Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 1928 Yuan Pa

Si Yihuan hurriedly went to the bed to check and picked up the dried fruits near Bai Zepei's body one by one. Feeling uneasy thinking about it, he simply used all his strength to turn Bai Zepei to the inside of the bed and swept the bed thoroughly.

While she was busy with all this, she felt a little suffocated by the heavy wedding dress. She reached out to pick up the collar button, but suddenly thought of someone else in the room, her hand stopped again.

Finally, Si Yihuan stood up, went to blow on the red candle, and then carefully sat on the outside of the bed.

She sat there for a long time without feeling sleepy, and felt a little confused, so she started talking in a low voice.

"I didn't know what it meant to like someone before. It was said that they were like my parents, but I didn't understand that. I just liked to eat and eat all kinds of delicious food. So my mother said that I didn't look like a girl, so she was afraid of me. He became a big fat man because of eating. Even after I found out that you and I were engaged, I didn’t think much about it. I just thought that you weren’t ugly and I just didn’t hate you.”

"But I don't know why, I suddenly feel nervous now. You definitely won't like a wife like me, right?" Si Yihuan's voice was muffled, and he seemed to be talking to himself: "It is said that men don't like it either. Foodie, I know so many people, but Ruozhu is the only one who says foodie is pretty good."

The man on the bed blinked. In fact, he was not asleep. It was not that he was pretending to be drunk. He was really drunk when he entered the door. Plus, after being tired for a day, he just wanted to fall asleep, but he fell down on the bed. He was awakened by those dried fruits, and he was too drunk.

He very much suspected that this was the real purpose of those Xi Pos putting dried fruits on the bed.

Because he was embarrassed and didn't know how to face Si Yihuan, he simply continued to pretend to be drunk, but he knew every move she made. Even when Si Yihuan pushed him toward the bed, he was nervous, thinking that Si Yihuan was going to take off his clothes.

It turned out that Si Yihuan helped him get rid of those damn dried fruits, and he couldn't help but feel relieved, as if a warm current was flowing through him.

When she blew out the red candle, he was too sleepy to open his eyes, but he didn't want her to talk alone.

Hearing those words, he felt a little uncomfortable. This was a nice girl. Since he married someone, he should treat her well. His wife was not a decoration, but a person to be with for the rest of his life.

Maybe, he should learn to accept her.

Not long after, Si Yihuan undressed and lay down, and soon he breathed evenly and fell into sleep. Bai Zepei raised the corner of his mouth and fell asleep quickly.

Early the next morning, the maid outside woke up Si Yihuan and said, "Second Young Madam, it's time to get up and serve tea to the Master and Madam."

Si Yihuan didn't realize it. She didn't like the title "Second Young Madam" yet. It was only when Bai Zepei moved that she remembered that it was the voice of her personal maid.

"You drank too much last night and you were tired." Bai Zepei's voice was a little hoarse. It seemed that he was exhausted yesterday.

"No, it's okay." Si Yihuan became nervous and couldn't speak clearly.

Bai Zepei stood up, turned over her, and said, "I'm going to change clothes and wash up first, and then I'll go to the room to serve tea to my parents."

"Okay." Si Yihuan felt that when he turned over just now, his face was extremely close to hers, and his heart started beating unexpectedly.

Bai Zepei went behind the screen to change out of his wedding clothes that smelled of alcohol. The maid here also came into the room and helped Si Yihuan get water to wash up.

Seeing that she was still wearing the wedding dress from last night, the eldest maid hesitated to speak, but Si Yihuan soon understood.

She was so frightened that she almost spilled the basin of water.

Oh my god, she didn't consummate the marriage with him, and she didn't have a Yuanpa. How was she going to explain it to the nun next to her mother-in-law after she went to serve tea? Wouldn't her husband's family look down upon her?

But how was she going to explain it? Could it be that she was complaining that your son drank too much and couldn't get up, so he didn't consummate the marriage with me?

How could she say this? What should I do?

She looked towards the figure behind the screen, did she want to tell him?

She shook her head subconsciously, her face burning. She didn't want to say such embarrassing words!

The maid next to her saw her shaking her head for a while and blushing for a while. She guessed that her young lady was not angry with her uncle, right? Did the two of them really not have a bridal chamber?

The eldest maid couldn't help but sweat for the young lady, and silently made up her mind in her heart. If the young lady was misunderstood by her mother-in-law, she would have to help her speak out even if she risked her life.

Si Yihuan's dowry maid was carefully selected by her mother-in-law and was very loyal and reliable.

Soon Bai Zepei changed into casual clothes and took Si Yihuan, who had changed clothes, to the bedroom.

Because Lin Ping'er was still in confinement, the tea ceremony was moved to Lin Ping'er's room. As a result, Lin Ping'er drank the tea willingly, gave Si Yihuan a red envelope, waved her hand and said, "You guys, please go out." Well, I’ll leave them to have breakfast together today.”

Bai Yihong and the others hurriedly took turns giving red envelopes and then left. Of course, those left behind are the women in the family, including Wang Caiyue, Bai Ruozhu, Fang Guizhi, and the anxious Si Yihuan.

But Si Yihuan did not forget his nature as a foodie. He ate the Bai family's crystal shrimp dumplings and immediately put his worries behind him. He even thought to himself: Sure enough, marrying into the Bai family was the right thing to do. Even the breakfast was so good. eat.

After breakfast, Lin Ping'er let them go and told Si Yihuan to go back and rest, so as not to get tired.

When Si Yihuan returned to the courtyard anxiously, and no nanny came to her to get the Yuanpa until lunch time, she felt slightly relieved.

When we went to bed together at noon, Bai Zepei suddenly turned around and asked, "Are you nervous about something? Don't worry, everyone in the family is very easy to get along with."

Si Yihuan's mind was filled with Yuan Pa, and she subconsciously said what she was thinking before she even regained consciousness.


After saying that, she regretted it, her face suddenly turned red to the root of her neck, "I, I didn't mean anything else."

Bai Zepei looked ashamed. He had indeed not considered this matter before. According to ordinary aristocrats, Yuan Pa would have to see Yuan Pa on the second day after the wedding. It is no wonder that Si Yihuan has been haunted.

He coughed twice, suppressed the embarrassment in his heart, and said, "Our family doesn't watch that, so don't be nervous. You will gradually understand in the future. There are not many rules in the family. It's just that parents like to get together for dinner." Eat, and don’t have the habit of keeping silent after eating.”

Our family...these two words made Si Yihuan feel warm in her heart. She felt that she would be able to integrate into the Bai family very quickly.

She breathed a huge sigh of relief, "If I had known that I would ask you so early in the morning, I would lose my appetite for food."

Bai Zepei couldn't help laughing, "Then you can eat more later."

Si Yihuan turned to look at his side face and thought blankly that she had never noticed that his side face was so beautiful and his smile was so warm.

Sure enough, lunch was very lively. The Bai family chatted with each other, and the room was not deserted at all. Si Yihuan also occasionally said a few words, with a smile on her face and eyes. She wanted to live like this. It will definitely be very comfortable.

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