"I rode a horse and chased with all my strength, and my legs were bruised with blood blisters." Bai Qizhi said even more aggrieved, "When we got to Beishan, we encountered an explosion, which scared me to death. Fortunately, I didn't go up the mountain. Wuwuwu, I almost missed it. It’s your turn.”

Bai Ruozhu saw that she was indeed mentally exhausted. She also had some scratches on her forehead because of the sudden fainting before. She couldn't help but feel a little distressed. But thinking about her father's life experience, she had to make up her mind and ask: "Why are you so anxious to see me?" ?”

Bai Qizhi was so stupid that she didn't notice Bai Ruozhu's indifference, so she cried and said: "Sister Ruozhu, I know everything. Grandpa suddenly fell ill, and he said everything in a daze."

Bai Ruozhu gritted her teeth. She knew that Bai Guanghe was unreliable. Sure enough, what he said was true. Only the dead can keep secrets.

Fortunately, her father had already left Beijing, otherwise Bai Qizhi might have gotten some clues if she came to her door crying.

"The doctor said that grandpa has a heart disease, which requires heart medicine. I know that grandpa is sorry for his uncle, but he is old and has been guilty for his whole life. Can you give him a chance?" Bai Qizhi continued.

"What's wrong with being old? Can you avoid your own mistakes when you are old? Since you know this, you should also know that back then, he doted on his concubine and killed his wife, leaving his own flesh and blood to live outside the country, and even more so that my father never lived a good life since he was a child. "Bai Ruozhu found herself a little excited and tried to lower her voice as much as possible. She didn't want her servants to hear her.

"As long as your grandfather has a reliable place to live, when Bai Yuanqing was visiting a foreign country and died in a foreign land, wouldn't he rather leave my father to an outsider than send him back to your home? He said that if my father can't get the honors in the future, there is no need to know My own life experience is that I am afraid that he will be killed even if he has no background and recognizes his ancestors!"

Bai Qizhi turned pale when she heard this. As soon as she came back from Jiangnan, she went to visit her grandfather Bai Guanghe. Bai Guanghe had been ill for a few days. When she went there, Bai Guanghe was talking nonsense and revealed that Bai Yihong was him. The fact that her eldest son, Bai Ruozhu, is her granddaughter.

But because Bai Guanghe was in a daze and repeated only a few words without saying many details, it was the first time Bai Ruozhu heard these words and Bai Qizhi was shocked and ashamed.

Seeing that she was unclear, Bai Ruozhu simply told what happened that year, and the hardships her father had suffered over the years, and finally asked Bai Qizhi: "Do you think my father will not cause more harm to him if he knows the truth again?" ?"

Bai Qizhi's lips trembled, "How could this happen? In the past, everyone in the family knew that my grandfather's first wife, Ji, died of illness early, and she did not leave any children. When we pay homage to our ancestors during festivals, we would also pay homage to our ancestors. This grandma didn’t know that this was the case.”

"You go back, I won't give in on this matter, and what if your grandfather recognizes my father? He doesn't feel guilty anymore. Does he think he is right for his first wife Ji? The young couple failed to stay together until old age. , and was even almost killed by his concubine, can his heart disease be cured so quickly?" Bai Ruozhu sneered, "I regard you as a friend, but I don't want my father to be hurt again."

Bai Qizhi didn't know how she got out of Baifu. When she returned to her home, Baifu, she suddenly felt very ironic. It was the same Baifu, but why were they so far apart?

When she and Bai Ruozhu met in Jiangnan, she said that since they all had the same surname as Bai, they might be the same family. She was really right, they were such a family.

Bai Qizhi is not young anymore, so she can naturally think of the complicated relationship. Her grandmother is the stepmother, and she was originally the uncle and the eldest son. If her grandfather and Bai Yihong knew each other, then the position of the uncle's eldest son would be affected, so that's what happened She was accidentally told by the old man, but she was the only one in the family desperately looking for the reason for Bai Ruozhu.

Bai Ruozhu sent someone to follow Bai Qizhi secretly. She said she didn't recognize Bai Guanghe's family, but she still cared about Bai Qizhi, for fear that the girl would be weak and faint while walking on the road.

Fortunately, Bai Qizhi returned to Baiguanghe Mansion safely. When Bai Ruozhu heard the secret guard's report, she breathed a sigh of relief.

In the evening, Zhang Liliang hurried back. As soon as he saw Bai Ruozhu, he asked excitedly: "Ruozhu, there are rumors that your father is the eldest son of Bai Guanghe, the Minister of Rites. Do you know this?"

Bai Ruozhu couldn't sit still, "Uncle Zhang, where did you hear this? Who is spreading it?"

Seeing her reaction, Zhang Liliang knew that she knew about it.

"Your father finally found his biological father, why didn't you tell him?" Zhang Liliang asked puzzledly, but after asking, he saw that Bai Ruozhu looked bad. How could he not understand as he was running business all year round.

"Uncle Zhang, my father still knows, but it looks like he has a chance to tell him." Bai Ruozhu said with a bitter smile.

Zhang Liliang couldn't follow up, and said with some embarrassment: "I heard that a doctor from Fushou Tang in the city went to see Bai Guanghe, and I heard what he kept saying, and then it spread."

Bai Ruozhu rubbed his temples. Sure enough, it was Bai Guanghe who caused the trouble by talking nonsense, and the doctor at Fushou Hall was too incompetent. He shouldn't publicize what he heard while treating patients.

While the two were talking, Mrs. Laifu rushed in like a gust of wind.

"Ruozhu, some ladies just came to me to inquire, asking if your father is the eldest son of Bai Guanghe's original wife. I said no. They spread the news all over the capital. They also said that Bai Guanghe's granddaughter came to find you and fainted. Falling at the gate..." Mrs. Laifu spoke sharply and spoke clearly.

Bai Ruozhu took a deep breath and said, "If someone asks you again, you won't be able to explain clearly. It's not urgent in advance. I don't intend to recognize Bai Guanghe. Back then, he was the doting concubine of his family who almost killed my grandma and his wife. My father, it’s better not to recognize this family.”

Zhang Liliang and Mrs. Laifu looked at each other and decided not to ask any more questions.

"Okay, we know. No one can tell clearly if we ask." Mrs. Laifu said.

"Okay, you guys just happened to be back, let's have dinner together." Bai Ruozhu said with a smile.

Unexpectedly, the waiter outside hurried to the door at this time and said, "Miss, the prince in the palace is here, saying that the emperor has announced your entry into the palace."

Bai Ruozhu couldn't help but frowned again. Well, the incident between her family and Bai Guanghe must have reached the emperor's ears. This dinner was not going to be comfortable.

"Okay, I'll go right away." She smiled apologetically at Zhang Liliang and Laifu's wife, and said, "Looks like we'll have to eat next time."

"It doesn't matter, go quickly. Don't keep the emperor waiting." Zhang Liliang said.

Bai Ruozhu nodded and strode outside.

When he saw Wang Shun, Wang Shun said with a smile on his face: "Master Bai, you are so strict!"

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