Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 1817 Fake the truth

When Jiang Yichun brought people back to the barbarian tribe, Bai Ruozhu just woke up and learned that he had gone to pick up Chen Feng. Bai Ruozhu felt a little guilty because she had forgotten about Chen Feng.

"I asked Chenfeng to rest first. You can't take care of everything at the same time. You can go see him in two days." Jiang Yichun and Bai Ruozhu said some distance apart.

Bai Ruozhu thought for a moment and nodded, fearing that Chenfeng's mood was unstable now and he definitely didn't want others to see him like this.

The banquet in the evening was very lively. The barbarians seemed to have escaped from the prison. They lit a bonfire, roasted the whole sheep, drank fine wine, and later they danced around the bonfire.

A woman invited Bai Ruozhu to dance too. Bai Ruozhu pointed at her belly and shook her head with a smile.

She carefully looked at the woman's features and made sure she wasn't Zhou Jue. She thought it was Zhou Jue who was teasing her again, but she didn't expect to find Zhou Jue after looking around the whole place.

Maybe Zhou Jue has left, and he should be thinking about Ji Ziran.

At this time, Gao Juan burped and almost vomited it out. He got up and walked outside, trying to sober up.

"Aunt, I'll go over and see Senior Medical Sage." Bai Ruozhu patted Ji Ling beside him and said.

"Are you okay? Do you want help?" Ji Ling asked.

"It's okay, I'll tell him something by the way." Bai Ruozhu whispered.

Ji Ling didn't say anything after hearing this, but she felt strange in her heart. The medical sage looked not simple.

Bai Ruozhu quickly caught up with Gao Juan and said with a smile, "Uncle, you don't have a good drinking capacity."

Gao Juan felt a little angry. Who did he lose a lot of blood for? He should have gone back and had a good rest. Of course, he couldn't drink too much if he wasn't feeling well.

"Stop running around, be careful your man is anxious again." Gao Cuan said angrily.

"I've seen it all." Bai Ruozhu said suddenly.

Gao Juan's heart tightened, "What did you see?"

"I saw you put your own blood into the blood pool. Didn't you want the blood of Ah Chun's closest relatives? What is your relationship with him?" Bai Ruozhu stared closely into Gao Juan's eyes.

Gao Juan burst out laughing, "Girl, you have such a rich imagination. I am bleeding because the spell also requires the caster's blood. I was afraid that you would feel guilty, so I didn't tell you. Where did you think you were going?"

Bai Ruozhu's mind was spinning rapidly. She hadn't heard that the caster was going to put her own blood in. If this was really the case, why would Gao Juan do it secretly? Why is she afraid of feeling guilty? This excuse is too low, right?

"You know I can prepare poison. I have a medicine that Ah Chun once took to the General Affairs Department to interrogate prisoners. People who take it will lose consciousness for a short time and then answer questions honestly. I just gave it to Gu Ya. , she said it all." She no longer believed that Gao Juan could remain calm, so she wanted to deceive him and see why he always kept secrets.

She thought about many possibilities, including that Gao Chan was Ah Chun's biological father, so he was the dead Jiang Xuerui, so why did he fake his death? Why did you hide it from Ah Chun?

I also thought that he might be Jiang Xuerui's biological brother, that is, Ah Chun's uncle, but this way the bloodline is somewhat separated, and I don't know if it counts as the blood of a close relative.

Gao Juan's face turned pale, "What on earth do you want to do?"

Bai Ruozhu continued to stare at him, and she decided to take a gamble.

"To put it simply, she is not Ah Chun's biological mother." She said calmly.

Gao Juan swayed and almost lost his balance. He looked at Bai Ruozhu in surprise and asked, "Did you tell him?"

"He" must be referring to Jiang Yichun.

"Not yet, but if I really want to tell him, let's discuss it with him, what do you think?" Bai Ruozhu's lips raised, and Gao Juan acquiesced!

Gao Juan snorted angrily, "Don't talk nonsense. Things are not as simple as you think. You should keep this in your stomach."

"Reason?" Bai Ruozhu crossed her arms across her chest. She wanted to hear Gao Juan's reason.

Gao Juan sat on the ground tiredly, sighed and said, "I'm bleeding too much, I can't stand still, and I have to be interrogated by you girl. I've helped you so much, do you have any conscience?"

"I also care about you, so I will get to the bottom of it." Bai Ruozhu showed a flattering smile.

Gao Juan sighed again and then started talking.

"Many people in Chengshui Kingdom know that the son of King Lao Xu was recovered from the people by the late emperor after his death, but they don't know that I am actually from Danliang. I studied too hard in my previous life and finally became an outstanding surgeon. Doctor, but I didn’t want an accident in the operating room, and I died and traveled here. So in this life, I didn’t want to be too tired, so I didn’t want to work too hard, until I met a woman..."

Gao Juan spoke slowly, and Bai Ruozhu also learned many things.

He met a very special woman back then, and even joined Loushanglou because of that woman, but he was used to not making progress, and he was not in a high position in Loushanglou.

Later, he and the woman fell in love, but Jiang Ge was stubborn and refused to allow him to marry a Jianghu woman, and even directly helped him arrange a marriage with the Gu family.

He was not from ancient times, so he would definitely not follow Mr. Jiangge's arrangement, run away from home, and get married to a woman outside.

It didn't take long for the two to have a child, but the woman's family approached the two and wanted to take the woman away by force. Gao Juan was seriously injured as a result.

After that, he could only quietly take the woman back to his home in the capital. While he was recovering from his injuries, he allowed his wife to have an abortion.

Unexpectedly, the two of them went home and found that the Jiang family had married Gu Yalai without permission. Gao Juan had made it clear that he would not have any feelings for her since the first time he met Gu Yalai, but Gu Yalai said that he only wanted a stable identity. , so that she can spend her days at Jiang's house.

So Gu Ya came and suggested that she pretend to be pregnant and record the child in her name when the woman gives birth. In this way, the child would have the status of a legitimate son, and her own life would be easier in the future.

Gao Juan naturally disagreed, but for some reason, his wife agreed.

Gao Quan didn't know until the child was born because his wife had known that he would leave, so she agreed to Gu Ya's visit.

At that time, no one in the Jiang family knew that Gu Yalai was not Jiang Yichun's biological mother.

"Where did she go?" Bai Ruozhu thought of Jiuli for some reason.

"She was taken away. It was me who was useless and failed to save her. She told me not to look for her. Her family would not let me go. I have searched all over the country over the years, but I still can't find her. Traces, if it weren’t for Ah Chun’s existence, I would have thought she was just a figment of my dream.”

Gao Juan looked even more depressed as she spoke, "I only know that the person who captured her called her a saint, and said that if the baby was a daughter, she must be taken away. Because A Chun was a boy, the other person took one look at her and left. "


Gao Juan waved his fan with an arrogant look on his face and said: Do you still want to hear the story? Get your tickets first!

Bai Ruozhu smacked him in the face with a handful of monthly tickets: Speak quickly, or sister will tell Ah Chun!

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