Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 1820 The savior returns

It's easy to say that, but Bai Ruozhu really doesn't want to get involved in this muddy water anymore. She has already had too many interactions with the barbarians.

"I am from Danliang. My parents, relatives and friends are all in Danliang. I am really not suitable to be the queen of the barbarians, even temporarily. After all, the barbarians have robbed and killed many Danliang merchants. I don't want to cause trouble to my relatives and friends. Come and cause trouble." Bai Ruozhu refused.

"This..." Sang Rong saw that I, Bai Ruozhu, was resolute, and for a moment he didn't know how to persuade her.

"Priest, Master Sanchi is back!" A guard ran over and said excitedly.

"What? Is Sangui okay?" Sang Rong, the priest who looked calm, became excited, his voice trembling, and he even forgot to say hello to Bai Ruozhu and walked directly outside the tent.

When he reached the door of the tent, he realized what he was doing, turned around and saluted Bai Ruozhu, and said, "I'm sorry, Mrs. Bai, don't mind. Sanji is the king's biological brother and my nephew. We haven't seen each other for a few years. "

"Priest, go take a look first. Don't worry about me." Bai Ruozhu smiled and followed over to watch the fun.

The barbarians seemed to be particularly happy because of the return of Lord Sangji. Bai Ruozhu took a look and found that Sangji looked about forty years old. His appearance was somewhat similar to that of Sangta. As for his resemblance to the old king, You can't tell if it doesn't look like it, but the old king was actually deformed due to the poison.

"Sangji, you are finally back. How is your health?" Sang Rong strode over and patted Sanji on the shoulder.

Sanji looked a little weak, so he was patted on the body by Sang Rong and shook. Sang Rong reacted and said with some shame: "I was too excited."

"What did uncle say? It's because my health is too weak." Sangji smiled a little sheepishly, like a shy young man.

"Are you not feeling well yet?" Sang Rong asked worriedly.

Sanji smiled, "I have lived for many more years, and I have no regrets. My body is better, but what's wrong with my bones is that the doctor who treated me said that if I take good care of myself, I can live a few more years." Year."

He said it very casually, but everyone could hear it. He didn't have a few years left to live, so he came back to see his relatives and clan members.

Everyone was silent for a while, and the scene was very depressing.

Sanji laughed, "Birth, aging, illness and death are normal things. The fact that I can live a few more years is already a gift from God. There is nothing to be sentimental about."

Bai Ruozhu nodded secretly after hearing this. This Sanji seemed to be a weak disease carried in his mother's womb. It was already rare to have such an open-minded attitude.

Sang Rong pulled Sanji to ask, and Bai Ruozhu also asked someone to ask a few questions. Only then did he know that Sanji was born with a weak body, but he was very kind, often helped his tribe, and never discriminated against civilians, even the most vulnerable ones. He would also treat poor lower-class slaves politely.

One year, the barbarians experienced the greatest drought. It was Sanji who came up with a way to find water, which allowed a large number of tribesmen to survive. Moreover, he strongly requested that water be given to all people, rather than being exclusive to the nobles. Therefore, his status is very high in the hearts of the barbarian people.

It's a pity that Lord Sanchi was in poor health. Eight years ago, his illness became more and more serious. The king also helped him find many doctors, but to no avail. Later, he asked to take some people out to seek medical treatment, saying that if he could find a miraculous doctor to cure the disease, he would return to the clan.

Eight years have passed, and many people thought Sanchi died outside and did not want him to come back alive.

"Mrs. Bai, you have superb medical skills. Otherwise, please help Mr. Sanji to see if he can be saved!" The person next to him looked at Bai Ruozhu and said with bright eyes.

Others also looked at Bai Ruozhu and said, "Mrs. Bai, please help Mr. Sanji take a look."

Bai Ruozhu nodded, walked over and nodded to Sanji, "Let me check your pulse first."

Sanji looked surprised, he still didn't know who Bai Ruozhu was.

When Sang Rong met and introduced him briefly, Bai Ruozhu grabbed his wrist and checked it.

Only then did we discover that Sangji had a damaged heart, a serious congenital heart disease. It was already a miracle that he could survive to this age.

In addition, he thinks too much and looks calm on the surface, but privately he is very worried and his physical condition is very bad.

There was little hope for Sanchi's illness when she was not in public. She thought about it and said: "This disease needs to be recuperated. Once the body is recuperated, it will be fine, and it can't be exposed to any major stimulation."

She pointed to her heart again, "The disease is in the heart."

Sanji looked surprised, "Mrs. Bai has good eyesight, it's true."

"Sangji is tired too. Let me take you down to have a rest. Then we can slowly catch up with everyone later," Sang Rong said.

Sanji smiled and said to everyone: "Yes, I must have missed a lot of things during my absence these years. I will ask everyone for advice later."

Bai Ruozhu was watching from the side and felt that Lord Sangji was not a barbarian. He spoke so politely and looked like a scholar from the Central Plains.

In addition, she felt that Sanji's attitude towards her was indifferent, maybe because she was a foreigner, or maybe he followed different rules for men and women.

Soon, Bai Ruozhu and his party discovered Sanji's good popularity among the barbarian tribes. It had only been half a day since he came back, and there were already piles of things outside the tent. The barbarians quietly sent gifts, and someone also sent a newly dug piece of wood. The Cistanche deserticola arrived.

"Ruozhu, the brother of the barbarian king is back. He can be regarded as a prince in Danliang, and he is very popular among the people. You can make him the regent. You don't need to be the queen, so as not to be too troublesome." Jiang Yichun approached Bai Ruozhu and suggested.

Bai Ruozhu's eyes lit up, yes, God helped me. Just when she was worried, someone whom the barbarians trusted came back.

Although Sangji was loved by the barbarians, he was in poor health, and whether he had any heirs or not, even if he had any selfish motives, it would not affect Sangta's return as king in the future.

Of course, the most urgent thing right now is to find Shantae.

"Yes, Ruozhu, Xiaojiang's suggestion is a good one. You should mention it to the king so that we can return to Beiyu City as soon as possible." Yao Yuxuan echoed from the side. He missed the Queen Mother.

Bai Ruozhu remembered her previous promise to Yao Yuxuan. She should have told Jiang Yichun in private and asked Jiang Yichun to take the initiative to recognize Yao Yuxuan as his adoptive father. However, Jiang Yichun wanted to keep a distance from her and was avoiding her, so she didn't have time to mention it. Woolen cloth.

Thinking of this, she said: "What Mr. Yao said is absolutely true. I will go to see the king later."

She looked at Jiang Yichun again and said, "Ah Chun, Mr. Yao has helped us so much. Otherwise, if you consider him as your adoptive father, we should respect him well from now on."

Jiang Yichun was stunned, but when he saw Bai Ruozhu looking at him seriously, he guessed that Bai Ruozhu had made an agreement with Yao Yuxuan before, and immediately nodded and said: "Okay, please accept Yichun's worship, foster father."


Yesterday I had a nosebleed while flying over Shanghai. Then I flew back to Shenzhen with my husband and kids and had another nosebleed. I was dizzy and was stuck on the plane for a long time. After I got off the plane, my kids’ toys and iPad were lost again. , contacted the airport and said that cleaning did not find it. The child cried until 3 o'clock in the morning and didn't go to bed last night. I feel bad now. Thinking about his iPad makes my body hurt!

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