Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 1881 Mu Yu returns

Bai Ruozhu's heart skipped a beat. Jian Qi's temperament was too steady. It was rare to see him get so excited. What was the news?

Jian Qi had already rushed into the house, "Master, it's Mu Yu who's back!"

"Is he still alive?" Jiang Yichun suddenly rushed forward and grabbed Jian Qi's neck, obviously very excited.

"He's fine. He fainted from hunger when he got to the door, but he woke up soon and is eating now." Jian Qi said with a smile on his face.

Subordinates like them, rushing back in such a hurry, must first see their master and talk about important things before going to eat. But Mu Yu is a weirdo. He said he was so hungry at the gate that he couldn't say anything. He had to first Eat something, lest you faint from hunger again, let alone talk to your master.

"Great, he's still alive!" Bai Ruozhu's eyes turned slightly red. Although she always called Mu Yu a joke, she regarded Mu Yu as a younger brother in her heart. Now that she knew Mu Yu could come back alive, she was no less excited than Jiang Yichun.

"Let's go take a look." Jiang Yichun took Bai Ruozhu's hand, smiled at her, and the two of them strode towards the front yard.

When they arrived in the hall, Bai Yihong and Lin Ping'er also came after getting the news. They were afraid of disturbing Mu Yu's eating, so they didn't ask. They just looked at him eagerly, as if they were watching a junior who had returned home.

However, Mu Yu's funny boy choked while eating, and hurriedly poured a cup of tea. When the result was not enough, Bai Yihong hurriedly poured him another cup of tea.

"Slow down, are you feeling better?" Bai Yihong asked worriedly.

Mu Yu picked up the cup and poured another cup of tea, but this time she choked on the tea and coughed violently.

Bai Yihong had no choice but to pat him on the back, while Lin Ping'er reluctantly took some of the food away and said, "No matter how hungry you are, you can't eat too much at once. It will hurt your stomach. Wait for a while before eating."

At this time, Jiang Yichun and Bai Ruozhu walked into the room. Mu Yu hurriedly stood up to salute them, but Jiang Yichun slapped him down and sat down.

"Look at your little virtue, it's like a starving ghost trying to survive." Jiang Yichun said with a cold face.

Mu Yu was probably used to his master's dark face, so he didn't care. He said with a smile, "This subordinate almost starved to death. I ran out of money the day before yesterday."

"Okay, don't be poor. Tell me quickly where you have been these days? We haven't been able to find you. We thought..." Bai Ruozhu paused as he spoke. For the ancients, it was unlucky to talk about death. of.

Mu Yu scratched his head and said, "I thought I was dead, but then I was saved by a barbarian woman, and my injuries slowly healed."

"Barbarian woman?" Jiang Yichun frowned, "In the barbarian tribe? Why didn't anyone report it to us?"

Mu Yu smiled and said with some embarrassment: "She is a noble lady. She was afraid that I would be taken away by you, so she kept it secret. After you left, I regained some consciousness and stayed there until I recovered from my injuries." Okay, I persuaded her again, and then I rushed back."

Bai Ruozhu's mouth opened in shock, "Is this because I don't want you to leave, so you hide it from us? Does it mean that this girl has a crush on you?"

Mu Yu nodded and smiled proudly, not to mention how stinky it was to look like that.

"That girl has bad eyesight." Jiang Yichun said with a cold face.

"Master, how can you say that? Although I'm not as good-looking as you, I'm better than Jing Lei, right? You see, he already has a wife, so you don't want anyone to take a fancy to me?" Mu Yu jumped angrily. , said with a wink, Bai Ruozhu couldn't help but cover his forehead, with his temperament, how could this girl fall in love with him? Could it be that he fell in love with him because he was relatively quiet when he was sick?

Lin Ping'er and Bai Yihong were already laughing from ear to ear. Bai Yihong also praised: "Mu Yu is a talented person. It is normal for barbarian girls to take notice of him. Don't attack him."

"Then why don't you bring that girl back with you? We can also prepare a wedding banquet for you." Lin Ping'er was addicted to weddings, her eyes lit up as she listened.

Mu Yu's expression became serious this time, "The situation is a bit complicated. She covered my escape. If I take her with me, Sanji will definitely find out."

He said and looked at Jiang Yichun, "Master, when I was recuperating, Yan Kuang's friend Danma disappeared. She was also a barbarian noble woman. Her family searched everywhere but could not find her. Later Yan Kuan told me that Danma Ma likes Sanji, and said that Danma told her before that she planned to quietly go to Sanji’s tent and cook rice with him, so why did she suddenly disappear?”

"I felt something was wrong at the time and advised her to tell her father secretly. Her father sent a confidant to investigate and found that Danma's headdress was in Sanchi's tent, and Sanchi was performing some ritual in secret. They were afraid of alerting the snake. , and didn’t dare to continue the investigation.”

Bai Ruozhu's expression kept changing as he listened. Sangji, who was so sick that he couldn't live for more than a few years, actually had an unknown side? Was it wrong for her to propose that he temporarily take the barbarian throne?

"What happened next?" Jiang Yichun's expression became serious.

"Later, when I got better from my injuries, I went to check it out myself, and found that he had hidden Honglian's body in the tent!" Mu Yu shuddered subconsciously as she spoke, but thinking that Bai Yihong and Lin Ping'er were still there, He didn't dare to describe it in too much detail.

"He divided Honglian's body into several parts and hid it in a large wooden box, but there was no blood at all. Honglian's face looked like a living person had fallen asleep."

Lin Ping'er's face turned pale with fright. Bai Yihong hurriedly helped her and said, "Let's go out for a walk. It's better not to worry about the affairs of these young people."

Bai Ruozhu glared at Mu Yu, who touched his nose aggrievedly. He had paid close attention to it, and there was still something scary that he didn't say.

When Lin Ping'er and Bai Yihong walked away, Jiang Yichun said with a cold face: "Continue to talk in more detail."

"The head of Honglian was missing, and there was some blood on the corners of her mouth. The color was freshly dried blood. Her lips were particularly bright red, as if she had drunk human blood. I felt weird at the time, but her mouth Suddenly he opened his mouth, stuck out his tongue and licked the corners of his mouth!"

Mu Yu shivered again as she spoke, "She never opened her eyes and seemed unconscious. I originally wanted to burn her with a fire, but that Sanji suddenly came back, so I could only leave and hide. Again. Later, I sneaked into his tent quietly, but I couldn’t find the big wooden box!”

"I understand. At the beginning, we all thought that Honglian could recover and escape after his head was chopped off. In fact, we were wrong. It was Sanji who secretly took away Honglian's body!" Bai Ruozhu patted her head. She had also She felt that Sanji's sudden return was a bit strange, but the thought almost flashed by and she didn't have time to think about it. Now that she thinks about it, the timing was too coincidental!


Mu Yu: Madam, please give me some money so that I can buy a betrothal gift. I want to marry Kun Kuan.

Ruozhu: Get your monthly pass in exchange!

Mu Yu: (starts to take off clothes) clatter~

Ruozhu: (shocked) What are you doing? Put your clothes on!

Mu Yu: In the ice and snow, her naked body did a 360-degree backflip and begged for a monthly ticket...

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