Abandoned Woman Busy Farming

Chapter 1961 Double Gu Illusion

Bai Ruozhu felt her chest was tight and hurriedly swallowed a green pill. She had given it to everyone before, and the others hurriedly took it.

Immediately, the secret guards sprinkled white powder on the black shadow to suppress the movement and smell of the Gu insects.

"It's a small trick, you're just looking for death!" Black Shadow shouted coldly and attacked this way.

Ji Ling's face turned a little pale, and several machine beasts were thrown out at the same time, "Wei Yu, it is you indeed. If you dare to come out, I will take your head from your neck today!"

The figure was revealed. It was a man who looked very thin, because he was completely wrapped in black clothes, with a black cloak on him, and a big cloak hat covering most of his head. Face, no one can get a glimpse of his appearance.

However, Ji Ling could recognize that person just by listening to his voice. The person she once loved but spent her whole life hating.

Wei Yu paused for a moment, seeming a little surprised, but soon he released the Gu worms and fought against Ji Ling's machine beast.

"Ji Ling, you were no match for me before, and you are no match for me now. For the sake of our relationship as husband and wife, I don't want to kill you. Return my apprentice to me and I will leave immediately." Wei Yu said.

Bai Ruozhu sneered after hearing this, saying that he seemed to miss his old relationship too much, but as long as he had some feelings, he would not use his daughter to raise Gu and sacrifice his own flesh and blood.

"You don't deserve to talk to her, you will die here today!" Feng Jiu drew her sword and rushed over.

"Oh, who am I talking about? It turns out that you still miss her." Wei Yu's voice was sarcastic, "I think if I hadn't seen you liking her so much, I wouldn't have chased her after her. Now I still remember your expression when we got married, hahaha."

Wei Yu laughed wildly, "No matter how powerful your Feng family is, haven't you been stepped on by me?"

After he finished speaking, he opened his mouth, and a huge Gu insect came out of his mouth and flew towards Feng Jiu.

Bai Ruozhu felt nauseated when she saw it. That Gu must be the Phoenix Gu, but how could such a big one be in his body? Wouldn't a person die?

Her little fur ball looks better, it’s so small and very cute.

"Little fur ball, go help Feng Jiu." Bai Ruozhu ordered.

The little fur ball rushed over excitedly, and soon Phoenix Gu was attracted by the little fur ball. When the little fur ball saw it, it wanted to devour it, and it also wanted to devour the little fur ball.

"Hey, there is such a treasure, let me take it away with you today." Wei Yu's voice became excited when he saw the little fur ball. When he stretched out his hand, countless Gu insects came out of his sleeves.

Everyone wanted to resist the Gu insects, but it was difficult for them to get into Wei Yu's body, and he released the Gu insects from time to time, as if he couldn't kill them all.

At this time, Bai Ruozhu noticed something moving under Wei Yu's cloak. She squinted her eyes to take a closer look and found that they were densely packed with insects.

This man used his body as a huge container and raised so many voodoo insects that he needed a large amount of medicinal materials. Otherwise, if he could not feed the voodoo bugs, they would bite back and eat his master's.

Sure enough, Wei Yu suddenly took out something and stuffed it into his mouth, making a crunching sound. Bai Ruozhu guessed what kind of medicinal material it was, but because of the dark light at night, she couldn't see clearly what it was.

"No!" Ji Ling shouted and rushed towards the medicine vat containing Lan'er. I saw densely packed Gu insects surrounding the medicine tank, crawling upwards quickly. They would soon get Lan'er out, and without the medicine to suppress it, Wu Wanqing might wake up!

Ji Ling slashed desperately with her sword, and finally swept away many Gu insects, temporarily relieving the crisis. But the next second, those Gu insects crawled towards her again. She started to slash, but the Gu insects followed her. The shoes climbed up her legs.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Bai Ruozhu hurriedly said to the little fur ball: "That's the only thing left, turn it on!"

The little fur ball's body flashed with white light, but the phoenix Gu fighting with it also flashed with red light, and the two rays of light collided fiercely.

Bai Ruozhu's eyes hurt from being stabbed, but the next second she realized that the surrounding environment had changed, and it was no longer the courtyard where they were fighting.

There are bamboo buildings here, with lush green grass at their feet and towering green mountains behind them. Where is she?

"Little fur ball? Where is this?" Bai Ruozhu called softly, but got no response. She couldn't find the little fur ball!

She was startled and wanted to enter the space to check, but found that she could not enter the space.

"Come on, the trial is about to start. I don't want to be late and be scolded by the great elder." Several young people suddenly ran towards this side, and the leader said to the others.

Bai Ruozhu looked at the people in special clothes and wanted to find a place to hide, but it was too late.

The next second those people ran past her, but it was as if they couldn't see her at all.

She stood there blankly, watching them run away, and murmured: "How could this happen? Is this the Jiuli tribe?"

Yes, she recognized that sincer's clothing was the same as that of the Jiuli people who temporarily lived in Baifu.

At this time, the youngest of the young people suddenly turned his head and seemed to see Bai Ruozhu.

"Why hasn't Little Bell come yet?" The man muttered, then turned back and continued running forward.

Bai Ruozhu's eyes widened, was that Feng Jiu just now?

Yes, he looked very similar to Feng Jiu, but he was about twenty years younger than Feng Jiu and looked like he was only fifteen or sixteen years old.

Is she in a dreamland? Or the Jiuli tribe more than 20 years ago?

Bai Ruozhu's head was spinning rapidly, how could this happen? She asked the little furball to create an illusion for Wei Yu, and after the little furball used this special skill, he would fall asleep for a few days. She had no choice but to use it easily, but she also entered the illusion. Why?

By the way, it was the red light from the phoenix Gu. The phoenix Gu must also be able to create illusions. As a result, it collided with the skills of the little fur ball and pulled everyone into the illusion.

Thinking of this, Bai Ruozhu didn't dare to delay any longer. She had to look everywhere to see where everyone else was.

She had just taken two steps when a black shadow jumped over, "Master, it's me!"

"Jian Qi, you came in too. Did you find anything?" Bai Ruozhu breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Jian Qi.

"This is an illusion, but I can't get out. I guess it's caused by phoenix Gu, and the one who controls this place is the one with the strongest will among us." Jian Qi said.

Bai Ruozhu nodded, she felt the same way, but it seemed that Feng Jiu didn't know that she had entered an illusion, while she and Jian Qi were awake. Maybe this was due to the little fur ball.

"Let's go and find someone first. They can't see me." Bai Ruozhu said.

Jian Qi showed surprise, "Someone could see me. I knocked them out and hid them."

Bai Ruozhu was even more puzzled. She thought that neither Jian Qi nor her were confused by the illusion, so no one else could see them. But Jian Qi and her were in different situations, so what happened?

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