Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 1687 Know people and make good use of them

"Brother, you have misunderstood the girl from the Bai family. As a female doctor, of course you don't know that it is not easy for a woman to give you medicine when she is pregnant. Some medicines are too strong and may cause miscarriage just by smelling them. If I show you something that hurts someone else's child, do you think you can live with it? And if she can ask her apprentice to show it to you, she must be no ordinary child. You can see that Bai Ruozhu is already a teenager and has excellent medical skills." Doctor Li said loudly.

"Besides, why don't you just ask me to bandage this little injury? Do you think you still think my medical skills are not good?" He sighed heavily as he spoke, "I, Lao Li, have been treating people all my life. Even when you are old, you are still looked down upon by others.”

Old Man Li was a little embarrassed when he heard this, and said hurriedly: "Where are you thinking? I just heard that she was a female medical officer in the palace, and I wanted to see if she was that powerful. I didn't know there were such things."

At this time, everyone onlookers could tell that Old Man Li was being unreasonable, but they estimated that he was senior and older, so they comforted him and left after a few words.

Doctor Li showed Old Man Li the wound directly on the side of the road. As a result, the blood in the wound had solidified, so it was nothing serious at all. Doctor Li applied some medicine to his wound and bandaged it briefly before letting him go home.

After that, many people saw Dr. Li rushing to Bai Yihong's house and no longer seeing anyone. Some people speculated that he went to see his colleague Bai Ruozhu for discussion.

But in fact, in the courtyard of the Bai family, Doctor Li was holding Guo'er to discuss medical skills. He was not like those ignorant people in the village. Bai Ruozhu was the female chief doctor in the palace, and his medical skills were comparable to his. of? He is almost the same as someone else's young apprentice.

Of course, he wanted to broaden his horizons more. Although he was older, he couldn't resist others' love for medicine.

As a result, after talking too much, Dr. Li realized that he was not as good as Guo'er. Although he was very depressed, he still humbly asked Guo'er for advice and learned a lot.

"Sure enough, heroes come from young. My old man is no match for a little kid like you." Dr. Li sighed with emotion.

A modest smile appeared on Guo'er's face and she said, "Master taught me well, but I have only learned one ten millionth of what Master taught me. I have to work harder."

Bai Ruozhu just walked out and said with a smile: "One in a thousand is too exaggerated. There is definitely one in ten, but we do need to continue to work hard. There is no limit to learning."

Doctor Li smiled and bowed to her, "I've met Mr. Bai."

Bai Ruozhu hurriedly helped him up and said complainingly: "Dr. Li, are you separated from me?"

"Haha, Li really admires your medical skills." Dr. Li praised without hesitation.

Bai Ruozhu took out a pamphlet from his sleeve, handed it to Doctor Li, and said, "Give this to Doctor Li. This is the study material I wrote for the Doctors' Alliance. It would be better if Doctor Li could join the Doctors' Alliance. "

Doctor Li flipped through the pamphlet with a look of enthusiasm on his face, "This, this is so precious!"

"My purpose in establishing the Doctors Alliance is to allow doctors all over the world to have the opportunity to learn from each other, so that those precious medical skills will no longer be hidden and slowly lost, and so that more people can get good treatment." Bai Ruozhu said.

Doctor Li's eyes widened, "I heard someone mention the Doctors Alliance when I went to Beiyu City before. It turns out you founded it!"

Seeing the confident smile on Bai Ruozhu's face, he knew that he had heard correctly. He immediately slapped his thigh and shouted, "Okay! Ruozhu, this is a great meritorious deed!"

"Then are you willing to join?" Bai Ruozhu asked with a smile.

"Why don't you want to? You must let me join!" Dr. Li has been getting older and has not been so excited for a long time.

In the next few days, Dr. Li would always call Guo'er when he visited the clinic. People in the village thought that Dr. Li was helping Bai Ruozhu train his disciples, but gradually everyone discovered that Dr. Li always asked Guo'er and discussed with Guo'er. Disciple, on the contrary, he seems to be humbly learning from that little kid Guoer.

Finally someone couldn't help but ask: "Doctor Li, why do you always ask what that little baby means?"

Doctor Li burst out laughing, "Is it normal for me to ask someone who has better medical skills than me? It's a pity that Ruozhu doesn't accept me as a disciple, otherwise I would have to call him senior brother."

Guo'er added silently in his heart: "It's senior brother."

Now he has seen some patients and gained more experience. The confidence he had lost before has returned, and he has even become a lot more cheerful.

After hearing what Dr. Li said, many people were dumbfounded. Did they hear it correctly? Dr. Li's hair was almost completely white. He wanted to take Bai Ruozhu, a girl who was less than twenty years old, as his disciple? And then you call a seven- or eight-year-old kid senior brother? Isn't he crazy?

But because of this incident, people in the village talked less about the Bai family. They were both in awe and curiosity about the Bai family. However, it was not convenient to ask the Bai family directly about many things, so they went to the Bai family's in-laws, the Wang family, to inquire. Wang Su naturally asked the Bai family. Jia and others praised him, and the previous bad rumors about the Bai family gradually disappeared.

The days were noisy but lively. In the blink of an eye, it had been a month since Bai Ruozhu returned to Houshan Village. On this day, Xu Ge brought the latest account books to her to check. She flipped through them and suddenly felt a headache.

Probably because she was pregnant and couldn't sit still, she had completely lost the patience she used to have with these account books.

At this time, Lonicera walked in and said that Bai Zeji had brought Bai Zebo to visit.

When Bai Ruozhu went to Maple Leaf Village before, Bai Zebo happened to be busy with something at the shop in the town, so he came here to visit him when he had some free time.

Bai Ruozhu's eyes lit up. Didn't he say that Bai Zebo was very good at settling accounts? She became interested in this cousin who knew how to do business. Maybe she could get him to help check the accounts? She also needs to know how to make good use of others. Of course, she will never admit that she wants to be lazy.

"Lonicera, take the account book and accompany me to the front hall." Bai Ruozhu said briskly.

When she arrived at the front hall, she saw Bai Zebo. She didn't have a deep impression of this cousin at first. On the one hand, the two of them didn't have much interaction. On the other hand, before she left Houshan Village, Bai Zebo was still a little young. , many things were not his turn to show up.

Bai Zebo is not tall, and his face is similar to that of Bai Lu. He has a square and honest appearance, but his eyes are dark and lively, and he is indeed smart.

He stood up and saluted Bai Ruozhu with a respectful attitude, and even showed reverence in his eyes.

"They say that my cousin is a wizard in business. I have always wanted to find opportunities for my cousin to point me out. I am just clumsy. Please don't take it personally." Bai Zebo said with a smile.

Bai Zeji smiled and said to Bai Ruozhu: "When you are away, he always asks for news about you and when you will come back so that you can give him some advice."

"Ze Bo, I heard from the clan leader that you are very good at calculating accounts. Why don't you help me take a look at these account books to see if there are any problems?" Bai Ruozhu motioned to Lonicera and handed over the account books.

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