Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 1897 Wipe the neck

Bai Ruozhu's heart skipped a beat, Sang Rong recognized her!

After all, Sang Rong is a barbarian priest. He hadn't noticed an ordinary-looking maid before. When he saw it, he couldn't help shouting: "You are Mrs. Bai!"

Bai Ruozhu gritted her teeth and wanted to deny it, but the situation had already reached this point and she had no advantage in denying it anymore. She might as well explain it clearly.

She stood up directly, took off the human skin mask on her face, and said, "Yes, it's me, stop it."

Everyone was dumbfounded when they looked at Bai Ruozhu. A sharp look flashed in Sanji's eyes, and he made an expression of incomprehension, "Didn't Mrs. Bai leave? Why..."

Bai Ruozhu snorted coldly, "I did go back to Danliang. The children were born. I was supposed to take care of my two sons at home, but I didn't want you to secretly resurrect that witch Honglian. You came back to be the regent. It's just to see the secret book that only the barbarian king has the right to read. If I don't come again, I don't know how many women you will kill to resurrect Honglian. Think about it, everyone, how many women have disappeared inexplicably recently? "

"What red lotus?" Sanji covered his chest and coughed, spitting out another mouthful of blood.

Sang Rong said anxiously: "Mrs. Bai, I'm afraid there is some misunderstanding here. What did that woman do to Sanji? Can you treat him first? His health is already bad enough!"

Aosong sneered, "Is he in poor health? You have all been deceived by him! Before, I used evil magic to resurrect the witch, and secretly gave his body a talisman to cure evil things, but the talisman will never harm the human body, but But he vomited blood. If he is not evil himself, but is so powerful that he can detect it immediately, then the physical problem must be disguised."

"Impossible!" A close guard shouted, "I have always protected Mr. Sanchi. He coughed every night. He almost couldn't breathe a few times and even coughed up blood. But he handled the affairs of the clan conscientiously. At the beginning, he was You asked him to be the regent, why did he use sorcery again? Every year, people in the clan disappear. Our living environment is terrible. There are many people who go out to shepherd sheep and never come back. Why do you blame Lord Sanchi? ?”

Bai Ruozhu laughed loudly, "It seems that he is a die-hard fan of his. Since everyone doesn't believe it, just go to his tent and search carefully. It's not like I haven't seen the monsters he raises with my own eyes."

Jiang Yichun held Bai Ruozhu's shoulders and winked at her quietly. He vaguely felt that Sanji was very confident that if they went to search the tent now, they would definitely find nothing.

"Master Priest, you have always said that Ruozhu is a barbarian noble. Why don't you believe her?" Jiang Yichun asked in a calm voice.

Sang Rong was stunned, and then said: "It's not that I don't trust Mrs. Bai, I'm afraid that Mrs. Bai will be taken advantage of by someone with ulterior motives. I watched Sangji grow up, and he has been doing his best to manage government affairs these days, and I I didn’t find anything unusual about him at all.”

When he said "people with a heart", he gave Aosong a fierce look.

"Mu Yu, tell me!" Bai Ruozhu called Mu Yu from behind.

Mu Yu took off the human skin mask and said: "Some of you should have seen me, right? I was killed by Sang Dian before, and I never left after being injured. I saw with my own eyes that he left Honglian's body and took it. To feed young women with their blood, if I wasn’t afraid that you people would be sacrificed by blood again, would it be necessary for me to run all the way here and there?”

Sang Rong looked confused, but he really couldn't see anything wrong with Sanji.

At this time, the guards around Sanji glared at Bai Ruozhu and shouted: "You regret not being the queen, so you came back secretly to frame Master Sanji, right? When we asked you to temporarily take the throne, you were probably being hypocritical. I refuse, because I don’t want Master Sanchi to come back just now, and he manages the clan so well, so you will come back to harm him!”

"Presumptuous!" Jiang Yichun shouted sternly, "Don't forget who saved you from Sang Dian's control. If my wife wants to fight for power, there is no need to refuse the old kingdom's entrustment. How can it be Sangji's turn to sit in that position?"

"Since she has no intention of seizing power, why hasn't she brought Prince Shanta back?" the guard asked unwillingly.

"Then we have to ask your good regent. We searched everywhere for people, but we didn't expect that he locked them up." Jiang Yichun said and glared at Sanji.

Sanji coughed twice more and spat out some blood foam, "How can I hide people? I'm alone and have never even been a member of the clan. How can I have that ability?"

He looked particularly pitiful at the moment, his face was so pale that his blood was almost gone, but there was a trace of blood hanging from the corner of his mouth, which really worried the people around him.

However, he had always been modest and did not speak harshly to Bai Ruozhu and the others. He appeared to be extraordinarily magnanimous and understanding, which made the barbarians sympathize.

Sang Rong didn't know who to believe anymore. He sighed and said, "Sangji can't run away, can you treat him first, and we can figure this out later?"

"I can't see his illness. It's up to him. How can someone with internal strength force himself to vomit blood?" Bai Ruozhu said angrily. She was suddenly a little disappointed with the barbarians. After all, she was not of the same race as them. At the critical moment, you can see who they believe.

"It must be you who poisoned me. Will you give me the antidote?" The excited guards shouted, drawing their swords and pointing them at Bai Ruozhu. The other guards also followed suit and pointed their swords at Bai Ruozhu.

"Get out!" Jiang Yichun's inner strength was so strong that he attacked them. They dared to point a sword at his woman.

There was a muffled groan, and the guard who spoke fell to the ground, spitting out a mouthful of blood. His expression changed drastically, and he suddenly blew a whistle.

A wolf howled not far away. He was calling his pet!

The other guards also hurriedly called their beast pets, as if they were going to fight Bai Ruozhu and the others desperately.

Bai Ruozhu directly let Xiao Hei out. Isn't it just a beast pet? Who is afraid of whom!

Xiao Hei roared angrily at the beasts, clearly acting like the king of beasts. As expected, some of the weaker beasts were so frightened that they couldn't stand straight.

"Mrs. Bai, please stop!" Sanji said in pain, covering his chest, "Are you going to use the barbarian pets to deal with the barbarians? I don't want the barbarians to be stained with blood anymore, so I will give up my position now."

"You really know how to act." Bai Ruozhu sneered.

"Sir, no!" the guard shouted excitedly, "The worst we can do is fight her. Can one of her pet beasts be as powerful as dozens of us?"

There was a sound of footsteps, followed by Du Jin's loud voice: "Who said she only has one pet? We all believe Mrs. Bai!"

He made a gesture, and all the beast pets stood behind Xiao Hei. Xiao Hei raised his head and roared, as if he was going to lead his brothers in a fight.

"Stop it!" Sanji's voice sounded again, "There is no need to fight for me, a dying person. I can die in exchange for the peace of the barbarians."

After saying that, he picked up the meat-cutting dagger on the table and wiped it towards his neck...

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