Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 1811 Miss you and the children

The shape of Ji Ling's scimitar is very strange. It is different from the knives used by the Central Plains people. It is very short, but the belt is very curved, almost bending into the shape of a full moon. It is shining with gold. I don't know what material it is made of. It is very sharp. , just look at the knife that cut off Guren's arm.

But no one focused on Ji Ling's scimitar anymore, but instead noticed Honglian's severed arm on the ground.

A strange scene suddenly appeared. The severed arm seemed to have grown legs, twisting on the ground, and then ran towards Honglian, jumping towards the severed part. In just a few breaths, it reappeared. It returned to its original position, and even grew back together with Honglian's body. If there wasn't a circle of scars on the outside of the skin, it would have been as if Ji Ling hadn't chopped it off at all!

The weirdest thing is that there is no blood on the severed arm at all!

The disconnected parts of the mechanical snake on the ground automatically reassembled, recombining the body of the mechanical snake, and once again trapped Honglian.

The mechanism snake is a mechanism. It can be reassembled if it is broken, because it is not flesh and blood, but Honglian is not a mechanism person. How can he still run back by himself after losing his arm?

Isn't she also of flesh and blood?

Bai Ruozhu's eyes narrowed. Yes, she was not flesh and blood, just like Jin Jing.

"I didn't expect you to be like Jin Jing. Does the usual corpse taste good?" Bai Ruozhu asked coldly.

Honglian was once again trapped by the trap snake but showed no signs of panic. She sneered, "How could I be such a lowly walking zombie? Eat such disgusting things?"

After she finished speaking, she broke the trap snake again. Ji Ling frowned and hurriedly took the trap snake back.

The parts of the mechanism can still be reassembled, but if the mechanism is broken too many times, the wear and tear of the parts will increase and they will soon break.

This time she released a machine bear, blocking her and Bai Ruozhu.

"It's a pity that I moved a little slower, but it's not that easy for you to kill me." Hong Lian laughed and stopped killing Jiang Yichun, and flew out of the secret room.

"Uncle, stop her!" Bai Ruozhu thought of what Du Jin said. If this place was hit from the outside, it would explode from the inside. Honglian couldn't defeat them, so what if he ran outside and closed the entrance to the secret room, and then deliberately attacked the secret room?

Fengjiu moved very quickly and directly knocked down Honglian.

"Cut her head off. I don't believe I can't kill her!" Ji Ling gritted her teeth, raised her dagger and joined the fight.

As expected, Honglian was taboo with a head injury. She kept dodging and trying to escape. Unfortunately, Fengjiu blocked the entrance and did not give her the slightest chance.

Bai Ruozhu didn't have time to worry about Honglian. She walked towards Jiang Yichun step by step, "Achun, does it hurt?"

He stared at her closely, fearing that she would touch a little blood in the blood pool, and then forced out a very stiff smile, "It doesn't hurt, I just miss you and my son."

She couldn't help crying anymore, "Did you do it on your legs yourself?"

He smiled again, this time a little more naturally.

He didn't answer, but she knew why. He was afraid that he would be controlled by the other party and that he would relax, so he kept causing himself pain to sound the alarm for himself.

"I didn't forget you this time." He said suddenly, looking at her with eyes as bright as the stars in the sky.

Bai Ruozhu smiled hard and nodded, "I know, I know you won't forget me!"

The experience of her last trip to the Western Regions left her somewhat shadowed, and he had always felt guilty in his heart, but this time he did it. Sang Dian used the blood of a thousand people to curse him, and Honglian took the opportunity to control his mind. , but he survived it. No matter how hard it was, he never forgot her!

Jin Jing screamed over there, and Bai Ruozhu turned around to look. Jin Jing's head was chopped off by Feng Jiu, but her seductive eyes were still open, as if she was still looking at people.

Ji Ling rushed over in displeasure and directly gouged out two of her eyeballs. The eyes fell to the ground. Ji Ling simply stepped on them with both feet, crushing the two eyeballs to pieces.

Bai Ruozhu's mouth twitched. Her aunt was so fierce that she was almost frightened.

"What the hell!" Ji Ling looked at Honglian's body in disgust and said, because Honglian's head was missing, but there was no blood at the incision on her neck.

"Fengjiu, go see what's going on with the Medical Saint. Tell them that he has been found and see when he can come to break the curse." She said to Fengjiu again.

After hearing this, Feng Jiu walked out and said, "Okay, you should be careful."

Ji Ling glanced at Bai Ruozhu, who was still looking at Jiang Yichun affectionately, and couldn't help but feel distressed. Can her niece not be sad if her niece-in-law has done this?

The blood sacrifice of a thousand people, how much resentment is there? It's really not easy for him to not lose his mind now.

Jiang Yichun seemed to be afraid that Bai Ruozhu would be distressed, but also seemed to want to cheer himself up, so he said: "The red lotus swallowed the golden crystal and transformed itself into a walking corpse with the ability to recover, but it does not need to look at human flesh and drink raw blood like a walking corpse. And... …”

He paused as he spoke, with a look of regret on his face, "She said she gave Yue Feng to Sang Dian for fusion. Sang Dian is also a half-walker who is not easy to kill."

"The captain of the divine guard who was willing to risk his life for her?" Bai Ruozhu couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. The man was obsessed with Honglian, and in the end it ended like this. This Honglian was too cruel.

Therefore, Jin Jing will never be able to defeat Hong Lian. She is not as ruthless as Hong Lian.

"When Honglian tried to control my mind several times, she told a lot of things very proudly. Some of them may be that she deliberately showed off to stimulate my spirit so that I could be controlled by him, but some of them should be true." Jiang Yichun Said again.

"They are still combining humans and animals so that humans can live as long as pets." Jiang Yichun added.

Bai Ruozhu's face darkened. Did he not know that Chenfeng was planted with a snake?

Jiang Yichun showed a sad smile, "I already know about Chenfeng. She said that it stimulated me."

Bai Ruozhu opened her mouth to comfort him, but suddenly she started retching.

"No, you get out quickly. The evil spirit here is too strong, which is not good for your current health and bad for the children!" Jiang Yichun said quickly, seemingly with great effort, and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

Ji Ling also hurriedly went over to support Bai Ruozhu and said, "Ruozhu, it's the same for you to retreat to the door and accompany him."

Bai Ruozhu nodded, "I can see you if I stay further away."

She didn't dare to joke about her unborn children. What if they were attacked by evil spirits and had physical problems?

She and Ji Ling retreated to the entrance of the cave. Not long after, the sound of horse hooves was heard in the distance. It was Tang Feng who arrived with Gu Yalai and Gao Juan.

"How is he?" Gao Juan dismounted and asked anxiously.

"You can still speak, but the situation is very bad. Senior, please help him break the curse as soon as possible." Bai Ruozhu couldn't help but sniff.

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