Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 1907 In the dead of night

"I said I've seen them and they're fine. Don't you trust me? Will I lie to you?" A man said excitedly. Bai Ruozhu took a closer look and saw that it was Jiang Zhen who had been rescued before.

Dujin rushed over on a leopard, "Mrs. Bai, just be okay. This sandstorm is so big that it scared us to death."

"We are fine. How is the situation in the clan?" Bai Ruozhu asked.

"The king led us to fight the wind together. Fortunately, no one died. Only a few people were slightly injured, and it was not too serious. Miss Aosong and the others are all fine. Now the clan is about to move, and the king is worried about you, so he sent me to lead people out to look for you. I was looking for you, but I met this man from the Western Region on the road, and he said that you saved him." Du Jin explained the situation clearly.

Bai Ruozhu nodded, "As long as it's okay, let's go back first."

Everyone returned together, and Du Jin quickly noticed that Bai Ruozhu was in a bad mood. He thought it was a couple quarreling, and did not dare to ask more questions.

Bai Ruozhu quietly looked at Jiang Zhen in front of him. He seemed to get along well with the barbarians, but when he nodded to her and said hello, there was a hint of sadness in his eyes.

He must have buried his sister.

Everyone walked for more than three hours before they caught up with the migrating barbarians. This time Bai Ruozhu saw a different situation.

In fact, she has not encountered the great migration of the barbarians, but she is somewhat aware of the barbarian's long-standing habit, which is that the nobles ride wild animals and gallop around, while the common people carry a lot of salutes on their backs and do the hardest work as porters.

But this time the beast team did not leave early. Each of them brought some things, and some people let their pet animals pull the trailer. Even though they did not share much with the civilians, this was enough to change the situation.

The barbarians have experienced several catastrophes, and the originally sparse population has become even smaller. If they still don't unite now and still have class differences, what if they can be united and rise again in this bitter cold land?

When Sangta saw Bai Ruozhu coming back safely, he smiled at her from a distance and quickly came to greet her.

"As long as you are fine, how is the child?" Shanta asked.

"We encountered a sandstorm on the way there. The child is in a safe place." Bai Ruozhu returned with a smile.

Jiang Yichun stepped between the two of them and said to Sangta: "You are not in good health, so you should let your pet carry you as soon as possible."

Shanta smiled, nodded towards Bai Ruozhu, and turned to look for Xuanfeng.

Jiang Yichun was not used to it. This kid had fought with him many times before, but now he left without saying a word? Isn't this so unlike him?

Bai Ruozhu gave Jiang Yichun an angry look and whispered, "You are so jealous."

Aunt Zhang came over and hugged Deng Deng, her eyes were red and she said, "Young master seems to have grown taller. I miss you so much."

Bai Ruozhu couldn't help laughing. It's only been a few days, how can it grow so fast? But Grandma Zhang’s feelings for Xiao Dengdeng are real.

Now her space has changed again. In addition to Deng Deng and the others who are related to her, there are also people who can stay in it when she leaves. If there is a need in the future, she decides to let Aunt Zhang take care of the child. She believes that Aunt Zhang can take care of the child. Grandma is reliable.

Xiao Dengdeng hugged Grandma Zhang's neck and said, "Mammy, I miss you too. Look, I'm getting stronger."

As he spoke, he also raised his little arms to show off his muscles, which made everyone around him laugh.

Jiang Yichun discussed with Gao Zhan and the others, and neither of them planned to migrate with the barbarians. They were afraid that Bai Ruozhu would be uneasy, so they asked her what she meant.

"It's already late today. It's time to set up camp and rest. We'll leave tomorrow morning," Bai Ruozhu said.

She was worried about Shantae, but she knew that Shantae had to stand up on her own, so it made no difference whether she stayed or not.

Everyone agreed. When the barbarians heard that they were leaving, they held a bonfire party that night.

Someone roasted a whole lamb on the fire, and the smell of the lamb made people salivate. After the lamb was roasted, Shanta ordered the lamb to be divided into small portions, and each commoner was given a portion.

Many people showed surprise. In the past, in the barbarian tribe, civilians were qualified to herd sheep, but they were not qualified to eat mutton with the nobles all the time, especially after such a big sandstorm, the tribe lost a lot of sheep.

"Why are you so stunned? You can replenish your physical strength by eating meat, so you can travel a lot tomorrow." Shanta said loudly.

Bai Ruozhu smiled at him and gave him a thumbs up. Shanta had really changed a lot, but she felt that this change was not due to her, but more to the hardships he had experienced, which made him stand out from the pride of heaven. It slowly settled down.

The barbarians all cheered, everyone ate meat and drank wine, and the bonfire party lasted until late.

In the dead of night, a figure flashed out quickly. If Bai Ruozhu saw him at this moment, he would definitely praise the other person's Qinggong.

"You had a good time, you really enjoyed it." A figure in the darkness said sourly.

Jiang Zhen snorted coldly, "I have gained their trust and will set off with them tomorrow. You should leave as soon as possible to avoid being found out."

"You were lucky enough to encounter a sandstorm, but how did they hide at that time? I think they just disappeared out of thin air. Didn't they hide some secrets? You have to check it out."

Jiang Zhen didn't see anything clearly at the time, and he was pretending to be dazed, so he could only nod and say, "I will keep a close eye on them."

"I'll contact you when I get the chance. Let's go." The black shadow flashed and disappeared into the night.

Jiang Zhen stopped by to relieve himself, and then quietly returned to the tent.

Early the next morning, Bai Ruozhu and the others said goodbye to the barbarians and embarked on the road back home.

Compared to when we arrived, there were a few more people in the team, including Aosong and her four maids, as well as Jiang Zhen, who knew Qigong.

Jiang Zhen asked Mo Beishan to take him with him. Mo Beishan didn't dare to agree casually, so he asked Jiang Yichun. Jiang Yichun thought of what happened in the sandstorm and agreed. Thinking that she could help Jiang Zhen, Ruozhu would feel better.

As for Aosong, she told Bai Ruozhu, but she didn't talk about it at all. She just rode on a snow camel, came close to Bai Ruozhu and said, "Sister Bai, I want to go with you."

Bai Ruozhu was a little surprised, "Didn't you solve the barbarian's evil spell and go home?"

"I still have to find an aunt of mine who has been away from home for many years. I suspect that she went to Danliang." Aosong said and suddenly looked at Gao Chan not far away, "Uncle, I heard that Sang Dian made thousands of You broke the human blood sacrifice, how did you know how to break it?"

Gao Juan has now recovered his voice. He lowered his head slightly and did not look at Aosong. "An expert taught me the cracking technique. What's wrong? Is there any problem?"

"The master you are talking about is a woman, right?" Aosong's eyes lit up.

Gao Juan said in a deep voice: "It's an old man who is older than me. You must have mistaken the person."


I found that everyone was complaining about Ruozhu's blindness. Isn't this written yet? Everyone expressed their concern~ In addition, the space part has indeed been upgraded.

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