace, the eldest princess stood downcast and said, "Your Majesty, that brothel killed Duke Zheng. What's wrong with me setting it on fire? Why did the fire suddenly become so intense? Someone must have secretly done it. They did some tricks to frame me!"

Tang Yin's face was so cold that it was about to freeze. He stared at the eldest princess and said, "Auntie, you still don't repent. The houses in Beijing are densely packed. Can you just set fire to it? You are committing arson. Do you know? Know?"

The eldest princess knelt down on the ground with a thud, and said in a choked voice: "I admit that I am confused, but there must be something fishy about this matter. Someone secretly plotted to kill Duke Zheng, and also did something secretly to put the blame on me, Your Majesty. You must make the decision for me!"

Tang Yin rubbed his temples and said, "You set the fire. At this point, you can only seek forgiveness from the people. Otherwise, I can only demote you to a commoner and exile you outside the customs."

The eldest princess Huilan was immediately dumbfounded. When she came to her senses, she cried and said, "Someone is really trying to harm me. Your Majesty, you have to make the decision for me!"

Tang Yin snorted coldly, "It's useless to beg me. Think about what I said."

None of the ministers nearby dared to speak. The person who committed the crime today was the emperor's aunt. If it had been anyone else, she would have been pulled out of the court long ago.

Bai Ruozhu had been busy all day, and finally saw that the people affected by the disaster were resettled and everyone was given medicine. She rubbed her sore shoulders and sighed heavily.

At this time, a pair of big hands placed on her shoulders and squeezed her very gently.

Just by smelling it, she knew it was Ah Chun.

"Thank you for your hard work. We'll be back soon." Jiang Yichun's voice came from behind her.

"What's the hard work? Mom and the others were just exhausted today, running around." Bai Ruozhu smiled.

Jiang Yichun pinched her twice more, "That's why I told them to go back first. Mom also said that I would go back and prepare meals for you. She said you were too tired and I had to give you a good supplement."

Bai Ruozhu felt warm in her heart. She was already very happy to have such a family, a husband here, and a smart and sensible child.

On the way back, Bai Ruozhu asked what the emperor would do with the eldest princess, and Jiang Yichun's face dropped.

"The Ministry of Punishment has been asked to investigate, but the Emperor asked her to seek forgiveness from the people, which is considered very considerate. But I see that the eldest princess will not apologize in public. She simply looks down on the poor people from the bottom of her heart." Jiang Yichun said.

Bai Ruozhu pouted, "One Zheng Guogong cost six lives and more than fifty injured people, doesn't she think it's too much?"


Some people may say that Muka is writing about an ideal world. Where is such a situation in reality? A certain Ka will say yes. I remember the Wenchuan earthquake. How many people contributed money and efforts is the best proof that there is true love in the world.

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