Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 1884 Set off again

Ji Ling was a little hesitant. She thought for a moment and said, "Ruozhu, Feng Jiu's internal injuries are very serious and won't be healed for a while. Moreover, the clan has sent people to join us, and there may be a Discipline Hall." The elders are here, after all, several clan members died before, and the Discipline Hall still needs to inquire, so it is not convenient for us to leave at this time."

Bai Ruozhu expressed her understanding, "Auntie, I feel more at ease if you stay. The family also needs someone to take charge."

The matter was settled like this, but Bai Ruozhu hadn't told her parents yet. She thought about it carefully, and simply discussed it with Ji Ling and the others, and said that she had received the emperor's order to go on a mission to the barbarians.

I'm sorry, Your Majesty, you have to take the blame again.

In the royal study, Jiang Yichun saluted and said to the emperor: "Your Majesty, I would like to ask you to go to the barbarians again."

"Oh? Isn't the matter settled?" Tang Yin couldn't help but put down his pen of commenting on the memorial after hearing about the barbarian tribe. The eldest prince of the barbarian tribe had colluded with Prince Rui.

"My famous subordinate was separated before and just escaped from the barbarians yesterday. He discovered that the regent of the barbarians was trying to resurrect the demon girl Hong Lian with magic. Hong Lian was originally with Sang Dian and experimented on living people. If Resurrecting her to take power will most likely help Prince Rui." Jiang Yichun replied.

Tang Yin frowned, "Can the dead be resurrected?"

"I don't know, but the demon girl Honglian is very weird. She has become a living corpse before. She won't bleed even if she is injured. Even if her arms are cut off, they will automatically grow back. But she has to eat raw human flesh and blood to survive." Jiang Yichun said.

"How can such a person be allowed to cause trouble to the world again? You should take someone there and ask Mo Beishan to help you." Tang Yin said.

Jiang Yichun was a little hesitant. He didn't trust Mo Beishan, but he saw that the emperor was resolute and considered that Mo Beishan could give him evil spirits on the way, so he didn't object.

When he returned home, he saw Bai Ruozhu negotiating with his mother-in-law.

"No, even if the emperor's order cannot be violated, you can't take risks with a few children." Lin Ping'er said with a look of disapproval.

"Mom, there is really no danger. I just want to go and see a doctor for my savior. He is very ill and can't move. He saved my life. I can't just die without saving it, right?" Bai Ruozhu continued to comfort her mother with sincere words. .

Lin Ping'er held her belly and said with a look of disapproval: "Even if there is no danger, how tiring will it be along the way? The two of them are only two months old and can't even sit down. Why is it so bumpy all the way?"

Bai Ruozhu secretly said that the air in her space was so good, and sleeping in it was so comfortable. Where did the turbulence come from?

"We have that special carriage, which is very flat. Besides, they are almost all sleeping. How can they sleep differently?" Bai Ruozhu deliberately said with a grimace, "Does it mean that my mother wants me to be separated from them? I can't bear to do it."

Xiao Dengdeng said excitedly next to her: "When I grow up, I can go out and play with my parents. My father promised to take me to visit the great rivers and mountains."

Lin Ping'er glared at him. She knew how to make fun of her grandson when he was no longer cute. Didn't he feel reluctant to leave his grandma and grandpa?

Jiang Yichun walked in, saluted Lin Ping'er and Bai Yihong, and then said, "Mom, let's take Grandma Zhang with us so we can take the children out for a walk. I will take good care of them."

The son-in-law has already spoken, so the mother-in-law should agree, right?

Who would have thought that Lin Ping'er suddenly started crying, and while crying, she said: "You always travel far away, and you take away several children, taking away my lifeblood, leaving me and your father alone." What should I do?"

"You still have little Chenxi to accompany you." Bai Ruozhu shrank her neck, she didn't want her mother to be sad.

Lin Ping'er continued to cry and said: "I want to hold my granddaughter and grandson together. I don't care. At least leave one for me. You may not be able to take care of three of them well. Otherwise, just keep Bengbeng."

Bai Ruozhu was a little hesitant. Is it really good to separate Bengbeng and Tiaotiao?

"Ouch, ouch, my stomach hurts. You are going to make me mad. No, I'm dizzy..." Seeing Bai Ruozhu's hesitation, Lin Ping'er covered her stomach with one hand and her head with the other and screamed.

Bai Ruozhu and Jiang Yichun looked at each other. Her mother actually used this trick. She couldn't agree to it!

In the end, Bai Ruozhu could only agree to keep Bengbeng. She took her two children out, and Bengbeng was fed by the nurse at home. The nurse and the children first lived in Lin Ping'er's yard.

After leaving the main courtyard, Bai Ruozhu couldn't help but sigh, "Oh, my mother is a bad student."

Jiang Yichun laughed softly. When someone was cheating on him, his daughter-in-law had many ways to deal with them, but when it came to her own mother-in-law, she could only grit her teeth and endure it.

Two days later, Bai Ruozhu and his party left Beiyu City. Mu Yu was the most excited. He bought a lot of jewelry and silk in the past two days, almost using up all the money he had saved over the years. He said he wanted to take it. The betrothal gift goes to Kankan’s father to propose marriage.

Chenfeng was also brought along. His shoulder would need injections every now and then. Bai Ruozhu and Gao Juan were both going to the barbarian tribe, so it would be better for him to accompany them.

But when Chenfeng saw Mu Yu's funny look, he stopped teasing him as before, and instead rode silently behind the team, feeling very depressed and inferior.

Bai Ruozhu took her child on the carriage. She opened the curtains and saw this scene. She felt sad for Chen Feng. Even Mu Yu was wanted by someone, and she didn't know where Chen Feng's marriage was.

If his snake arm cannot be cured, will any girl not be afraid of his snake arm and be with him sincerely?

Dengdeng was very excited on the road. Looking out of the car window, everything he saw was strange. However, Bai Ruozhu told him that he wanted him to help take care of his younger brother. He was still very responsible as an older brother.

The team walked for two days when Jian Qi suddenly picked up someone from behind the team.

"Master, he sneaked into the team and followed." Jian Qi said helplessly.

Bai Ruozhu looked at Bai Zebo who was led by Jian Qi in surprise. Her team was well managed. Bai Zebo had no martial arts skills and didn't know how to disguise himself. How did he get in?

"Please tell me the truth." Bai Ruozhu glared at him.

Bai Zebo pursed his lips, as if he was unwilling to betray the person who helped him.

"Then I'll have someone take you back now. You won't be able to help me if you go, so I'll have to find someone to protect you." Bai Ruozhu said angrily.

"No, Sister Ruozhu, the barbarians are kind to me. I can't live a peaceful life by myself and ignore the crises they are facing. Just let me follow you! Although I don't have any martial arts skills, I can help you with odd jobs. Running errands and delivering messages, etc., I've been practicing Qinggong hard recently." He was afraid that Bai Ruozhu wouldn't believe it, so he suddenly started Qinggong and ran around the carriage.

There has been considerable progress, but just knowing Qing Kung Fu may not necessarily help you protect yourself. Bai Ruozhu is really worried about Bai Zebo following him.

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