Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 1724 Granting the title of Prince Ning

Bai Zehao was so frightened that he suddenly hit himself on the head and said, "It's all my fault. I'm too stupid. How could I believe someone's excuse of rushing to escape? I almost killed the whole family. I, I'm sorry for everyone!"

Bai Ruozhu walked over and took hold of his eldest brother's arm. Bai Zehao did not dare to move for fear of hurting his pregnant sister.

"Brother, what are you talking about? Prince Rui is here for me. I really want to say who has caused trouble to everyone, but it's me, okay? Don't say you're not careful. Even in the days since I moved in, I've been to the garden a lot. Didn't you notice it every time?" Bai Ruozhu advised.

Bai Zepei frowned, "Okay, let's not talk about whether the family will be implicated or not. There is no time in life when we don't encounter evil people. Even in the village, our family was in good order, but didn't we have food stolen by gangsters?"

He was talking about what happened before Bai Ruozhu traveled through time. Bai Ruozhu thought about it for a long time before he remembered it.

At that time, the Bai family had separated. Bai Yihong was good at farming, and the crops in the field grew very well during harvest time. As a result, two gangsters in the village went to steal them in the middle of the night. Fortunately, Bai Yihong asked Bai Zehao to watch from the ground. , was caught in the middle of the night.

"Brother, just don't blame yourself blindly. I won't blame others' mistakes on myself." Bai Ruozhu said with a pout.

Wang Caiyue also advised in a low voice: "Yes, don't think too much, otherwise everyone will still have to worry about you."

"I understand." Bai Zehao responded hurriedly.

"Now that the poison has been detoxified, are the two children at home and the child in your belly okay?" Lin Ping'er asked with a worried look.

Bai Ruozhu smiled at her mother and said, "It's okay, but the people behind this must not be let go."

Bai Zepei's face turned cold, "When will Jiang Yichun come back?"

Bai Ruozhu was stunned for a moment, then realized that the second brother thought that Prince Rui wanted to harm her because he couldn't catch Jiang Yichun, so he wanted to cause trouble for her.

It's a pity that she couldn't mention the emperor's poisoning to her second brother, and she couldn't explain the real reason why Prince Rui attacked her, so she could only let Ah Chun take the blame.

Hum hum, who told him not to come back!

"It should be soon. He wrote a letter saying that his mother was seriously ill and was delayed for a few days on the road."

When Jiang Yichun's mother was mentioned, Lin Ping'er curled her lips next to her.

Bai Ruozhu didn't want to talk more, so he continued to talk about being poisoned.

"I asked people to dig out the roots of the tree and burn them later in a deserted place. I also arranged for people to grab the medicine and cook it at home later. Everyone drank a bowl of it for three days. It’ll be fine.”

Xiao Dengdeng frowned after hearing this, "What's the point of drinking medicine? Can I not drink it?"

"No! Don't you still want to protect your mother? If you don't drink medicine and can't detoxify, you won't grow up!" Bai Ruozhu said in a stern tone.

Xiaodengdeng's little face fell, "Then, then I'd better drink."

The whole family was amused by the cuteness of little Dedeng, and the atmosphere suddenly became much better.

It didn't take long for the medicine to be brought back, and Bai Ruozhu arranged for someone to make the medicine. Guo'er happened to come back from the Imperial Hospital. She gave the prescription to Guo'er and asked Guo'er to watch the medicine being cooked without making any mistakes.

Soon the whole family drank the medicine, and because they didn't feel anything was wrong yet, they didn't feel any difference after taking the medicine.

Only Bai Ruozhu felt that his breathing became much easier.

Of course, because she often makes poison, she is not prone to poisoning. She should be the least poisoned person in the house, otherwise she might have discovered this earlier.

However, this poison can be regarded as saving her life. If Prince Rui knew that this was the case, would he be so angry that his subordinates were so self-defeating?

Three days passed in a row, and everyone in the Bai Mansion drank medicine for three days and carried out a thorough cleaning, and then the original vitality was restored.

Bai Ruozhu remembered that Gu Xu'an, Bai Qizhi, and Yu Yao had also been to her garden. She went to check their pulses a few more times and felt relieved after confirming that they were not poisoned.

As for the emperor and his second brother, they were looking for someone to handle the assassin in the city, but found nothing, so the matter could only be brought to an end for the time being.

At this time, an envoy from the capital came to Beiyu City. The envoy rushed towards the palace with a pair of guards, saying that he had brought His Majesty the Emperor's decree.

It happened that General Cai Yucheng of the Jinwu Guard was patrolling the city that day. When he heard this, he struck the envoy with his sword, knocking him off his horse and throwing him far away.

"General Cai, my subordinate's name is Cheng Yu. It is said that the envoy will not be killed if the two armies are fighting. How can you treat this officer like this?" The envoy straightened his official hat, got up from the ground and asked. He looked like a Someone who knows martial arts, otherwise how could ordinary civil servants get up so quickly?

Cai Yucheng snorted coldly, "Shut your stupid mouth. There is only one person in His Majesty the Emperor. He is sitting in the palace right now. If you dare to speak nonsense again, I will cut your tongue directly!"

In fact, he was also concerned about the rule of not cutting, otherwise he wouldn't have used the scabbard sword to attack Cheng Yu. Wouldn't it be easier to just cut him with one sword?

Of course, he didn't want to tell Cheng Yu this, lest he become emboldened.

"I am asking to see the emperor and send him a message." Cheng Yu is also smart, otherwise he would be able to accept such an errand.

Cai Yucheng glanced at him coldly, "You can only go in alone."

"Yes, yes." Cheng Yu cooperated very well and asked the accompanying guards to wait outside the palace.

Soon, he entered the palace and met Tang Yin.

After he saluted, he took out a bright yellow imperial edict, unfolded it and read: "By God's blessing, the emperor issued an edict to express his gratitude to his brother Tang Yin for his brotherly love. He specially named him Prince Ning, and granted him the title of Prince Ning. Salary..."

Before he could finish reading, Tang Yin coughed lightly and saw a black shadow flash past. Before Cheng Yu could react, the bright yellow imperial edict in his hand was chopped into two pieces.

Become a king? Is this to prove his generosity or to humiliate Tang Yin? Do you want to say that the winner is the king and the loser is the enemy?

Anger was already igniting in Tang Yin's eyes, but as a superior, he had to control his emotions at all times.

"Didn't Prince Rui say that I am not the late emperor's son? Why did he mention brotherhood to me now? When he killed me and my mother, when did he think of brotherhood? Get out of here, this is the king's decree If you don't know how to answer, this world belongs to me, why do you need others to grant you a gift?" Tang Yin's tone did not fluctuate much, and he seemed unusually calm.

"Your Majesty, why are you doing this? You are also sitting in the northwest now, and you will be sitting in the northwest when you become King Ning. Why do you have to destroy all lives and commit murder again? Your Majesty cares about the world and is willing to make concessions. Why can't you think about the people of the world? What?" Cheng Yu said with a serious tone.

"Bold! What kind of person are you, and you are also dictating the Holy Emperor? And Prince Rui is a fake emperor. What kind of imperial edict is he doing? If you don't get out, do you believe that this general will chop off your head?" Cai Yucheng shouted sternly.

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