Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 1690 A series of bad news

"Prince Rui is extremely shameless. He plotted to usurp the throne and smeared the Queen Mother for the sake of her good reputation. The Queen Mother has a gentle temper and has never treated him harshly in the past. He is not afraid of being slandered after everyone has gone. Are you being punished by God?" Bai Ruozhu cursed angrily.

"Before, he formed a secret organization in a mysterious way, and even wore a mask and named him Chi You. Chi You was a hero after all, but who is he?" She continued to curse.

Jian Qi bowed slightly beside him, "Master, please don't get angry, please think about the fetus in your belly. No matter how high Prince Rui jumps now, sooner or later he will step down."

Bai Ruozhu took a few deep breaths and muttered: "Yes, I can't be angry, I have to calm down, calm down..."

It took her a long time to calm down, but she felt sad again. The kind Queen Mother was gone like this, and she was given a bad reputation. As expected, history is in the hands of the winner, so for this reason, they are all the same. I want to help the emperor regain his throne and give justice to the queen mother.

"Master, there is news later." Jian Qi reminded.

"Keep talking." Bai Ruozhu rubbed her sore temples. She couldn't think too much. The deceased was gone. She couldn't always be immersed in sadness, which would affect the health of the baby in her belly.

"The nomadic tribes in the north were originally leaderless and had no good weather. In addition, Beiguan was guarded by An Beihou, so they never dared to invade. But a few days ago, a military advisor named Sirius appeared in the Yueqiu tribe, and he didn't know how to use it. What kind of plan did they use to unite several nomadic tribes in the north and invade Beiguan repeatedly?" Jian Qi said.

Bai Ruozhu frowned, "Marquis Anbei led his troops away, which is an advantage for them, but it's not our turn to have a headache now. The north is not far from the capital, and we might break into the imperial city."

In the previous dynasty, barbarians from the north broke into the palace and left before they even robbed the jewels and concubines. This was a great shame and humiliation for the reigning emperor. The emperor was frightened and angry, and died of depression in less than half a year. end.

Jian Qi sighed softly, "I don't know if King Rui can stop the Northern Barbarians. It's the common people who suffer when they attack. I heard that wherever they go, they burn, kill and plunder. In addition to gold, silver and jewelry, they also rob Women, even girls, will not be spared."

It took Bai Ruozhu a long time to recover from the shock. That is to say, the barbarians in the north were fierce, and there were no women when marching and fighting. Wherever they fought, they robbed money and women. If there were not enough women, they would not even let go of girls.

She took a deep breath and said, "The Emperor will not send troops in the near future, and I hope that Prince Rui will be able to keep those northern barbarians out."

But this is a contradictory thing. If King Rui sends people to stop the northern barbarians, he can establish a good image in the hearts of the people. On the one hand, it shows that he loves the people like his son, and on the other hand, it proves that he is also capable of this position. of.

At least in the hearts of the people of the capital and Beiguan generation, their impression of him will change.

But if he fails to resist the northern barbarians, a large number of people will suffer, which is not what Bai Ruozhu wants to see.

In the end, it was King Rui who had the advantage in the capital. This was also the difference between him and King Duan. King Duan raised his flag to rebel, but failed to break into the capital. He wanted to directly capture Beiyu City, Tang Yin's rear base, but was ultimately defeated.

But Prince Rui was much smarter. He broke through directly from the most dangerous place, captured the palace in one fell swoop, and occupied a favorable position.

"In addition, there is news from the Chamber of Commerce that the Turks in the northwest are ready to move. I am afraid they want to take advantage of the civil strife in Danliang to seize some cities." Jian Qi said again.

Beiguan can't be controlled, but the Northwest Turks can't ignore it. If they drive straight in, they can quickly reach Beiyu City.

"Forget it, these are not things I can think about. The emperor and the ministers in the court will arrange it." Bai Ruozhu said tiredly.

Upon seeing this, Jian Qi bowed and retreated. Bai Ruozhu lay down undressed and rested for an hour before feeling better.

In Beiyu City, after the emperor listened to the announcement issued by King Rui, he looked very calm on the surface. He also ordered the scribes below to write a proclamation to refute King Rui, telling him the ten major crimes of King Rui. He also talked to Anbeihou, Wu Lie and other military generals. After discussing the defense in the northwest, they returned to the palace to rest.

Before he could sit down, he coughed violently. Wang Shun next to him hurriedly served him tea, and saw him coughing up a mouthful of blood onto the handkerchief.

"Your Majesty!" Wang Shun put down the tea and knelt on the ground with a pop, "You must take care of your dragon body. I will send you an imperial doctor for diagnosis and treatment immediately."

Tang Yin nodded, "Don't make too much noise. I don't want to make people panic."

Wang Shun nodded hurriedly, but felt terribly uncomfortable in his heart. Isn't the emperor feeling better now? Why are you vomiting blood again? He must have been angered by the anger just now.

The emperor's heir is still young and has no successor. If he falls ill at this moment, it will definitely disrupt the morale of the army.

Wang Shun secretly ordered the clever little eunuch to ask for the imperial doctor, then re-entered the room and said, "Your Majesty, why don't you ask the female doctor Bai to take a look at it?"

Bai Ruozhu is a trustworthy person and his medical skills are very good.

The emperor shook his head, "I promised Yichun to let her have an abortion, so why did I ask her to come all the way? I know my body well, but I'm just angry."

Seeing that the emperor was resolute, Wang Shun did not dare to say more, lest he would make the emperor angry again. He secretly calculated the future, thinking that it would be more than a month since the female doctor Bai returned to his hometown, otherwise he would discuss it with Mr. Meng in private. ?

Soon the imperial doctor came over to examine the emperor, and came to the same conclusion as the emperor himself thought. The imperial doctor prescribed medicine, and Wang Shun privately told him to keep his mouth shut, and then let him go.

Bai Ruozhu didn't know what happened in Beiyu City. The next day, her family received a letter from Zhang Liliang. Everyone was happy. Bai Ruozhu heard what the maid said and immediately rushed to the front hall to read the letter happily, but found that the atmosphere at home was particularly unusual. She was depressed, and her mother's eyes were still a little red.

"What's going on?" Her heart thumped. Something happened to Uncle Zhang and the others, right?

When she asked, Lin Ping'er simply started crying, and said while crying: "Poor Ruolan got lost on the road, and you, Uncle Zhang, and the others couldn't find her. If we had known this, we shouldn't have sent him off halfway." She went back because I didn't take good care of her."

Bai Ruozhu's heart had sunk to the bottom, but she still managed to stay calm and went over to comfort her mother and said, "I don't blame you for this. If you had taken her with you at the beginning, there would have been so many people and it would be easy to get confused. She might have run away by then." , didn’t she run away twice by herself?”

Lin Ping'er cried even harder, "This child's life is really hard, and I don't know how he is doing now."

Bai Ruozhu took Zhang Liliang's letter from her elder brother and read it. It said that Guizhi was taken out of the city by Wei San and rushed to Beiyu City before them. When they escaped from the capital, many people from nearby cities All the officials took refuge in King Rui.

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