Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 1847 Go Home

Jiang Yichun grabbed Bai Ruozhu's hands with some excitement, but hurriedly let go the next second and asked worriedly: "Is everything okay?"

Bai Ruozhu touched her stomach with one hand and said with a smile: "It seems they didn't have much reaction, and I don't have any difficulty breathing. I should be fine."

He hugged her into his arms. Although his movements were a little hurried, he carefully avoided her belly.

"Ruozhu, Ruozhu..." He whispered in her ear, "I miss you so much."

"I miss you so much, too." She sniffed and her eyes turned red.

"Don't cry, am I okay?" He let her go, held her shoulders, and stared into her eyes.

Her dark eyes wanted to whirlpool, but she was sucked in after just one glance. The warm breath came in more and more, and a kiss fell.

But then he quickly let go and muttered: "Damn it, I didn't ask the old man if I could kiss."

Bai Ruozhu couldn't hold it back anymore and burst out laughing. She pointed at the obsidian pattern on the forehead of his helmet and said, "This should be used to control your exposed face. I don't think it will affect the kiss."


The kiss fell again, tightly covering her cherry lips, and it was so hot that it made it difficult for her to breathe.

After a long while, he let go of her and whispered, "Let's go home."

Bai Ruozhu's face was burning badly, and he said complainingly: "The guards patrolling nearby must have seen it, so hurry up and leave."

Jiang Yichun laughed softly, "You'll see it when you see it. Don't you think this is called dog abuse?"

"It's cruel to single people, but how do you know that the guard is single? There are many people getting married early at this time." Bai Ruozhu argued with him with a smile.

He held her waist and asked softly: "Is it ice? Will the armor freeze you?"

"It's the dog days of summer now, and I'm still afraid of the heat." She smiled, but her heart felt sweet.

After the two people left, the emperor and Wang Shun returned through the door of the distant hall. The emperor smiled and said: "It's okay for the time being. I saw that his bad temper was not entirely evil, but was suppressed."

Wang Shun covered his mouth and laughed, and whispered: "Master Jiang must continue to hold it in."

The emperor laughed loudly, pointed at Wang Shun and said, "Don't let Jiang Yichun hear it, otherwise I will be in a hurry with you."

After he finished speaking, he stood up and said, "I'm going to see Le Bin."

The Jiang family husband and wife are both abusive. He is not single and needs to go see the woman he loves.

Here Bai Ruozhu and Jiang Yichun got on the carriage, and they had a lot of love in the carriage. Bai Ruozhu's lips were swollen from being kissed, and she said angrily: "Can't we talk properly?"

He immediately sat up straight and said seriously: "Madam, you tell me."

Bai Ruozhu choked and suddenly didn't know what to say.

He hugged her waist and wanted to reach out to touch her swollen belly, but he didn't dare to move easily. In the end, he moved his hand away and said, "It's better to be careful, so as not to hurt the child."

"Okay." Bai Ruozhu responded and rested her head on his shoulder.

"You don't know that a lot of things have happened in these days, and I didn't even have the chance to tell you." She said softly, "Little Dengdeng always talks about you, cried for you several times, and even blamed the emperor. No, I blame him for always arranging errands for you and not letting you go home."

She said and chuckled.

"Also, my parents thought you had quarreled with me, so I had to explain to them that they felt sorry for you. You came back in a hurry last time and didn't even say hello to them. You need to treat them well later. salute."

"Yes." Jiang Yichun responded one by one, and the lines on his face became much softer.

"And..." Bai Ruozhu leaned on his shoulder, her voice getting lower and lower, and she fell asleep in a daze.

Jiang Yichun originally thought she had fainted, but when he heard her even breathing, he felt relieved.

He hugged her and leaned on his lap, and then noticed the faint cyan color in her eyes. Hasn't this little woman had a good rest recently?

In fact, Bai Ruozhu was excited. Ever since the day she made the armor, she had been so excited that she couldn't sleep.

She also knew that this was not good, but when she thought that she could finally talk to Ah Chun face to face, and that he no longer had to painfully avoid her and Deng Deng, she was so excited that she couldn't sleep.

Originally, she could go to the space hot springs if she didn't have a good rest, but her belly was so big that she didn't dare to soak in the hot springs. What if she gave birth prematurely?

So she only went into the space to soak her feet appropriately, and she felt a little better. That's why the cyan color under her eyes was so light, otherwise she could have become a national treasure.

Soon the carriage arrived outside the gate of Bai Mansion, Jiang Yichun called her softly, and she slept soundly. It was because she was relieved that she could sleep so peacefully in his arms.

He smiled helplessly and hugged her out of the carriage. Even he didn't notice that the number of smiles he made today was the most in the past few days. The number of smiles in the previous half month combined was not as much as today.

"Uncle, what's wrong with the eldest lady?" The concierge was startled, "Do you want to call a doctor?"

"No, your eldest lady is tired and fell asleep." Jiang Yichun lowered his voice for fear of waking Bai Ruozhu.

The concierge hurriedly made a gesture of hissing, "Yes, yes, please speak in a low voice."

When Jiang Yichun carried Bai Ruozhu to the main hall, Lin Ping'er and Bai Yihong were frightened.

"Yichun, didn't I say you can't get close to Ruozhu?" Lin Ping'er asked hurriedly.

"Father, Mom, Ruozhu and her adoptive father found a way to make this armor, which can isolate evil spirits. I don't have to avoid Ruozhu and Dengdeng in the future." Jiang Yichun said and tried his best to smile at the two elders.

"Then what happened to Ruozhu?" Bai Yihong asked worriedly, and went over to help Ruozhu's head.

Jiang Yichun smiled helplessly, "She probably gets tired easily and fell asleep in the carriage. I didn't have the heart to wake her up."

At this time, Bai Ruozhu snored slightly at the right time. Lin Ping'er and Bai Yihong were stunned for two seconds and couldn't help laughing.

"Hurry up and carry her to the soft couch next to you. It's really hard to have two children." Lin Ping'er lowered her voice a bit.

Bai Yihong waved to the maid outside, "Hurry up and find Aunt Zhang and ask her to bring the young master over and tell her that his father is back!"

Jiang Yichun gratefully said to Bai Yihong: "Dad, thank you."

"Thank you no matter what, we are all one family." Bai Yihong patted Jiang Yichun on the shoulder, his tentacles were made of hard armor. He looked Jiang Yichun up and down again, and said with a smile: "You are quite handsome in what you wear. Yes, you have The style of a general.”

Jiang Yichun didn't even have a few words to chat with the two elders when a small figure rushed in. There was no trace of Grandma Zhang behind him. He obviously got the news and ran over, leaving Grandma Zhang behind!


A belated update...I covered my face and ran away~ I asked for a monthly ticket, I will update it tomorrow~

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