Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 1802 The pull of dreams

Tang Feng parted ways with Yingtong and the others, and took his people back to Danliang to join the barbarian generation. He estimated the time and the reinforcements should have returned.

He had also guessed whether Bai Ruozhu would come. Based on his understanding of Bai Ruozhu, the woman had to come. However, thinking that Bai Ruozhu was still pregnant, he was a little worried and secretly blamed himself for not agreeing to Jiang Yichun entering the cell to save her. Man, he was outside to help. The two of them should change.

It's just that he didn't know that the barbarian blood curse was targeted at people. Even if Jiang Yichun was outside to respond, the blood curse would be activated. As long as he entered the range of the sacrifice, he would not be able to escape.

Tang Feng ordered his people to find a secluded place to camp. Probably because of running around these days, he felt extremely tired today. He asked his confidants to keep an eye on the camp, and he fell asleep.

In the dream, he walked towards the light source. He didn't know why he was walking like this, let alone what was ahead of him. He just walked like this. When the scene turned, he returned to modern times.

He was the rich boy who controlled everything, and he felt that everything he traveled through time seemed to be a dream, but he felt unwilling to do so, so he just returned to his original position and returned to an ordinary life?

He sent someone to check the news about Bai Ruozhu, and found that there was indeed such a person, a dentist who had returned from overseas, and he also opened a dental clinic of his own. He curiously went over to visit, wanting to see if Bai Ruozhu here had also come back, and he was still the same person, but his core was different.

When Bai Ruozhu saw him, he asked excitedly: "Tang Feng, are you back too?"

He was surprised, but he was also sure that this was the Bai Ruozhu he met during the time travel!

From then on, the two became good friends who talked about everything. He often visited her clinic and introduced many customers to her. The relationship between the two became closer and closer, and then they naturally got together. Later, they got married and had children. In the blink of an eye, they Decades later, both of them have become gray-haired. He hugged Bai Ruozhu and gradually fell into a deep sleep, but he felt extremely satisfied in his heart, not boring at all.

When he woke up again, it was already broad daylight. When he opened his eyes, he had not yet recovered from the dream, and his movements were very slow, like an old man.

He raised his hand and slapped himself, swearing in his mouth. It felt so evil. How could he have such a dream?

He does have a good impression of Bai Ruozhu, and even asked Bai Ruozhu if she wanted to be with him. After all, they both came here in costume and had a common language. However, his appreciation for Bai Ruozhu was pure and did not involve feelings between men and women. Why? Do you dream of being together forever?

And what about Princess Fu'an? He clearly likes Fu'an, why doesn't he think of her at all?

Tang Feng rubbed his aching temples. His confidants came in and asked, "Master, you're awake. Why didn't you sleep?"

Tang Feng snorted lightly, and his subordinates became worried, "You have been too tired recently, and your eyes are blue."

"Oh?" Tang Feng touched his eyes. Why was he suddenly so tired? "I had a very strange dream and felt something was not right."

The subordinate was shocked and said, "Master, be careful. This barbarian magic is very strange. You must not fall for it."

Tang Feng pinched the bridge of his nose and said, "I know, I'll take a rest."

The men left, but they were even more worried. No matter how tired they were these days, Tang Feng got up very early. Not only did he get up much later than usual today, but he even woke up and had to rest again. This is so abnormal!

Tang Feng himself was also very irritable, so he closed his eyes and rested for a while before regaining some energy.

Everything here was weird, making him feel particularly tired.

Fortunately, in the afternoon, good news came. The spies sent out reported that a team from Danliang had arrived immediately.

Tang Feng suddenly became energetic, got on his horse, and said to his subordinates: "Come out and follow me to greet us."

The confidant showed doubts. Wasn't the master very tired just now? This spirit came too quickly.

Tang Feng had an exciting thought in his heart, to see if Bai Ruozhu was in the team.

It wasn't until he rode out that he realized what he had thought and was startled.

what happened to him? Bewitched? Has it been manipulated?

Without allowing him to think too much, he had already met Bai Ruozhu's team head-on.

"Tang Feng!" Lu shouted excitedly when she saw him, "Are you okay?"

Tang Feng stopped his horse in front of Lu, clasped his fists and said, "Fortunately, I just haven't found a way to save Mr. Jiang."

"Senior Medical Saint already has a way to crack it, and we are fully prepared this time." Lu said.

Bai Ruozhu got off the carriage, looked at Tang Feng who looked haggard but obviously excited, and said, "How have you been lately?"

Tang Feng was stunned. This was a greeting like an old friend, but he couldn't help but think of the decades of companionship in his dream. Her words were like the conversation of an old couple.

He felt a little warm at the base of his ears, and said with a wry smile: "Hiding everywhere, like a rat crossing the street."

Lu patted his shoulder and said, "Thank you for your hard work."

Tang Feng pulled back his thoughts that were running away, and hurriedly talked about how he had saved Yingtong and the others before, and also about how the barbarians took the initiative to save Yingtong and the others.

Bai Ruozhu opened her mouth in shock, stared at Tang Feng and asked, "Are they Sangta's original subordinates?"

"It shouldn't be all of them. It seems that many of them are ordinary guards, jailers, and civilians. The leading barbarian asked Yingtong and others to give you a message before they died, saying that they will remember your kindness for the rest of their lives and that you will always be in their hearts. Noble." Tang Feng's expression became solemn, and he couldn't help but feel awe when he thought of the barbarians who sacrificed themselves.

Bai Ruozhu's heart was burning hot, and her face was wet with hot tears. She just told them that they could improve their lives by finding and cultivating artificial Cistanche deserticola, which didn't help much. However, these people respected her so much that they even tried to save her. Friends are willing to sacrifice themselves.

Ji Ling took Bai Ruozhu's hand and whispered softly: "Don't be sad and hurt yourself. Those barbarians are men of flesh and blood. We will definitely help them avenge them!"

Bai Ruozhu wiped away her tears with the back of her hand, with a look of determination in her eyes, "It seems like the barbarians don't want to be our enemies at all. It's all the eldest prince Sang Dian who insists on his own way. In order to help Yingtong and the others, they will not hesitate to resist the imperial power. If there is a chance, , we should help the barbarians overthrow the rule of Sang Dian and restore their peace in the future."

Lu nodded, "The barbarians are brave and good at fighting, and their place of residence is not fixed. The emperor does not want to specifically make enemies of them. This matter is a conspiracy of Sang Dian and Prince Rui, and has nothing to do with ordinary barbarian people."

Bai Ruozhu was relieved, and after thinking for a while, he said: "We are going to do the magic to break the curse this time. There may be many uncertain factors. Maybe we can contact the barbarians in advance to revolt. Then Sang Dian will not be distracted. It can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone." "

Everyone felt that this method was feasible, but the details still needed to be discussed. Tang Feng welcomed them to his temporary resting place, and everyone set up camp to discuss it carefully.

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