Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 1925 Things between men

Bai Lu glared at him, "Who do you call the clan leader? You have committed an offense and have been expelled from the clan by the Bai family."

Bai Yibo was not angry, and said with a smile: "Even if I am expelled from the clan, why am I still Bai Zepei's uncle, so I can always come to the wedding bar?"

At this time, the people who came were either nobles or court officials. When they saw Bai Yibo talking like this, they couldn't help showing contempt. Some even asked in a low voice: "How come the Bai family has such relatives?"

Sanlang had sharp ears. When he heard it, he immediately stared at him and said fiercely: "What are you talking about? Bai Yihong was raised by my father. Now that he is rich, he will not recognize us. Bai Zepei was also raised by our family. How can he not recognize us when he becomes the second best person?" Are you here?"

Bai Yihong's beard trembled with anger. Fortunately, he had just asked someone to help Lin Ping'er back, otherwise Lin Ping'er would have been so angry.

He walked over quickly and said in a good voice: "Brother, Sanlang, today is a good day for Zepei to get married. Give me some face and sit down and have a drink."

"Give you face? You didn't even send us a wedding invitation. When did you give us face?" Bai Yibo shouted, as if he was barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes.

Jiang Yichun wanted to go over and take care of the people, but Bai Ruozhu held him down and whispered, "I'll go take a look."

She walked over with a smile on her face and said unhurriedly: "On this happy day, why are you so hard on us? Back then, you were jealous of my second brother's talent and knowledge, and wrote on the wall in the village that you wanted to kill our whole family. You also cursed my second brother to not be able to get the honors. How dare we invite you? We can’t affect the enjoyment of today’s guests, right?”

"You're talking nonsense!" Bai Yibo shouted, "It wasn't you who did it, otherwise how could I have done those things while drunk?"

"Talking the truth after drinking, okay, today my second brother is getting married, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you. If you want to eat, you can sit down and eat and drink. If you don't want to, please leave. No matter how ungrateful or looking down on you, don't be here. That's nonsense." Bai Ruozhu felt that arguing with him would be worthless, so she just said it.


Bai Yibo pointed at Bai Ruozhu and wanted to scold her, but Bai Ruozhu helped her father go and continued to eat. Bai Yibo rolled his eyes, pulled Sanlang to sit down, and said, "If you don't eat, you won't eat. I'm too lazy to follow." You're a woman with common sense, and you don't feel embarrassed if a woman comes to the men's table."

"Ruozhu is a fourth-grade official, so don't talk nonsense." Bai Lu said rudely.

Bai Yibo hummed a few more words, and was quickly attracted by the food and wine on the table. He pulled Sanlang to eat and drink.

When everyone saw that the farce was over, they gave face to the Bai family and the Si family, laughed and continued to drink the wedding wine lively.

At this time, the bride had to stay in the wedding room, and the groom was responsible for toasting to the guests. Bai Zepei ignored Bai Yibo and his son, and went to the table to toast and say some words of thanks.

He was toasting at a table, and someone from another table not far away suddenly shouted: "Groom, why don't you come to toast?"

The voice was a little angry and a little drunk. It seemed that the other party had drunk too much.

Bai Ruozhu looked over hurriedly and quickly recognized the person calling. Isn't it Ma Linglong's brother Ma Jinan?

When Ma Linglong approached Princess Yingtong and instigated her to see Bai Zepei, it was because her brother Ma Jinan had always liked Si Yihuan.

Before, Bai Ruozhu had someone go to the women's guest seat, but the Si family did not invite Ma Linglong. Ma Linglong's husband's family only came to see Mrs. Ji and Miss Ji.

But because the Ma family was related to the Si family, Ma Jinan came over anyway.

Bai Zepei was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Okay, I'll be there later."

He politely confessed to the guests at the table, and then walked towards Ma Jin'an.

Ma Jinan's cheeks and eyes became red after drinking, and he became like this not long after the banquet started. It was probably because he had a poor drinking capacity, and he was drunk again, which made him drunk so quickly.

Not far away, Prime Minister Si glanced here, frowned slightly, and turned to glare at the Ma family master.

Si Yihuan's father sighed slightly. He knew what Ma Jinan was thinking, but unfortunately his daughter didn't like Ma Jinan, and the Ma family and the Si family were not suitable for marriage, so he had to suffer for the child.

"It's Cousin Ma, I'd like to toast you." Bai Zepei raised his glass and drank it in one gulp.

Ma Jinan was stunned. He liked to hear the title "cousin" from Si Yihuan the most. Seeing that another man followed Si Yihuan and called him "cousin", he felt even more uncomfortable.

He raised his glass and drank it all in one gulp, and then filled it up, "I also want to toast you a glass, and wish you and Yi Huan a hundred years of reconciliation and a son soon!"

Bai Zepei filled the bottle with wine, and the two of them drank it.

"I'd like to propose another toast to you. I wish you a happy couple and a further career!"

"Come, I'll toast you with this drink for my cousin. You have to treat her well, otherwise I won't be able to spare you!"


Ma Jinan toasted five or six glasses in a row, and Bai Zepei kept smiling and said yes, and drank one glass at a time with him.

Bai Ruozhu was a little worried, wouldn't she get her second brother drunk? She wanted to go over and persuade her, but Jiang Yichun stopped her and whispered: "This is a matter between men. If you come forward, your second brother will be embarrassed."

Bai Ruozhu couldn't help but curl her lips, man, man, men's brain circuits are indeed different from ours!

She had no sympathy for Ma Jinan at all. Si Zai did not choose Ma Jinan as his grandson-in-law at first, not only because Si Yihuan had no feelings for Ma Jinan, but also because Ma Jinan was not worthy of the position of the Si family's grandson-in-law. He is not uneducated, but he only passed the exam and was one of the last ones. It is true that he is infatuated with Si Yihuan, but you can't have wishful thinking. If you really want to marry someone, work hard instead of just hurting him. Spring mourns autumn.

If Ma Jinan gets a Jinshi, not only second place, third best, but second best, his status in the eyes of Prime Minister Si will be higher.

Just as Bai Ruozhu was thinking about it, there was a sudden shout of applause from over there. Ma Jinan slapped the table and shouted: "Okay! Bai Zepei, you are indeed a cheerful person. I admire you and wish you and your cousin the best again. Go and do your work. I won't disturb you anymore." .”

When he finished speaking, he was almost lying on the table. The Ma family master hurriedly asked the boy to help him out, not wanting Bai Yibo to come over.

"Little brother, how could he have fooled you after just a few glasses of wine? Don't be fooled by his treacherous appearance! He is very scheming. Otherwise, how could I, an uncle, be so harmed by him that he even lost his place as a scholar?" Bai Bai Yibo rolled his eyes. He guessed that Ma Jinan and Bai Zepei had a grudge. He wanted to see the two of them quarrel, but didn't want them to reconcile. Bai Yibo was unwilling to give up, and after drinking some more wine, he went over to find trouble.

"Bai Yibo, that's enough. You cheated on the exam yourself and were expelled from the clan, but you still have the nerve to blame others?" Bai Lu said angrily. He didn't want to affect other guests, so he kept his voice as low as possible, but he still attracted everyone. Everyone stopped and looked at Bai Zepei curiously, wanting to see how he would deal with it.


As mentioned yesterday, I will update two chapters in a row~

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