Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 1708 A Chun’s letter

Everyone understood that Bai Ruozhu was also thinking about Bai Zehai's safety. There would definitely be risks when going out, let alone doing business in other countries.

Everyone chatted for a while, and had lunch at Bai Lu's house at noon. The men also got together to drink a few more drinks. After the meal, Bai Ruozhu's family returned in a carriage.

"Don't get in front of Ruozhu, don't smell the alcohol all over her!" Lin Ping'er pushed Bai Yihong, who was a little drunk and just giggled.

After laughing for a while, Bai Yihong pointed at Bai Ruozhu and said, "Daughter, do you think your father and we have such a rough fate?"

Bai Ruozhu smiled and patted his hand and said, "Why are you so frustrated? Look at how good your life is now? The husband and wife are harmonious and the family is full of children and grandchildren."

Bai Yihong became happy again after hearing this, and laughed and said: "You are right, why can't dad get around this detour? Yes, the husband and wife are harmonious, and the family is full of children and grandchildren."

He said and put his arm around Lin Ping'er's shoulders. Lin Ping'er blushed with embarrassment and gave him a look but did not knock his hand away.

Bai Ruozhu snickered, her mother felt sorry for her father.

A few days later, the Bai Ruozhu family and the Wang family moved out of Houshan Village together. Apart from saying hello to the people with whom they were close, the two families did not hold a farewell party in the village. Everyone knew that the two families had complained about the village chasing away the Bai family. leave.

The old village chief stood at the door and watched the carriage go away. He felt extremely unhappy. Logically speaking, he had returned his family to his hometown in fine clothes and had a second-ranked female official, a fourth-rank female official. This should be a great honor for the village, but he did not want the government to be in turmoil. In the end, this was the situation.

He didn't know if he had done something wrong, but he felt extremely uncomfortable.

Bai Ruozhu and the others arrived at Anyuan Town first, and then continued towards Beiyu City without stopping. As they walked out of the city gate unexpectedly, they met Mrs. Li.

She was the wife of the county magistrate Li Shunsheng. She sent a servant to inquire and confirmed that it was Bai Ruozhu and others. She even got out of the car to say hello herself.

"Mrs. Bai, we meet again." Mrs. Li greeted warmly, but she was very emotional. When they met before, Bai Ruozhu was a merchant and sold knitted products at her house. Now Bai Ruozhu is the wife of a third-rank official, and she is still a female official of the fourth rank.

Of course, Mrs. Li's heart was not filled with soreness, but she was lamenting her ability and luck. Bai Ruozhu had saved her life, and she felt grateful before it was too late. She was also very lucky that her husband had a good relationship with Bai Zepei and helped Bai Zepei, but...

Originally, Bai Zepei had arranged for Li Shunsheng to be transferred back to the capital as a capital official after serving three years at the local level, but he didn't want the capital to be occupied by King Rui.

Mrs. Li lamented that fate played tricks on people, but she also knew that there would be opportunities in the future.

Bai Ruozhu greeted Mrs. Li with a smile, stretched out her hand and said, "Let me feel your pulse."

"This, this is so embarrassing." Mrs. Li thought about Bai Ruozhu's current status, why bother her to diagnose her pulse.

"Didn't I show it to you before? Why don't you trust me now?" Bai Ruozhu smiled at her, obviously joking.

"No, no," Mrs. Li said, feeling a little moved. This Mrs. Bai is really a good person. No matter what her opportunities are now, she has never forgotten her old friends and has no airs of condescension.

Bai Ruozhu checked Mrs. Li's pulse, nodded and said, "You're doing well, but you've been a little angry recently. You need to calm down and drink more water."

After saying that, she felt uneasy and asked: "Drink more water, not more tea, otherwise too much tea will affect your sleep."

"Okay, okay, I remember." Mrs. Li nodded hurriedly.

Then the two chatted for a while, and then they realized that Mrs. Li was also going to Beiyu City. It turned out that Mrs. Li's relatives had arrived in Beiyu City, and she was going to Beiyu City to visit.

So Bai Ruozhu invited her to go with him. When it got dark that night, a group of people arrived at Beiyu City.

Mrs. Li told Bai Ruozhu her temporary residence address, and the two made an appointment to get together again when they had time.

Bai Zehao, Bai Zepei, and Wang Minglu were already waiting at the city gate. After chatting with each other, they decided to gather at the Bai family's house first and then send the Wang family back to the house they had just bought later.

Bai Zehao asked with an air of asking for credit: "How was it? Is there anything you are dissatisfied with? I can arrange for my subordinates to correct it."

"It's very good. It's much better than our courtyard in Beijing." Lin Ping'er was very happy, but soon frowned, "We don't know how long we will stay here. Isn't it too wasteful?"

"Mom, this house doesn't cost much, it's only one-third of the price of a house in Beijing." Bai Zehao said with a smile.

Bai Ruozhu was surprised, "How come it's so cheap? Even if every inch of land in Beijing is precious, it's at least half the price here than in Beijing, right?"

"Little sister, I am also lucky. I happened to catch up with a famous businessman who moved his family to the south. The house was sold quickly and the price was reduced a lot." Bai Zehao said with a smile, and he was like "please praise me!" expression.

It's a pity that his little sister was so lost in thought that she didn't respond to him at all, which gave him a slight shock.

Bai Ruozhu was thinking that there should be many people moving away from Beiyu City. At this time, there were always many people who were afraid of trouble and wanted to stay away. But if the world is in chaos, where can there be a pure land?

Bai Zehao is now becoming more and more meticulous in his work. He had already ordered a few banquets to welcome guests, and the two families sat down and had a good meal together.

After the meal, Wang Minglu led his family to leave. When he walked to the door, he looked back at Bai Ruozhu. Bai Ruozhu pretended not to see it, but sighed silently in his heart.

Brother Minglu is a good man. If she had not met Jiang Yichun, she would definitely want to live a stable life and find an affordable man like Brother Minglu.

Unfortunately, fate dictated that she could not give Wang Minglu any response.

The journey was not too tiring. Bai Ruozhu had recovered his strength after resting for a day. Just as he was considering whether to go to the palace to meet the emperor, Jian Qi sent a letter from outside.

"Master, it's a letter from my uncle!" Jian Qi's voice fluctuated slightly. He could see that Bai Ruozhu was worried day and night, and he was also anxious. As a result, when Jiang Yichun's letter came, he was even more excited than his master.

Bai Ruozhu took the letter but slowed down. She opened it carefully, fearing that she would damage the letter paper inside in her excitement and lose part of the content.

An ordinary letter was actually carefully cared for by her as if it were a treasure. Jian Qi was very moved when he saw it, and then silently exited the room.

The letter unfolded and Bai Ruozhu read it word by word. He said that he was fine and on his way back, but Yu Chenghua was still injured, and his mother had a strange disease that he couldn't treat, so the trip had to be postponed. slow.

Looking further down, Bai Ruozhu suddenly screamed excitedly...

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