Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 1737 Know how to go back

"I have something to ask senior senior, so I will go to the previous room to drink tea first, and then I will visit the teacher later." Bai Ruozhu pointed to the room where Gao Juan treated Jian Qi's injuries.

"Okay, get busy first." Ji Ling quickly looked at Gao Juan as she spoke, seeming to be very curious about this middle-aged man, but her eyes were quickly blocked by Feng Jiu's angry look.

Ji Ling almost stopped laughing, Fengjiu, Fengjiu, why are you still like this after so many years?

When I was young, I was ignorant and always felt that he was naive and not a person who could do big things. At first I chose Wei Yu, who was deep and steady, but later I realized that Feng Jiu had a pure heart and was hiding something in front of her. And Wei Yu is not steady, but deep and ruthless, otherwise who would be able to feed Gu with his own flesh and blood?

Thinking of this, Ji Ling felt uncomfortable again. If she hadn't known people poorly, how could she have harmed her own daughter?

Feng Jiu was a little careless and did not notice the change in Ji Ling's mood. Seeing Bai Ruozhu and Gao Juan entering the room, she said with some dissatisfaction: "Little Lingdang, how could you give your trap cat to that little brat? That one added to you How many mechanical objects do we, the mechanics, have our own painstaking efforts in our lifetime? You are usually very precious, why are you so generous all of a sudden?"

Ji Ling pulled back her thoughts and glared at Feng Jiu, "My own things can be given away to whomever I like! Besides, when I die, I will leave them to my descendants. If there are no descendants, it is better to give it to a child who likes it."

Feng Jiu suddenly withered. He was afraid that Ji Ling would be reminded of her daughter Lan'er who was fed with poison.

Ji Ling, on the other hand, has been extremely sad since Lan'er was fed Gu. She has been in a state of confusion for more than ten years, her body has been damaged, and she can no longer have any children.

Although Bai Ruozhu entered the house, she could hear the movement outside. Although she was not particularly clear, she understood the reason for Feng Jiu's objection.

She didn't know that the machine cat actually had Ji Ling's heart and soul, and she would definitely return it to him.

However, let’s solve the big problem of Gao Chan first.

"Did you use suturing?" she asked.

Gao Ruan sneered, "Yes, the wound will heal quickly this way."

Bai Ruozhu was a little angry, "I think when you saw the method I used to infuse Le Bin and you praised it for being wonderful, you actually saw through me at that time, right? I don't know why you laughed at me, but you even said you admire me, it's too much Got it!"

"I don't mean to laugh at you. I also know about infusion, but I haven't thought about what to use. I saw you using this method in ancient times, and I really admired it." Gao Quan explained.

Bai Ruozhu put her son on a stool aside. Xiao Dengdeng could only see the machine cats and didn't care what they were talking about.

"You are the Medical Sage, why do you want to be this Gao Juan? Are you originally from Chengshui country? Is the Medical Sage a false identity that you used to sneak into Danliang?" Bai Ruozhu stared at him and asked several questions in succession, "Also , your face is also fake, right?"

Gao Juan smiled bitterly, "You are too aggressive, girl. I am indeed from Chengshui country, but I came to Danliang as a medical saint without any ill intentions. It's just that I have the title of medical saint, and I practice medicine and save lives everywhere. Just people.”

He answered her previous questions, but deliberately avoided the last one.

Bai Ruozhu stared at him, "Since they are all dressed up, don't you want to show your true colors, senior?"

"I don't want to!" Gao Quan shook his head hurriedly, "You're too ugly. I don't even want to look at my face. Don't force yourself to make things difficult for others."

Bai Ruozhu's mouth twitched. How bad would it be for someone with such eyes? No matter how bad it is, it's more ordinary. It's not as exaggerated as he said. It's not because he doesn't want to show her his true face.

"I understand, you are afraid that I will recognize you!" She suddenly said, "Think about all these things, you have helped me a lot, how could you be a relative?"

She almost didn't ask her if she was from the Jiuli tribe.

But thinking about it, it was not the case. Now she was basically sure that Ji Ling and Feng Jiu were from the Jiuli tribe. But Ji Ling didn't want to say too much, so she didn't pursue it.

Ji Ling and Feng Jiu obviously don't know Gao Chan, so how could he be related to Jiu Li?

"Oops!" Xiao Dengdeng suddenly shouted. He didn't know what he pressed wrongly. The machine cat suddenly bounced to the side. Because the incident happened so suddenly, Bai Ruozhu and Gao Zhan didn't react. Then, Gao Quan got a cut on his cheek, which was scratched by the machine cat that popped up inexplicably!

There was no blood from the broken area. It was obvious that what was broken was not his real face, but a human skin mask.

Bai Ruozhu stared at that position and raised the corner of her mouth. Her son was so awesome that he helped her a lot with just some encouragement.

Gao Juan noticed the problem, stretched out his hand to touch it, and then his expression changed, but he said angrily: "What are you looking at? I still have a mask, I will change it later."

"Okay, you can change it now, you're welcome." Bai Ruozhu said, sitting at the table and pouring herself a cup of tea leisurely.

"You, you..." Gao Juan pointed at Bai Ruozhu angrily without saying a word for a long time. The broken parts of his face showed fair skin, and he looked like a fair uncle.

I think I was a handsome man when I was young.

For some reason, Bai Ruozhu pictured Ah Chun in his mind. His face had become a healthy tan due to his martial arts practice, but if he hadn't been out in the wind and sun for a while, he would have become much fairer. Coupled with his handsome appearance, he looks like a fairy in a painting.

She must have missed him so much that she thought of Ah Chun. There were so many people with good skin in the world, wasn't she also very fair?

"Tell me, who are you? Why do you keep helping me?" Bai Ruozhu asked seriously.

Gao Juan also became serious, "My name is Gao Juan. The Medical Saint is my other unknown identity. I like to treat illnesses and save people, but I don't want to get into trouble because of my medical skills. You don't think you are very good at it?" You've been cured, but are you being targeted?"

"As for helping you, it's not like that time when I discovered that you are a fellow countryman. Since we are all time travellers, please help if you can, otherwise it will be lonely to have so few fellow countrymen in the world." Gao Xuan said, still showing a bit of loneliness. color.

Bai Ruozhu almost believed what he said, but when she thought about it carefully, she felt that it must not be that simple!

"Then have you ever thought about going back? Or do you know a way to go back?" Bai Ruozhu doesn't necessarily want to go back now, she just wants to ask.

"I know, I met a fellow villager before and went back." Gao Juan said nonchalantly.

Bai Ruozhu couldn't help but widen her eyes, "Is there really a way? What should we do?"

Gao Juan laughed twice, "It is said that you can go back if you die. Anyway, that is what the fellow told me before he died. But you have to die naturally. Suicide or being killed is not acceptable."

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