Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 1785 Why is he not worthy?

Bai Ruozhu glanced at Wang Shun next to him, thinking that since the emperor kept him, he was a reliable confidant, so there was no need to be particularly shy.

"No, someone found me and wanted me to give a message to the emperor." Bai Ruozhu actually made her voice calmer, but when she thought that the Queen Mother was still alive, she couldn't help but get excited.

Tang Yin frowned, "I'm very busy. If you have anything to say, just say it. Don't hesitate."

"It's the Queen Mother, she's still alive." Bai Ruozhu said.

Tang Yin looked at her for two seconds, then suddenly smiled bitterly, "Bai Ruozhu, did you talk too much to Le Bin and make yourself stupid? I saw the Queen Mother dying with my own eyes, how could you..."

His voice was choked as he spoke. The Queen Mother blocked an arrow for him. If it wasn't for his negligence, how could the Queen Mother die?

"Besides, if the Queen Mother is really alive, why didn't she come to see me directly instead of running to see you first?" Tang Yin's voice was muffled. In fact, he believed it just for a moment.

Bai Ruozhu sighed helplessly and said, "Your Majesty should know that Mr. Yao, who is the best healer in the world, has a nickname: flesh and bones of living and dead people."

Tang Yin's eyes widened, he stood up from the chair, quickly walked around the desk, rushed to Bai Ruozhu, stared into her eyes and asked: "You mean the Queen Mother is really still alive? Did you see She herself?"

Bai Ruozhu nodded seriously, "I don't dare to deceive the emperor. I have really seen the Queen Mother in person. It's just that her life is very difficult and dangerous, so she postponed coming to Beiyu until now."

"Then why did she..." Tang Yin paused as he spoke, suddenly showing a surprised expression, "I understand, she doesn't want people to know that she is still alive, and she doesn't want to return to the palace to be the Queen Mother!"

Bai Ruozhu was worried about how to say this, but she didn't expect the emperor to be a smart man, so she thought of it herself.

She nodded, "The Queen Mother is still worried about you. She wants to tell you her decision first, and I hope you can understand her."

"I understand? I don't understand!" Tang Yin suddenly roared, forgetting to even call himself "I".

Wang Shun hurriedly reassured her: "Your Majesty, please don't get excited. The Queen Mother must have her own difficulties, and she has suffered so much. Please be considerate of her first."

As he spoke, Wang Shun winked at Bai Ruozhu, telling her to stop humming, so as not to anger the emperor again.

Bai Ruozhu quietly shrank back knowingly, barely finding a gap to slip in.

"Didn't she know that Yu Huan was missing? Wen'er was also sick. I thought my mother was dead and I kept blaming myself and feeling guilty. Now that she's back, can't she stay with me and help me solve my problems?" Tang Yin There was pain and despair in her voice, "I just want to have a relative by my side who I can trust. She is my queen mother."

Bai Ruozhu suddenly sympathized with the emperor. Others could run away when they were tired, but he could only hold on. He longed for family affection, so he was so angry, right?

But soon she lost sympathy for the emperor.

Tang Yin glared at her fiercely, "Who do you think you are? You're helping the Queen Mother spread the word. Do you really think I won't punish you for not reporting what you knew?"

"I don't dare." Bai Ruozhu saluted and bowed with a very low attitude.

"Where is she? Hiding in your house?" Tang Yin asked again.

"The Queen Mother and Mr. Yao took the initiative to find me. After speaking, they left. They said that the Emperor agreed to the Queen Mother's seclusion, and she would naturally meet you." Bai Ruozhu said.

"Yao Yuxuan!" Tang Yin continued to squeeze out these three words through his teeth, "Why does he kidnap the queen mother? Is he worthy?"

Bai Ruozhu couldn't hold back her anger this time. She raised her head and looked at the emperor without hesitation and said, "Why is he not worthy? Without him, the Queen Mother would no longer be alive and would even become a pile of withered bones. Do you know that he sacrificed How much did it take to save the Queen Mother? If he is not worthy, no one in this world is worthy!"

"Bold!" Tang Yin roared, "Don't think that because you are Jiang Yichun's wife, I won't punish you. You and Yao Yuxuan kidnapped the Queen Mother, and you deserve death!"

Bai Ruozhu couldn't help but sneer, "Mr. Yao could have spent his whole life and risked his own life to save the Queen Mother. Otherwise, how do you think a person who has died can come back to life? Yao My husband fainted and died next to the Queen Mother again and again. It took him two months, his hair turned completely white, and he became more than ten years older, just to save the Queen Mother. Why should he not be worthy? As the Queen Mother's son, shouldn't you be grateful to him? Rather than saying he doesn’t deserve it!”

Wang Shun stamped his feet anxiously beside him, "Hey, Mr. Bai, please stop saying a few words. Isn't this the emperor's anger?"

The emperor rushed over and raised his hand, but finally took it back, and suddenly shouted outside: "Come here, take Bai Ruozhu to the prison for me, and wait for him to be punished!"

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, please don't be angry. Lord Bai is pregnant and her temper is a bit fierce, but she and Lord Jiang are sincere." Wang Shun hurriedly advised from the side. Unfortunately, the Emperor got angry and pushed him away. .

The guard came in and wanted to take Bai Ruozhu to the prison. Bai Ruozhu also lost his temper and said sternly: "Don't touch me, I will leave on my own!"

After saying that, she followed the guard to the prison and was really imprisoned.

Things in the palace spread faster than in the palace. After all, this place is not as big as the palace. Soon many people knew that Bai Ruozhu went to see the emperor. It didn't take long for him to anger the emperor and was thrown into prison by the emperor.

Many people started speculating for a while. Some people said that Bai Ruozhu was worried about her husband and wanted to go to the Western Regions to find someone. The emperor was afraid that something would happen, so he simply locked her up first.

Some people also said that Bai Ruozhu relied on the fact that she was favored by the Queen Mother in the past, and she went in and out of the palace as she pleased, and even bothered the Emperor without authorization. However, the Emperor was not the Queen Mother, and she was already annoyed. Regarding this point, there were actually people who maliciously suspected that Bai Ruozhu wanted to seduce the emperor, which made Long Yan furious.

Others said that Bai Ruozhu made a mistake in treating Le Bin and had no choice but to take the initiative to admit her mistake.

Even the jailer in the prison couldn't help but ask Bai Ruozhu: "Master Bai, what on earth have you committed?"

This belly is obviously pregnant. It doesn't mean that aristocratic women make mistakes, and they are also punished by facing the wall to think about their mistakes, or being grounded. How can they be sent to jail?

Unless they have committed some serious crime, such as murder, arson, collaborating with the enemy and the country.

Bai Ruozhu smiled and said, "I impulsively scolded the emperor."

The jailer took a breath and said, "How can you scold the emperor? Are you too brave? By the way, why are you scolding the emperor?"

Bai Ruozhu shook his head, "I won't mention it anymore."

The jailer came to his senses, could he continue to curse the emperor? Is he dissatisfied with his longevity? He even asked this.

He laughed twice and continued his inspection.

Bai Zepei also heard the news and went directly to meet the emperor.

He knelt on the ground and said: "My sister has an upright temperament and may offend the emperor. Please let the emperor see that since Mr. Jiang has not returned from the army and my sister is pregnant, please let her go home."

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